Both were residents of Sokovia, and they were no strangers to these things in the face of war for many years, and they instantly realized that they had wronged Alan.

“Even if it’s for us, why doesn’t this guy make it clear, I, I won’t thank him!”

Wanda was stunned for a moment, and she couldn’t help but blush at the thought that Alan had just hugged herself and hit Alan.

But then he said proudly, but the remorse in his face still betrayed Wanda deeply.

“In fact, this Alan Hammer is still good, after all, he has come to build us a house, hasn’t he?” Let’s get out of here, and after eating, we will continue to protest, Sokovia is our hometown, we have to fight for it! ”

Pietro looked at Wanda like that, smiled and said pointedly.

“But we can’t change anything at all, if only we had the strength and the money, that hateful Alan Hammer, who is obviously very powerful but only used to make money!”

Wanda said.

“He has recently made a strong push into the civilian industry, reducing the production and sale of heavy weapons, and it seems that he is also changing!” As for our hometown, we can contribute better than nothing! ”

Pietro said firmly.

“Of course, Sokovia will survive!”

Wanda also said strongly.

Then the two left the place to find a new place to eat, and after the two left, Alan slowly fell down where they had just stood.

It turned out that after Alan left, he was still a little worried about the girl who made Alan’s heart throb even though it was only a glimpse, so he quietly folded back and stared at the two of them.

If the two really want to go, Alan will still stop it again, man, can’t be too stingy, and Alan knows the identity of the two from the conversation between the two.

And Alan did not have the heart to find any more churches at this time, and went directly back to the station, called Susan to learn some information about each other, and then Alan asked the Red Queen to closely monitor the movements of his brother Justin Hammer.

Sure enough, Justin Hammer soon rescued Ivan Vanke from prison, and the two met at Justin’s Heavy Weapons Research and Production Plant.

“I’m glad you’re here, Mr. Ivan, and I’m a big fan of yours after that day!” Please, hurry up and open my friend’s handcuffs, he’s not a prisoner, he’s my future partner! ”

As soon as they met, Justin warmly received Vanke, and the two sat down face to face at a table full of sumptuous food.

“I’m Justin Hammer and I want to do business with you, Mr. Ivan, so let’s eat first, I know what’s in jail is not good!” Today’s specialty is salmon caviar, which is very good with the fried foie gras flown in from France! ”

Justin’s eyes kept staring at Vanke as if he had seen some treasure, and then he said:

“It seems like you’d love to kill Tony Stark, and it seems like we have a lot of common ground, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to rush up and kill him, and if it were me, I’d try to kill him!”

“The two of us can work together! You have the technology, I have the resources, I feel you need my resources to help you get revenge, I can be your backer, patron, know that my resources are very considerable! ”

Justin said nonchalantly, Vanke was the first time to speak after the flash.

“Two things!”

“Two things? Which two things? ”

Justin asked curiously.

“Your brother, Alan Hammer! Don’t let him meddle in your company’s affairs! ”

Vanke said very seriously.

“Alan meddling in my company’s affairs? No, no, no, friend, you think too much, since my father and I separated from Allen, he never asked about my company once! He looked down on me, he felt I wasn’t capable, he didn’t care about my company at all! That’s why I’m looking for you to work with, and the two of us want to let those who look down on us know how good we are! ”

Justin said immediately.

“That’s good! The second thing is that I want my bird! ”

“Your bird…

As a result, the cooperation between the two was thus reached.

On Tony’s side, at Tony’s birthday party, Tony played too much, causing Roddy to angrily put on a set of steel armor and fight with Tony and then run away.

“Alan, I can’t hold on any longer, come and accompany me, the toxin has reached the neck, the blood toxicity is increasing faster and faster, the last time I think you should come and accompany me!” It’s an event between our superheroes, isn’t it? ”

On the phone, Tony’s voice contained reluctance, despair, relief and a glimmer of anticipation, waiting for Allen’s answer.

“。。。。。。 Good! ”

After a long silence, Alan’s voice came out of the steel armor speaker, which made Tony breathe a sigh of relief, and then there was some excitement in the fragmentation:

“I know there’s a nice donut shop, not far from Las Vegas, I’ll go there and wait for you!”

“I’m from Sokovia and I’ll be there in about ten minutes!”

In the Sokovia sky, Alan, who was sitting on a silver throne and letting the ball turn on ‘mechanical camouflage’ mode into invisibility, looked down at Wanda and Pietro, who were posters of anti-war propaganda posted in front of a store.

Alan’s eyes stayed on Wanda’s body, and Alan didn’t know why, but he just felt happy watching Wanda’s every move.

Alan then stayed for another ten seconds, then controlled the Silver Throne to break through the air.

“Did you really give up?”

On the roof of a bungalow, Alan and Tony eat doughnuts on a sign with the appearance of a giant donut.

Alan was still sitting on the silver throne, and Tony was wearing steel armor, which was Tony’s request.

Tony’s exact words were:

“Superheroes should act like a superhero!”

“Yeah, give up, I still have about five days to live, and what saved me would kill me, it’s ironic, isn’t it?” Although you let me help me, I also know that this time is not enough to start! ”

Tony said lightly.

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