“Yes, that’s the thing!”

Roddy smiled triumphantly, and then said:

“Listen to Hammer, I want to know what you can do for us!”

“What can be done? First of all, I will upgrade the software for you, and then I will power… ”

“Hammer! I’m talking about firepower, it’s weapons! ”

Roddy interrupted Justin’s long story and went straight to the point.

“Well, then you’re looking for the right person!” Bring my toys here! ”

Justin waved his hand, and immediately someone came out with a large box, and then Justin began to introduce it the same.

“Silenced nine-centimeter semi-automatic pistol … Well, that’s too inferior, I know! ”

“M24 shotgun, manually loaded, five rounds per magazine … You’re not a hunter, what am I talking about! ”

“The Belgian FN2000 submachine gun has high stability, and it seems that Belgians don’t just make muffins!” But you don’t seem too satisfied, so let’s see the next one! ”

“The 45,470 cm caliber grenade gun is capable of firing tear gas, smoke grenades, capable of making this armor more comprehensive… Well, you’re really demanding! ”

“Next you have to pack this thing!” M134 Trin machine gun, six barrels, capable of leveling everything in ten seconds! ”

Faceless and speechless, Justin took out what he had gained from buying other companies over the years, but Roddy was still expressionless.

So Justin couldn’t hang on to it, took out a small box from the big box and said:

“Finally, let’s take a look at this top Cuban cigar!”

Justin took out from inside the box a pen the size of a bullet and began to introduce it:

“This is a Sidewinder missile independently developed by my Hanmer Industry, equipped with a whirlwind explosive, powerful enough to easily blow up a bunker, as well as a deeper bunker below the bunker, and a bunker below it!”

Seeing Justin’s solemn and careful look, and Justin saying that this is Hanmer Industries’ independent research and development, Roddy knows that this should be Justin’s best thing, which makes Roddy finally interested, and the missile looks up.

“This is my highest masterpiece, beautifully shaped, capable of leveling any building, and the Third Symphony of Destiny I have ever created!” I named her ‘ex-wife’! ”

“As the name suggests, anyone who sees it urinating and urinating like his ex-wife turns his head and runs!”

Justin’s words almost made a soldier next to Roddy laugh and pee, and when he saw Roddy’s focused look, he immediately held back.

“But you have to give me some reaction, you’re like my ex-wife, I can’t guess at all!” I can’t figure out your face! Do you really want to! ”

Justin finally couldn’t stand Roddy’s like that, said.

“With the exception of your ‘ex-wife,’ these weapons of yours seem to have been passed through various countries before, so how come they have not been modified by your brother Alan Hammer?” However, he had completely modified all the light weapons and heavy weapons in the world to grab 90% of the market! ”

Roddy asked.

“No, this was acquired by me before he started the remodeling!” And most of his modifications are firearms, and now you just want to disassemble these things and install them on your steel armor, what kind of transformation is needed! ”

Justin said disapprovingly.

He knew that Alan would cover up the things on the market after he had remodeled them, lest aiai would not be able to sell them at all.

However, although many weapons manufacturers have closed down because of umbrella companies, there is still a great demand for those firearms in the world.

Because Alan’s modified weapons are slightly more expensive.

For ordinary people, a most ordinary pistol is just as deadly as a 300-shot pistol carefully crafted under a protective umbrella.

“Brother, your impression of Mary’s sister-in-law is like this!”

Just as Roddy was getting ready to ask for it all, Alan, dressed in a custom suit, suddenly walked in slowly from outside the workshop, making Justin’s face darken, and Roddy nodded to Alan with satisfaction.

“I don’t know what other people’s ex-wives look like, but I swear I’ll never see Mary again in my life!”

Justin walked up to give Alan a hug with a smile that was uglier than crying.

Mary, Justin’s former wife and Alan’s sister-in-law, has a clingy personality and goes to Allen’s father to sue Justin, saying that Justin is messing around outside.

Anyway, as a woman, in fact, Mary’s sister-in-law gave Alan a very good feeling, very careful, and cared about the family, family-oriented, but Justin just didn’t like it, and there was nothing he could do with her.

In the end, it was Mary herself who gave up and divorced Justin.

“Alan, you’ll just come, what good weapons do you have over there for me to reload?”

Roddy said.

“Sigh, are you going to make this armor a ‘war machine’?” Tony himself didn’t have any weapons of mass destruction! But at the beginning I thought he should put the split warhead of his ‘Jericho missile’ into the armor, so that his deterrent would increase greatly! ”

Alan said half-jokingly.

“My armor is ready to be called ‘war machine’, the stronger the firepower, the better, and the place where I will carry out my mission in the future is not a good place!”

Roddy’s eyes lit up.

“Anti-tank shells, focused flamethrowers, FM-31 grenade launchers and the first heavy weapon I developed at home when I was 17 years old, the M-137 Green machine gun!”

The M-137 Grimm machine gun, which is actually a Gatling machine gun, is the most common weapon used by sharpshooters when they have not yet been transferred, and is the most basic technology of sharpshooters.

But after the continuous improvement of sharpshooters, especially gunners, it will also become very terrible.

(This morning the update is a little slower, send one more to make up for it!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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