“Come in, my house is on the fourth floor!”

Entering their home, Wanda took the food to the kitchen and began to get busy, while Pietro asked Alan to sit down on the couch and go to pour water for Alan.

Leaving Alan alone on the somewhat shabby but clean couch to look at the somewhat small, but tidy home.

“Come, Alan, you drink water!” However, our house does not have clean pure water, this is boiled water boiled by tap water! ”

Pietro came out with the water, saw Alan smile slightly after looking at the room, and made his ass go next to Alan and said:

“Isn’t it too simple to compare with your house?”

“It’s 100 times more rudimentary than my maid!”

Alan turned to look at Pietro and grinned.

“You really can’t talk, and your maid should also live in your manor, right?” I’ve seen your estate on the Internet, and it’s a hundred times better than I am! ”

Pietro stretched out leisurely and continued:

“Sometimes I really envy the life of your rich people, I can do whatever I want, I don’t even have a girlfriend 08!” But if you don’t have the same scandal as Tony Stark that often gossips with those female stars or models! ”

“I’ve spent most of my time researching in my lab, and now many of my technologies have made big breakthroughs, but they’ve also reached bottlenecks, so I’m free to do some charity to relieve some pressure on the CEO of my company!”

Alan did not hide, casually chatting with Pietro, but let Pietro slowly understand what kind of person Ellen was.

“Your life is really boring!” The new young world’s richest man, life is so boring! Why are you still working so technology? Enjoy life a lot! ”

Pietro is actually a relatively dashing person at heart, but it is by no means the kind of horses like Tony before.

Pietro is very similar to Susan’s brother Johnny, but perhaps because he has a sister who is dependent on his life, Pietro is more careful than Johnny, more concerned about the feelings of others, not as high-profile and playful as Johnny.

“All right, let’s eat!” Come, sit down and pray first! ”

The two chatted, and soon Wanda’s side of the meal was also ready, a large bowl of pasta and fried beef balls the size of a braised lion’s head.

“Thank the Lord for giving us this hard-won feast, and may the Lord forgive those who are full of profit, persecution, and no mercy! Their hearts are hollow, curved… Also pathetic!

After this somewhat bizarre prayer, the three of them each took the basin inside to make noodles and balls for themselves.

Alan was also not polite, and after getting a plate for himself, he began to eat it, not to mention, the taste was OK, although it was far from the chefs at home, but it was still very good.

“How does it taste?”

Wanda saw that Alan was eating very deliciously, and she couldn’t help but squint happily.

“Yes, to the point where I can barely eat!”


“Wanda, he also said that our house is a hundred times worse than the house where his servants live!”

Pietro also interjected.

“Knowing that you have money is amazing, you are simply annoying!”

Wanda’s gritted teeth made Pietro laugh, and Alan slowly swallowed the food in his mouth and said:

“After the first pilot building built by my umbrella company in Sokovia is completed and the ‘Ark Reactor’ effect has been tested for half a month, we will continue to build the second and third buildings in Sokovia…

“Then you can live in a cheap house, only need to charge you a symbolic maintenance and management fee of ten dollars per month, the room is three bedrooms and two living rooms, and the specifications are built and renovated according to the standard white-collar apartment specifications in New York!”

“Really? That’s great! Really appreciate what you did for us in Sokovia! How long do we have to wait? I can’t wait! ”

Wanda looked at Pietro and immediately said happily.

“Because of my newly developed materials and equipment, it only takes two months to build a building that is enough for 10,000 people, but so many rooms need to be renovated, and the decoration takes three or four months, plus half a month of testing, about half a year!”

Alan calculated for a moment and then said.

“So fast, you’re amazing! But what are you talking about testing what ‘ark reactor’ is? ”

Pietro was curious about what Alan had just said about the ‘Ark Reactor’.

“This is a new new type of clean energy, Tony and I have made breakthroughs in energy, and Osborne Biotechnology has also developed a ‘super electric eel’ and built a grid to power this Manhattan area!”

“When the building tests are over, I will reinstall the cables and energy cores throughout Sokovia to provide the entire Sokovia with clean and cheap energy 530, no, I will treat Sokovia as a huge advertisement, and then I will give you it for free!”

Alan said and remembered the cup of boiled water that Pietro had just given him and continued:

“All that’s left is water!” Sokovia is facing the sea to the east, I go back to study, get a desalination plant, and then buy a pure water company to open a factory, then Sokovia’s life problems will basically be solved! ”

“At present, I can only do this to this extent, my umbrella company has long talked to your government, your government will give me a green light, and soon your life will change!”

Allen’s words made both Wanda and Pietro very moved, and Wanda’s eyes were even more tearful, as if she finally saw hope, but when she thought of something, her eyes dimmed again:

“Then what about war, as long as the garrisons of various countries are still here, Sokovia will never be able to develop, and we cannot count on you for a lifetime!”

“Wanda, that’s all I can do, I can’t possibly give you a defensive weapon, can I?” Not to mention how the materials that have been restricted by various countries will be brought in, even if I really do it, I am afraid that it will only accelerate the demise of Sokovia! ”

Alan sighed and said. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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