The female reporter Kelly was also deeply shocked by Allen’s fighting posture, and then after receiving the news from the front desk, Kelly immediately turned back and said excitedly:

“Audience friends, the surprise is coming, next, our superhero, Iron Man Tony Stark will synchronously connect with us and explain the battle for us, of course, the focus is on Alan Hammer’s technology!”

“With this expert here, I think everyone can see it clearly!”

Kelly said, and the main desk immediately began to connect Tony and her side, and Tony’s flirtatious voice immediately came over:

“Good evening, spectators all over the world, and I’m going to explain the battle to you, so that you know how much Alan Hammer is hiding from the world, but I already know his strength!”

“Thank you very much Mr. Stark for coming, so please Mr. Stark first talk about some of the technologies that Alan Hammer has just used!” The metal orb floating next to him, and why his bullets were infinite, and how the gun in his hand had just appeared, and… And there is… ”

“Of course, I’ll explain them all! Before the two monsters have attacked again, and Little Hammer has not shown more, I will first tell you about the techniques he has just used! ”

Tony sorted out his thoughts during his own experiment and continued:

“First of all, that metal ball! This is the only assistant that little Hammer has developed for a few months, using a new type of material he has synthesized, a substance similar to intelligent liquid metal! ”

“And it’s clear that there’s a separate intelligent system that can do all sorts of things as little Hammer asks, which is convenient isn’t it?”

Tony didn’t yet know that Alan’s consciousness was connected to the ball, and he saw that Alan’s mouth was moving, so he didn’t think about it.

In fact, Alan is just used to speaking out, otherwise Alan does not need to open his mouth at all, he only needs to control the ball with his consciousness.

“Then there is the pistol that suddenly appears in Alan’s hand, which is the legendary ‘space technology’, Allen has been studying space technology for a long time, but only recently there has been a breakthrough, but I don’t know how far Allen’s ‘space technology’ can do, but it is certainly impossible to transmit organic matter!”

“And I believe that the bullets in his pistol will never run out, and I also use space technology to help him change the cartridge, and the light from the metal ball from time to time can explain the problem!”

I have to say that Tony is still that Tony, extremely smart and very sensitive to any technology.

“As for his frozen bullets, do you remember his star product, the Frozen Grenade? That’s it! ”

Tony certainly didn’t say all about Allen’s techniques, such as the anti-gravity technique that made the ball float.

Tony just understood what Alan wanted, came to push Alan, and believed that after today, no one would dare to hit Alan’s attention.

After Tony’s explanation, people all over the world suddenly realized that Alan, who had made them feel mysterious, was not so mysterious at this time.

But only those who really know something about ‘space technology’ will know how terrible the technology that Allen now has at his disposal is.

As Tony’s side finished explaining, the Hulk’s side was completely angry.

Only to see Hulk’s body suddenly soar by one meter, suddenly raise his feet and stomp on it, the powerful force immediately made Hulk jump high, reach a height of tens of meters and then smash down hard at Allen.

“The grass, strength and speed have become much stronger, and the body seems to be much tougher, it seems that it cannot be taken lightly, and we must first deal with the hatred!”

As soon as Alan looked at the Hulk, he knew that Hulk’s endless anger was beginning to threaten, which made Alan feel as if things were a little out of his control.

So Alan took the opportunity to rush at Alan’s hatred again.

Only to see Alan holding two guns, suddenly like a cheetah rushing towards the oncoming hatred, the speed is very fast, people can’t believe that Alan is still human.

“Give me death!”

Disgusted and excited, thinking that Alan was panicking to avoid the Hulk in the air, he ran towards him, so he immediately looked up and prepared to explode Alan’s head with the force of the accelerated charge.

“Floating Shovel!”

But just as Alan and Abomination were about to collide, Allen suddenly reached forward with his feet outstretched, slid like a tackle in a soccer ball, and his speed immediately surged.


The hatred that did not have time to react was hit by Alan’s shovel, and a force immediately threw the hatred high, and his hands and feet were constantly scratching and beating in the air.

“Ball, replace the revolver with a characteristic bullet, vibration, penetration bullet!”

“Deadly Return!”

And Alan, who continued to glide, suddenly stopped in a strange moment, and the right hand holding the revolver at a speed that completely violated the laws of physics reflexively shot at the waist of the hate.



As the gunshot rang out, Hate let out a howl of pain, a sharp pain that pierced his heart made Hate feel a little unable to breathe, and then horror filled his mind.

“How can it be, even if it is a penetrating bullet of your protective umbrella, unless it is a sniper bullet, it will not be able to penetrate my powerful and tough body at all!”

Roaring in disbelief, a revolver actually shot through his body, and red blood immediately flowed out.

“Nothing is impossible, but your blood is still red, no wonder no matter how strong Hulk is, people’s blood is green!”

Alan laughed, but did not intend to leave it at that, but was ready to destroy the hatred at once.

‘Fatal Shot’, a rover gunner shoots a bullet with a revolver that has been carefully calculated to increase its power, with extremely high lethality and penetration.

‘Deadly Throwback’ is developed on the basis of ‘Fatal Shot’ with the powerful physical skills of the roaming gunner, which can turn around and shoot ‘deadly shots’ at the rear in any situation with incredible physical skills.

Plus Alan had just filled the revolver with a characteristic bullet, vibration, penetration bullet.

The penetrating power of the penetrating bullet, coupled with the vibration force of the characteristic bullet vibration, can make it possible to punch the hateful tough body through it.

(Although the family affairs have been handled almost, but there are still some finishing work, it is estimated that it will take about a week, the outbreak that was originally planned to be on the shelves yesterday could not break out, and today’s efforts are more than two chapters, which is an outbreak!) )

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