Tony’s toxin spread so fast that as long as Tony was still wearing that thing on his chest, he wouldn’t be saved at all, even if it was too late to do surgery right away.

There are many tiny shrapnel in the blood vessels in Tony’s chest, and as the heart beats and the blood flows, it is always necessary to drill into Tony’s heart.

If you want to do this extremely delicate operation to remove the shrapnel from Tony’s body, at least check Tony’s condition in advance, and then invite the most authoritative experts to discuss and consult, the fastest and fastest estimate is also two or three months, and it may not be successful.

“Actually, I can save you, Tony!”

Alan was silent for half a moment, and finally he spoke.

Alan is not a person with a heart of stone, Tony and his relationship is good, and has helped Alan a lot, seeing that the S.H.I.E.L.D. has not acted for half a year, Alan also has to tell Tony about the new elements at this time.


Tony looked at Alan in a daze, his mind blank, but then hope arose in his heart that had been dead and silent.

“I mean… Someone’s coming! ”

Alan was about to say what he knew, when he suddenly noticed that Nick Fury had come down below, which made Alan quickly stop the topic.

At the same time, Alan also understands that Fury is deliberately waiting for Tony to appear when he is desperate, so that he can better communicate with a conceited person like Tony.

“Two, please get off the doughnut.”

Just as Tony was startled to hear someone coming, a voice came from below, and Nick Fury, dressed in a leather trench coat, stood below and watched the two of them.

In the coffee shop, Tony and Fury sat face to face, and Alan sat next to Tony without saying a word, as if there was nothing of his own.

“I said I didn’t want to join your Super Boys group, but you don’t seem to have invited Alan, isn’t Ellen unqualified enough in your opinion?”

Tony said impatiently that he wanted to send Fury away quickly, and then asked Alan about healing himself.

“I remember, I didn’t come for this this time! As for why you didn’t invite little Hammer, it’s because little Hammer is more uncontrollable and dangerous than you! ”

Fury said lightly.

“Oh? Tony told me about your plan, I don’t know what kind of candidates you have? ”

Alan raised an eyebrow, then glanced around, and found that there was no one around, not even the waiter and the boss in the store, it seemed that S.H.I.E.L.D. had blocked the place.

“Since you’re interested, look at the materials first!”

Fury throws Alan a hard drive.


The ball floating next to Alan immediately went up to wrap the hard disk and then began to shoot a projection, which was several pictures.

Alan immediately stared at it too.

Hulk Hulk:

Bruce Banner. A green giant who is smashing and smashing, this person Alan certainly will not forget, this is the first time that Alan has injured himself since he came to this world! The word ‘pending’ appears on the screen.

Captain America:

Steve Rogers. The man in the star-striped clothes who charged at the enemy with his shield in the enemy army, Allen only looked at it once, this is the limit of an ordinary human being.


Hank Pym. It was an old man, wearing a red uniform, who could grow bigger and smaller. Tony saw this person for the second time, Tony didn’t know it, but he knew it was Pym Technologies, and he was interested in the ‘Pym particle’! But Alan knew who this person was, and after looking at the big word ‘pending’ on the information, he turned his head to look at the other person’s information.


Clint Barton. It was a man with a bow and arrow, flashing left and right in front of a group of enemies, constantly shooting arrows, firing hundreds of shots.

Iron Man:

Tony Stark, the fifth is Tony’s profile, which shows Tony wearing armor and the battle of Obadi.

King of War:

The sixth is Alan himself, which shows Alan rushing into the crowd with two guns while rescuing Tony in Afghanistan. The word ‘pending’ is also on the information.

“Didn’t you say I’m dangerous? So why add me? ”

Alan did not have a shocked expression in Fury’s observation, but casually skimmed his lips and said without anger.

“So what is written on this is pending!”

Fury flashed a little, and instead of discussing the topic too much, he looked at Tony again, this time for Tony.

“I’m sorry, should I look at your blindfold or your eyes?” I’m not sure if you’re real or hallucinating. ”

Tony was a little uncomfortable with Fury, shaking his head and pulling down his sunglasses.

“I’m real, I’m the most real person you’ve ever met.”

As soon as Tony finished speaking, Fury put his face in front of Tony.

‘When the kiss comes, God has done it.’ ’

Alan looked at the two people who were very close in front of him with some coldness, and his heart complained.

Then Tony turned his head and looked around for the staff, still saying:

“It’s lucky to see real people, but what about the employees here?”

Fury saw Tony turn his head and grab Tony’s neck to see the toxin that had spread to his neck and whispered:

“This doesn’t look good.”

Tony said indifferently while drinking coffee:

“I’ve had worse times than that.”

Then Alan saw Natasha in a black tights coming in from outside and said to Fury:

“I’ve blocked the airspace of the whole area here, but it’s better not to spend too much time!”

“Natasha, how are you?” How did I hear Susan say that Pepper was suspicious of you? It seems that your lurking is not perfect either! ”

When Alan saw Natasha, he immediately smiled at Tony’s confused face.

“After all, neither Tony nor Pepper could fully find out what happened before I was 21, so it’s normal for Pepper to have some doubts!”

Natasha smiled and turned to look at Tony.

Only to see Tony turn his head and look at the dressed Natasha and Alan who seemed to have known her for a long time, opened his mouth, and half-said:

“Oh, you’re fired! Little Hammer, did you and Natalie already know each other? You call her Natasha, which means you know she’s a spy? ”

“It’s not up to you to decide whether I’m fired or not, and now Miss Pepper is the CEO of Stark Industries!” And four years ago, I was Alan’s assistant for a month, and I arranged your first meeting! ”

Natasha paid no attention to Tony’s vicious look and sat down next to Fury.

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