
The answer to Allen was a roar, and Hulk instinctively sensed Alan’s threat, especially after Allen’s torture and hatred.

At this time, the Hulk changed from more than 2 meters tall to more than three meters to nearly four meters high, full of muscle knots, and the explosive force made Alan feel a little frightened.

“This Hulk seems to be a little different, won’t it really let his endless anger grow?” Remember that the later Hulk was not so powerful! ”

Alan did not know that the Hulk was still a monster with low intelligence and could not rely entirely on anger, and in this case he could not suppress his anger.

The reason why the Hulk in the back is greatly reduced is because he slowly has wisdom, can even speak, and finally merges with Bruce.

The Hulk, who has wisdom and sanity, can distinguish between his teammates and can do what his teammates ask for, but the price is to suppress his own source of strength—– anger!

This time, Alan will see the power of Hulk’s endless rage.

“Hulk Strike!”

Seeing that although Hulk was not very intelligent, he was still very sensitive to fighting, and he knew that it was very difficult to rush to Alan, so he thought of other ways.

Only to see Hulk’s hands held high, the knotted muscles gave people a strong shock, as Hulk violently hammered the ground, a whole half block of ground began to shatter, and the crack quickly extended towards Alan.

“Has the way it changed? But the result is still the same, leap! ”

Allen filled his entire body with the power of darkness, and then with a sudden jump, Allen’s whole body jumped into the air as if it had become very light, and the falling speed was slower than normal, as if it were a light work.


But at the same time, Hulk immediately looked at the jumping Alan, and then suddenly squatted and then bounced out like a cannonball and crashed into Alan in the air.

“Bang bang bang!”

Allen’s two-gun incessant shooting, the same ‘characteristic bullet ice burst bomb’ that he had just used, intended to freeze the Hulk again.

But this time the Hulk was not running, even if the Hulk’s whole body was frozen again by Alan’s incessant shooting, the Hulk’s speed in the air would not weaken, and it looked like it was going to crash into Alan’s body.

“Heavy weapon pull!”

Alan’s mind moved, the ball flashed, and an anti-tank gun immediately appeared behind Alan’s back, and as Alan pulled out, the butt of the anti-tank gun smashed heavily on the head of the Hulk who hit him, immediately shattering the cold ice on Hulk’s body.

“Poof, boom!”

Two powerful forces collided together, one of which was Allen’s hammered attack, using the heavy weapon as a melee weapon.

On the other hand is the powerful bouncing of the Hulk through the flexibility of the human body.

The two collided together, and Alan instantly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his hands flew backwards with a violent tremor, and his two arms were dislocated.

The Hulk was hit on the head, felt Venus in his eyes, and then an anti-tank shell also hit the Hulk’s body in a split second, knocking the Hulk backwards and flying out.

And two seconds later, just as the Hulk had just fallen to the ground and was about to get up, the anti-tank gun that had pierced most of the Hulk’s muscles exploded.


Alan, who was spitting out blood, screamed in his heart, and the ball immediately appeared behind Alan’s back to form an elastic hood to envelop Alan.

After cushioning the impact of Alan’s body, the ball immediately turned into a disc and lifted the half-kneeling Alan up and floated in the air.

“Grass, this Hulk’s strength is much stronger than when it started, and I already knew that I blocked it with my gun skills!”

Alan felt his trembling hands faintly with some regret.

As for the Hulk’s side, the huge blast generated air currents destroyed several shops around it, and it wasn’t until the flames of the explosion slowly faded before everyone saw the Hulk again.

Only to see Hulk slowly stand up, a shocking hole in his chest is constantly flowing with green blood, and many green skin scars appear on his body, and green blood is also slowly flowing.

As it seems, this time the fight is Alan having the upper hand?

But people all over the world don’t think so.

Because at this moment, the Hulk’s body had become larger again, and his body exuded an amazing breath, and the large hole in his chest and the wounds on his body were repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was estimated that it would be repaired in another five seconds.

The whole world felt that Hulk had become more terrifying, and they were all worried about Allen, worried that Alan would die here today.


The Hulk suddenly let out a huge roar, and actually formed a strong wind that made Alan squint at the Hulk.

“It’s difficult, the ball first helped me correct the dislocated arm, and then laid the ‘EZ-8 self-detonator’ in the surrounding neighborhood for five minutes for me to use at any time!”

“Summon the mechanical army to buy time for me to heal and recover my arm, set up the ‘interceptor factory’ in the rear, be ready to connect the ‘light reaction energy module’ to prevent the Hulk from rushing me, and then summon the ‘Air Combat Machinery Storm’ to harass the Hulk!”

“Then just listen to me and wait until my arm is restored before giving the Hulk a fatal blow!”

“In the end, this time I am still here to show my strength and test my own strength!” Hulk, let’s see how powerful the sharpshooter is on the battlefield! ”

Alan endured the pain in his arm, then controlled the ball into a comfortable throne-like seat and sat down, floating in the air.

And Alan’s arms are wrapped in water-silvery balls, helping Alan to restore his bones.

Allen’s movements were blinded by all those who watched.

“What does he want to do? Hulk has gone mad, and little Hammer is estimated to be dead! How nice it would have been to break just now while the Hulk hadn’t recovered yet! Alas, how did I finish! ”

Ross thought with a headache.

“Boss, do you need me to contact Alan to retreat first?” Although he may not listen to me! ”

Natasha looked at the picture worriedly and asked Fury.

“Look again!”

Fury said with a twinkle in his face.

“Mr. Stark, what is Alan Hammer doing?” He had just vomited blood and was injured, and since he could fly, he should now continue to use that ice bullet to limit the green monster, right? ”

The female reporter Kelly looked at the picture of Alan sitting on the silver-white throne, looking calm, her brow slightly wrinkled, and asked worriedly.

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