Every time Alan said one, it made Roddy even more excited, and when he got to the back, his body trembled slightly, and he forced himself to endure the excitement and asked:

“I’ve got some other information on my side, but what is this M-137 Grimm machine gun?” And how can so many heavy weapons and shells fit in? ”

“It’s about the same as the one my brother took out, but the rate of fire is three times faster, and with my overload technology, I don’t need extra positions to load bullets, there are 3,000 bullets inside, and I can shoot at full fire for ten seconds!”

“Of course, sometimes the rate of fire is fast and useless, you can automatically adjust its rate of fire, in fact, it is very good to reach the Gatling machine gun that my brother took out!”

Alan grinned and continued:

“And my ‘overloading’ technique is not so simple, I can put these weapons including all of my brother’s ones into it!” Then you are covered in weapons, a veritable ‘war-machine!’ ’”

“Okay, I want to! I have it all – I want to! ”

Roddy seemed to have a picture in front of his eyes, under the siege of many enemies, wearing a ‘war machine’, and countless weapons stretched out from his armor to instantly destroy all enemies.

“What about mine?” This ‘ex-wife’ is my classic masterpiece! ”

Justin asked hurriedly.

“Yes, didn’t Alan say that you can pretend, including those you took out earlier, I want them all!”

Roddy said greedily.

“Brother, I scanned it when I came!” Your ‘ex-wife’ rattlesnake missile is still very powerful, but don’t you try it out when you come out? ”

At this time, Alan said something that made Justin and Roddy feel a sudden burst in their hearts at the same time, and Justin was directly angry and said loudly:

“My experts have said that the whirlwind explosives attached to this thing are so powerful that they can absolutely raze any building to the ground!”

Roddy asked worriedly:

“Is there anything wrong with this weapon?”

“Of course there is a problem! Brother, you can fire those experts from your side! ”

Alan explained with a smile:

“Yes, the power of this thing is great! And it’s really rare to be able to shrink it down to that extent! If they had some basic weapons common sense, it would be no exaggeration that this would become the star product of Hanmer Industries! ”

Allen’s words made Justin’s face look a lot better, and even Roddy looked at Justin with a magical face, as if he didn’t believe that he could make such a thing.

“But! This stuff can’t be used now! ”

Next, Allen’s words turned sharply, leaving Justin and Roddy stunned.

“Can’t use it? How can it not be used?

Roddy was puzzled.

“First of all, these ejection devices in this box contain ‘ex-wife’, right?” I’ve had the ball scan calculated, and I can’t even reach one-third of the bullet’s speed! ”

“This makes it impossible to achieve stress and penetration!”

“Then this warhead can’t produce high temperatures, plus nothing, which means this thing doesn’t wear armor!” Don’t say wearing armor, ordinary steel plates can’t penetrate! ”

“In the end, the most exaggerated thing is that the ‘ex-wife’s core electric ignition device has problems, that is, it cannot explode!” It’s a dud! ”

Speaking of this, Alan looked at Justin, who was already pale, and said:

“That is to say, these experts you invited may be some experts who specialize in physics and have some achievements in physics, and have formulated this explosive!” But I don’t know weapons, and I don’t even know the speed, thrust, penetration, stability, and detonation required for weapons! ”

“Lean, Justin, you almost killed me, you know?” Am I going to use a squib to do the enemy’s bunker? ”

Roddy looked at Justin with some anger.

“Don’t get mad at Roddy, give me something!” I helped my brother change it, the power of this thing is really good! In the future, this will be the star product of Hanmer Industry, and your heavy weapons will finally have something decent to come out! ”

Alan said with a smile, which made Justin feel a little ashamed and moved!

Ashamed of what he had done before, he was moved to help him regardless of his previous suspicions.

But Justin didn’t know that Allen was only doing so because Hanmer Industries was about to be eaten by Allen, and that it would be his own in the future.

0······· Ask for flowers 0

“Then it will bother you, how long do you need to go, is one day enough?” We’re going to go out tomorrow and show up, but we don’t need real knives and guns, we don’t need to fight, we just need to show up! ”

Roddy said.

“In half a day, you can get it done, ball ball, take things away and start renovating!”


A flash of light flashed, and the steel armor and Justin’s weapons all disappeared, making both Roddy and Justin look enviously at the metal orb floating next to Alan.

“I have a ball doppelgänger at home, and I don’t have to go back, it can directly help me complete the transformation of the steel armor!” The ball comes out again and teleports things over after the transformation is complete! ”


Alan commanded, and the ball immediately split in two again, but the strange thing was that the size did not become smaller, which made Roddy and the others feel extremely magical.

“I’m still in Sokovia, and if it weren’t for Roddy’s personal invitation to me, I wouldn’t have bothered to come!”

After Allen finished speaking, a metal ball with a diameter of two meters was formed directly under the wrapping of the ball and broke through the air.

“Look at your brother, this is the real ‘King of War’!”

Roddy sighed in amazement.

“Haha, my brother’s is mine!” We brothers have a good relationship! ”

Justin said haha.

“Believe in you ghost!”

Roddy skimmed his lips, and it wasn’t that he hadn’t seen Justin and Allen hard steel at the hearing.

Two hours later, Vanke received the news, and he sneered alone in Justin’s factory:

“Was that armor taken away by Alan?” That’s it! One more day, tomorrow night, is the death of his Stark family! I will avenge my father with my blood and life!” ”

Tony also received a message from Roddy, and immediately called Alan.

“Tony? How I remembered to call me! I heard that recently you have started to deal with things for your company, and Pepper should be under a lot of pressure, right? Shouldn’t it be sweet at home with your president girl? “_

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