Sokovi was small and blockaded, and even if Alan provided technical support to Sokovia and even helped them build nuclear weapons, it was impossible for a country with hundreds of thousands of people to succeed.

Even if it succeeds, Sokovia will be immediately swept away by the armies of various countries.

“We all know all this, we really appreciate everything you do, and I hope we in Sokovia have the day when we are born again!”

Pietro comforted Wanda while murmuring.

After that, the three of them did not talk about these heavy topics anymore, but talked about some young people’s relaxed topics, and ate a meal happily.

After eating, Alan accompanied the two to watch the movie, and Pietro excitedly took out some rare movie tapes, selected a science fiction movie from it, and pulled Alan and Wanda to watch it with relish.

It wasn’t until nearly 12 o’clock that Alan remembered that it was time to go home, so Wanda came out to deliver Alan.

On the silent street, Alan and Wanda walked side by side, neither of them speaking, and the white moonlight shone on Wanda’s delicate face, which showed that Wanda’s heart was not at peace.

“Thank you for inviting me to dinner today, it was a great experience!”

When he reached an intersection, Alan stopped and looked at Wanda and said.

“No, it’s me who wants to thank you! Pietro and I haven’t been so happy in a long time! ”

Wanda looked into Alan’s eyes that made people want to sink and whispered.

“There is such a saying in **, come and go without being rude also! Tomorrow at my house, I invite you to dinner! Of course, it is not my home in the United States, it is an apartment built in advance for employees to live in on my site, of course, the biggest and best set in it I live in now! ”

Alan blinked his eyes and turned his gaze elsewhere, causing Wanda to bow her head in disappointment, and then softly “~ um” to say yes.

“Then see you tomorrow!”

“See you tomorrow, Shawn!”

Alan waved his hand, not knowing when the ball returned to Alan’s side, and in Wanda’s stunning gaze, it turned into a silver throne and carried Alan into the air and disappeared into the night.

“Pietro, Allen invited us to his dinner tomorrow!”

Back home, Wanda said cheerfully to Pietro.

“Then you can go to see and see, but looking at you like this, you won’t like that boy, right?” That’s pretty good, for Sokovia, you marry him, then he will definitely do his best to help Sokovia! ”

Pietro said jokingly.

“Go, who’s going to like him, what I hate most is the arms dealer, not to mention that he’s still the biggest one!”

Wanda hit Pietro for a moment, then said in a low voice.

“Hey, Wanda, listen to me! Can you always have hatred in your heart? We have to follow our hearts, and if you really like it, I don’t want to let the true thoughts in my heart be made because of hatred! ”

Pietro actually sees hatred much more than Wanda, but he has been watching Wanda use hatred to support himself from falling, and Pietro accompanies Wanda.

In Pietro’s mind, Wanda is his only relative, and whatever Wanda wants to do, Pietro will support him.

“Do you want me to stop hating Tony Stark?” How have we survived all these years? Dad, and Mommy, their deaths, I will never forget! ”

Wanda said tangledly.

“Well, you know I’m going to support you no matter how you choose, don’t you?” We won’t talk about this today, I don’t know what Alan will invite us to eat tomorrow. I feel like he’s interested in you, and we’re sure to get a good one! ”

“You’ll know tomorrow when you arrive!”

As if thinking of Alan, Wanda revealed a sweet smile.

“Wanda Maximov! And Pietro! It’s funny! Ball, what’s going on over there at Hammer Industries? What is the progress of that Vanke? ”

Back at the house, Alan poured himself a glass of wine and then lay down in the large bath and soaked comfortably.

“The programming is complete, and the Red Queen has already done what you tell you, sir, to seize control of the Iron Legion at any time!” Ivan Vanke is currently using the only titanium alloy in Hanmer Industries to make a pair of armor! ”

Ball said.

“What about my brother?” What about talking to the military and parliamentarians? ”

“Mr. Justin Hammer and the military have set a time for a product launch at the main booth of Stark Industrial Park the day after tomorrow! Tomorrow Lieutenant Colonel Roddy of the Military will meet with Mr. Justin Hammer to discuss the reinforcement of the steel armor he received from Mr. Tony, and at the same time invite you, sir! ”

Alan was in a good mood, and Meimei soaked in the bath for a while and then went to bed.

Early the next morning, Alan left Sokovia and returned to the United States.

A military base in California, United States

Roddy was carefully removing the ‘arc ark reactor’ on the chest of the steel armor, and the major could not help but ask when he saw this beautiful thing:

“Is this the source of energy for this thing?” Now that we have the finished product, can we imitate it? ”

“Major, things are not so simple! Let’s not say whether we can imitate it, although my approach this time is expected by everyone, but there are still many parliamentarians who support Stark Industry jumping out to attack the military, and there are currently negotiating with Stark Industry about the intellectual property rights and energy supply of steel armor, you underestimate the energy of Stark Industry! ”

Roddy shook his head, reminded the major, and carefully packed the ‘Ark Reactor’ into the bag.

It’s just that Roddy doesn’t know that they just got the ‘Arc Ark Reactor’, which has been eliminated by both Alan and Tony at the same time.

Alan will not say, Tony has a new element, has made dozens of times more powerful ‘arc ark reactor’.

“Wow, is today my birthday?”

In the distance, Justin Hammer walked over with glowing eyes and asked exaggeratedly:

“Tell me this is the thing I think of as a towel!” _

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