“Is that so? Thank you anyway! But why do you always look like this stinky fart, because you are rich and your life is very comfortable, so do you have a sense of superiority when you face me? ”

Wanda saw Alan’s indifferent look and immediately said with some dissatisfaction.

“I am now the richest man in the world, and I will have a sense of superiority in the face of anyone!” I heard your stomach ‘grunting’ on the way just now, do you need me to invite you to eat? ”

Ai’s words of course made Wanda suffocate, and she hummed in dissatisfaction:

“Who wants you to please, today you saved me, my parents taught me to learn to be grateful, I invited you to my house to eat, but we eat very simply, if you don’t want to go I won’t be reluctant!” 」

“I’m used to eating mountain and sea food, but I’m curious about what your children growing up in Sokovia eat every day!”

What Wanda did not expect was that Alan directly agreed, which surprised Wanda and was a little excited, and immediately took the initiative to take Alan’s hand to the west, and said with some arrogance as she walked:

“Then let you see and see, my cooking skills are learned from my mother, and Pietro loves my croquettes!” Let’s go, Pietro should be waiting for me in the third block for pasta and croquettes today! ”

“It sounds good, but it’s not safe for you as a girl to go to those places, and no one will read those anti-war declarations, so you should try to learn something in the future and find a way to leave this country where your life is in danger at any time!” 」

Alan was dragged away by Wanda and did not resist, but instead persuaded Wanda.

“How to do that, our country and people are suffering from war, I must save our country!”

Wanda immediately retorted.

“It’s up to you?” The world has always followed the law of the jungle, and even though we humans have been detached from the beasts with absolute wisdom, the essence has not changed! ”

“Sokovia is a great proof! Do you think these great powers are really known for freedom? If that were the case, it wouldn’t have left you in the throes of war and bathed in gunfire every day! ”

Allen said.

“Even if it is only a little bit of strength, I have to work for my country!” If only our country had people like you! You can research weapons and make our country have national defense capabilities! Then other countries will not dare to bully us! ”

Wanda said firmly, and then looked at Alan with some reluctance.

“It’s useless, if I had been born in Sokovia, I wouldn’t have achieved what I am now!” The technology, instruments, money, scientists, and so on needed to study weapons are all you can’t give me! Not only do you have no strength, but you are also very poor! ”

Alan shook his head.

“Poverty is not all caused by these big countries, we can only struggle, there is no time to develop the economy well!”

Along the way, Alan and Wanda chatted like this, but to Allen’s surprise, Wanda actually understood a lot of things.

Maybe it’s because Sokovia’s teachers teach these things every day.

“Wanda, I said why are you only here now… He is…! ”

Arriving in the third block, Pietro was already waiting for Wanda with two pockets of food, and looked a little anxious.

It wasn’t until he saw Wanda that Pietro let out a long sigh, but then immediately looked at Alan who was holding hands with Wanda in surprise.

“Oh, he, he…

Wanda followed Pietro’s gaze and immediately found herself and Alan holding hands at this time, and immediately blushed and let go of Alan’s hand and was a little embarrassed not to know what to say.

“Hello, my name is Alan Hammer, but you recognized me last time, didn’t you?”

Alan was not uncomfortable, and generously reached out to shake hands with the confused Pietro and said.

“Of course I know you, the famous ‘King of War’! I mean how you could be with Wanda! ”

Pietro asked.

“Just now I was surrounded by a few drunken American soldiers, and it was Alan who saved me!”

Wanda quickly explained.

“Damn, go, let’s go find the convoy and let them talk to the U.S. military!”

Pietro’s face immediately turned very ugly, and he said angrily.

“Forget it, you know there’s no end to it, do you?” Did you buy the pasta and beef I let you buy today? ”

Wanda rushed forward to calm Pietro’s emotions before excitedly looking at the bag in Pietro’s hand and asking.

“Bought it, and bought it a little too much!”

Pietro smiled and raised the bag in his hand, smiling at Alan, which made Alan feel a little inexplicable.

“Ah, how did you buy so much, this is enough for us to eat for a week!” Where do we have the money to eat beef every day? ”

Wanda frowned in displeasure, but did not blame Pietro, thinking that Pietro wanted to eat better.

“Rest assured, our money is enough, thanks to the one next to you!”

Pietro smiled.

“Alan? What does this have to do with him? ”

Wanda was puzzled.

“Is it about me?” It seems that the ‘War Land Reconstruction Redemption Fund’ that I set up today has finally arrived today, and you can eat very cheap milk, beef, eggs, bread, chicken, pork, vegetables, cheese and oil in the future! ”

Alan immediately understood, and immediately showed a smile, which made Wanda stunned, and then looked at Pietro in disbelief and asked:

“Is what he said true?”

“It’s true, as long as we Sokobyans, buy food and daily necessities in the five new supermarkets opened by the umbrella company today, all of which only need one-tenth of the previous one!” We don’t have to worry about saving money every month! ”

Pietro nodded and looked at Alan with kindness in his eyes.

“Great, you did all this?”

Wanda hugged Pietro happily, and only after the happiness did she look at Alan, her beautiful big eyes full of radiance.

“It’s not all me, but Tony’s Stark Industries and many tech companies in the U.S. are paying for it!”

“Tony Stark? Hmmm, to put it bluntly, it’s not about tax cuts! Let’s go, let’s go back first, or it will be dark next day, and I’ll cook for you!” ”

As soon as they heard Tony’s name, Wanda and Pietro both changed their faces, and Wanda snorted coldly, but without saying anything more on the subject, the two took Alan to a very dilapidated building.

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