“It’s not that simple! This monster doesn’t know why his strength has increased exponentially again, you see his hands and feet show great strength, the ice bullet has no use! ”

“And this green monster’s body is full of flexibility, and the bouncing power is simply breathtaking, and if Alan starts an air battle, he may not be able to take advantage, as long as he is hit by the monster again, he will be in trouble!”

Tony shook his head worriedly.

“So what else can Alan Hammer do to stop this monster now?”

The female reporter added.

“Allen’s means are still many, and if I’m not mistaken, he should be healing his hands now, and the next battle should be the battle of the assistant he made!”

“Just now his metal orb was divided into two, one of which was by his side to assist him, and the other one had not yet moved!”

“His assistant has a separate intelligent system that should be able to control Allen’s weird self-detonating machines to fight, but how does he defend the air?” It would be dangerous if this monster came straight to him! ”

Tony carefully analyzed, and then looked at the other metal ball that had finally moved in the picture, which had been floating in the sky, and immediately said:

“Look, that ball has moved, let’s wait and see!”

As Tony’s voice came over the television, all the people who were watching immediately fixed their eyes on it, and sure enough, they saw that another metal orb that had been quietly floating in the air since it had just been separated had finally moved.

Only to see this metal ball suddenly and quickly rotate around the surrounding several blocks, and the light pillar kept flashing, every time the light pillar was lowered, a metal box appeared on the roof of a building, and “dripped” twice and then did not move.

In just a few seconds, the ball set the ‘EZ-8 self-detonator’, and then the ball came down to Allen again and projected a pillar of light several times thicker than before, falling to the ground with a diameter of 20 meters.

After the pillar of light disappeared, a 20-meter-diameter circular mechanical device appeared on the ground, emitting a blue light in the middle, making Tony’s eyes light up:

“This seems to be a temporary teleportation array?” However, it is very unstable, and once the connected energy source is overloaded, it is estimated that an explosion will occur! ”

It has to be said that Tony’s eyes are poisonous, and only in an instant, the characteristics of Allen’s interceptor factory were seen by him.

Then another pillar of light lit up, and this time, a robot with a full sense of technology appeared next to Allen in the air.

The robot was golden, with wings spewing blue flames on its back, and its feet also spraying flames that made him fly in the air, and its head glowed blue like eyes.

“Oh my God, this is a robot!”

Female reporter Kelly looked at this cool robot and exclaimed.

“This boy has finally built a decent robot, and those iron boxes before made me doubt his aesthetics!” However, it seems that this is his method of air defense, and I don’t know if this robot can stop the monster’s super bounce! ”

Tony flashed a smile in his lab, staring unblinking at the robot flying beside Alan.

“Come on, Hulk!’ Storm’, give me an attack on that big green guy! ”

Ellen in the air saw that Hulk’s wound was completely healed, and looked up at himself with a vicious glare, and immediately opened his mouth to command.


With Allen’s order, the ball immediately controlled the air combat mech ‘Storm’ to launch a fierce attack on the Hulk.

As soon as he saw the Storm raise his hand, he immediately stretched out the muzzle of the Gatlin-like gun in his hand, and spin rapidly, and the powerful bullets hit Hulk’s tough body like money.

Such a dense bullet, although it did not break through the Hulk’s skin, but it did make the Hulk take a few steps back, and some of them reached out to protect his eyes.



However, Hulk quickly reacted, roaring at Alan and Storm in the air, and was about to make a move, resulting in two missiles fired from the shoulder of the storm and hit Hulk in the air.

Again, there was a strong explosion and flames, and the whole block turned into a sea of fire, so that people could not see the Hulk’s trace.


Just as the flames of the explosion were about to dissipate, only an angry roar was heard, and a huge figure rose from the smoke and rushed straight to Alan’s ‘storm’.

Apparently, Hulk had finally found another chance and was ready to destroy the robot ‘storm’ that had hurt him so badly.

“Dispatch the interceptor, put on the formation to open the ‘Light Reaction Energy Module’ to connect, intercept the Hulk!”

Alan seemed to be a great general at this moment, calmly and calmly commanding the ball.

I saw that dozens of interceptors that were only about thirty centimeters long suddenly flew out of the teleportation array in the center of the interceptor factory circling the ground below Alan.

Immediately after the interceptors flew out, they formed a wall side by side, and then each interceptor began to emit hot energy, and then the energy between the interceptors began to connect, and immediately formed a four-sided energy wall in front of the Hulk.

“This is energy connection, a very advanced energy warfare combat method, which the earth cannot do at present, and this combat method will only be developed after fully entering the era of energy warfare!”

Tony immediately explained, making everyone watching look at Allen’s advanced technology as if he had come to the future world.

Then Tony wondered:

“But how long can such a small drone last at this speed?”

The interceptor produced by the mechanic is a drone that can burst energy in an instant, and the interception method is to crash into something that needs to be intercepted.

Due to its small size and strong power, it lacks heat dissipation, and once it is launched, it can only fly for 20 seconds, so it is necessary to use a temporary teleportation array to summon them.

Otherwise, when they flew from Allen’s industrial park, it was estimated that they would explode after only a few kilometers.

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