“Alas, a bunch of poor people, too!”

Alan shook his head and didn’t say much, as for why he came in person, of course, it was because he was idle, and it was better to continue to build momentum for the umbrella company.

Alan walked around a corner and was guided by the ball toward the center of Sokovia, wanting to see if the dilapidated church in his past life was there.

“Note sir, that you have entered the zone of chaos, which is within range of the artillery fire of the troops of the seven countries, and has detected that there are some mines buried in the ground that have not been cleared by the troops of Sokovia!”

The ball followed Alan and said respectfully.

“Show where the mines are, I won’t step on them!”

Alan was also not interested in trying to test the power of the mine, and did not care to continue walking, only to suddenly find a man and a woman walking around the corner with a tired face and two young men walking towards this side, still holding bread in their hands, obviously protesting that they were tired and wanted to rest.

This man and woman are handsome and gentle, and the women are very beautiful, they look very similar, so that people can see that they are brothers and sisters, and both have strong and powerless faces.

And what amazed Alan the most was that this girl had a stubborn and independent temperament, coupled with that tired look and exquisite face and some dirty cheeks, which made Alan involuntarily feel very sad.

“Huh? Moved on to a stranger by this emotion? Is there such a thing as love at first sight in this world? No, maybe it’s because the girl is beautiful! ”

Alan was very confused about how he felt in his heart, to know that the other party was a stranger, and Alan was not the kind of person who only looked at his face and loved one when he saw one.

Even in the face of the incomparably beautiful Natasha and Susan, Alan never moved.

Susan and Susan are both long-term love affair (don’t think about crooked here), and it turns out that this time I actually saw a girl for the first time and made Alan’s heart throb.

Of course, Allen immediately dismissed the emotion.

However, what made Allen secretly say that through the ball, Alan knew that there was a mine in front of the two of them, and this mine did not know what the relationship was exposed, and it could not be seen without looking closely.

But a tired man and a woman were still walking towards Alan without any reaction, making Alan frown, thinking about whether to be nosy.

“Alas, you two, don’t come over again!”

Alan finally sighed and shouted at the two.


Alan’s voice startled the two of them, and they immediately looked at Alan.

“You, are you that Alan, Alan Hammer?” Owner of the umbrella company! ”

The man was the first to react, looked at Alan carefully and then suddenly asked in surprise.

“Good value for money”

Alan nodded.

“It was you, can you control where we go?” This time to build a house is fake, to those garrisons to send arms and weapons is true, right? The guns in their hands are all made by your umbrella company! ”

The beautiful young girl immediately said unhappily after Allen admitted it, and her face was full of contempt for Alan. And deliberately continue to raise his legs to this side.

Apparently, she hated Alan as a weapons dealer.

“Didn’t you hear me when I told you not to come over?”

Seeing that the girl was about to step on the mine, Alan rushed over like a cheetah in an instant, and picked up the girl who did not react at all.

“Let go of me, you let go of me, you accomplice, you murderer, aren’t you the ‘King of War’?” How many people you still have to harm are willing to die! ”

The beautiful girl was obviously startled by Alan, and immediately struggled on Alan’s body, two cold but very soft little hands still hitting Alan’s chest in his custom suit.

“Let her go!”

The young man also ran over and yelled angrily at Alan.

“Well, I said one last time, don’t go over there!”

Seeing that the two did not appreciate it at all, Alan held the girl two steps away from the mine before letting go of the girl, and grabbed her hand and slapped her hand and whispered:

“I’m not here to sell arms, I’m here to build you a house!” And if someone kills someone with a knife, do you still want to hate the knife seller? ”

Alan finished talking in the girl’s stunned eyes and turned away.

Alan was also a little annoyed now, and had wanted to put the girl in place, but the girl’s pitiful expression and stubborn appearance made the girl look poignant.

Alan eventually flew away with the girl in his arms before letting go and Anne’s heart throbbed and walked away.

Allen said in his heart:

“I’ve already warned you, and if you still want to step on it, I can only blame you for your fate!”

As for why Alan didn’t say there were mines there.

Of course, it was because the actions of the two made Alan very annoyed, for no reason, he actually gave himself a look of face, what to do.

But what Alan didn’t know was that these two men were Wanda Maximov and Pietro Maksimov, namely Quicksilver and the Crimson Witch.

The reason why they have this attitude towards Allen is, of course, because when the two of them were ten years old, their parents died because of the friction between countries, and the originally happy family was left with only pain.

The two of them stayed in the ruins for three days and three nights, looking at a dud-fire shell with the words Stark printed on it, and they had been in the mental tension of the shell exploding at any time for three days.

This also strengthens the willpower of the two, which is why the two survived and gained superpowers while experimenting with the two of them and a large number of other young people after Hydra obtained the Loki Scepter.

Of course, this also makes them blame Tony’s head, and they hate Tony and similar arms dealers, which is why they treat Alan this way, because they feel that if there is no arms dealer like Allen in the world, Sokovia will certainly not be the case now.

I have to say that this is a naïve idea, and the thing ‘war’ was not invented by an arms dealer like Allen or Tony.

“Hmm, this guy really hates, he won’t let me go over there!”

After Alan left, Wanda snorted in disgust and walked towards the place again.

“Wanda, don’t go, really! Wanda you see! ”

Pietro had thought the same thing, but when he came over again, he inadvertently glanced at the mine that had already been exposed.

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