As Abomination was greatly hurt, Alan turned two steps below Abomination, and as Abomination was about to fall, his hands propped up again, and his two slender legs shook again.

“Bang bang bang!”

“Floating robbery!”

After two consecutive laps of flicking, the powerful force kicked on the body of the abomination, and the stomach of the abomination kicked the stomach and could not be shouted out, and after the completion of Alan’s hands on the ground, a powerful force suddenly erupted, holding Allen’s whole body up.

A trace of black gas came out of Alan’s legs, which was the power of dark magic, and then he kicked straight on Abomination’s chin, and several times more powerful than before, he kicked Abomination into the air again.

“Gun God Awakening, Crazy Slaughter!”

After Alan landed, looking at the rising abomination, he suddenly put his hands out, took a deep breath, gave a low sigh, his arms trembled slightly, and then began to shoot wildly at the abomination in the air.

This time Allen’s shooting speed was almost ten times faster, and the people in front of the TV saw that Alan’s arms seemed to become blurred, because the rapid shaking of the gun shook the air, blurring the camera’s imaging.

The bullets fired by Alan were connected into orange-red lines of fire, which was enough to see how fast Alan was shooting, and the bullets were trained into a line that could be seen.

In just one second, the light of the ball kept flashing, and within a second, Allen’s 300-shot automatic pistol had changed three magazines, and the bullets of the revolver did not know how much had been changed.

The rate of fire was too fast, and even the speed at which the Abomination fell became very slow, and the whole person of the Abomination immediately became bloody.

Even if Allen’s pistol had a hard time breaking through the flesh of the hateful toughness, if successive bullets hit the same place at the same time, then tenacity was just a joke.

The killing continued, and when three seconds later, the blood-soaked body was about to fall to the ground, and Alan’s legs were thrown upside down again, and the shooting of his hands did not stop at all.

Alan himself kept appearing up and down in the abomination, kicking and punching the abomination’s body wildly and quickly, while constantly shooting.

The bullets formed an orange-red ribbon that completely captured the eyes of the world’s people with Allen’s powerful and gorgeous shot.

People all over the world are immersed in Allen’s artistically gorgeous shooting at this moment.


I don’t know how long it took, maybe a century, maybe ten seconds, and the abomination finally fell heavily to the ground, and at the same time fell to Alan.

Only to see the falling Alan’s legs condensed into a strong black light and slammed into the ground.


The rubble under Alan’s feet flew in an instant, and the hatred on the ground was once again shaken into the air by this force, but this time, the body of the abomination could no longer hold on.


In an instant, Abomination’s whole body strangely spewed out a large amount of misty blood, yes, it was an extremely fine mist, because Abomination’s blood had been shattered by Allen’s rapid shooting.

The body of the abomination became soft and soft like mud and fell to the ground like a strange rubber, and there was no sound at all.

There was silence, and at this moment the whole world seemed to be silent.

The people in front of the TV all had their eyes wide open, and watched in a daze as Alan in a suit stood indifferently in front of the abominated corpse.

Even the Hulk, who had not hit Alan and smashed the ground out of a crater, looked at Alan in a daze.

“S., Mr. Stark?”

I don’t know how long it took for the female reporter Kelly to come back to her senses, swallow her saliva and ask cautiously, as if afraid of disturbing this quiet world.

“This should have nothing to do with technology… Everyone has also seen that Allen’s shooting movements and speed are not at all human beings can achieve, and he may have some superpowers himself! ”

Alan has superpowers, and that’s what Tony had in mind.

From the first time Alan showed his strength in front of Tony, when he went to Afghanistan to save Tony, when Alan rushed into the terrorist crowd to kill, and when Alan easily lifted the box containing weapons weighing thousands of kilograms, Tony suspected that Alan had superpowers.

But Alan didn’t take the initiative to say, and Tony didn’t take the initiative to ask.

Now that he had seen Allen’s shooting and physical skills even more shocking than the last time, Tony was more and more sure of his idea.

“Little Hammer, this boy, so he killed Bronsky?” Quick, pick me up Nick Fury! ”

Rose also recovered from the shock at this time, and suddenly his face was very ugly, and he commanded the soldiers next to him.

“Hey, Rose, what happened to the street you just asked you to clean up?” Alan Hammer asked for a place that needed four blocks to be a battlefield! ”

Fury accepted Rose’s call request and glanced at Natasha, who was also in shock, before asking slowly.

“Four blocks is just right, just now it was little Hammer who sounded the alarm, there are basically no ordinary people in the four blocks around, but I need you to let little Hammer’s men be merciful, Hulk can’t have a problem, it’s best to be able to catch it alive, you know how much I paid for Hulk, how much effort I spent!”

Ross said eagerly.

“Don’t think about it, Alan Hammer is out of my control, and you must not give you Hulk again, you can’t control it at all, this time you are making too much noise, and only after the battle to calculate the casualties and impact can you decide where you go!”

Fury coldly said the words that made Ross fall into the ice cellar, and Ross held the phone in a daze, not even feeling that Fury hung up.

Rose only knew that, in any case, he might have to take a break for a while, though it wasn’t what he wanted to do, though there was a lot of support behind him.

“It’s up to you, Hulk!”

Alan stood in place and took a deep breath, then looked at the hateful corpse at his feet, and looked sharply at the Hulk in front of him.

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