“Wanting to be sweet is a chance, I received news from my side, you snatched the work of adding weapons to the ‘war machine’ from your brother’s hands?” Nice work! ”

Tony is in a very good mood these days, and he speaks lightly.

“Yes, I remember that at the beginning you wanted to pull Rowdy into the company, and I found out that there was a very serious situation on the S.H.I.E.L.D. side, and sooner or later it would break out, and then it would be an opportunity!”

Allen said.

“There is no possibility in sight of this matter at present, let’s talk about it later!” But tomorrow is your brother’s new product launch, when will you shoot? ”

Tony didn’t have any idea of setting up the Avengers himself, so he didn’t say much about it, and asked instead.

“I won’t go, but I have already collected and prepared the evidence, this time my brother is cool, and I have begun to coerce and induce the minority shareholders of Hanmer Industries, just waiting for you to do it!”

Alan said with a smile.

“Wow, so cold, but I like it, so tomorrow you’ll see my show!”

Tony is also confident, which is not a big deal for both Tony and Alan, and Allen’s side has begun to prepare Susan to take over Hanmer Industries.

Susan, while skeptical that Alan could snatch Hanmer Industrial from Justin, immediately began to prepare.

The whole of the United States is filled with an atmosphere of mountain rain and wind.

In this case, Ellen invites Wanda and Pietro to dinner at Sokovia’s luxurious residence.

Alan’s temporary residence, though a hundred and eighteen thousand miles away from the manor, was already a shock to Wanda and Pietro.

Some casual luxury made Wanda and Pietro a little restrained at first.

However, in front of the sumptuous food and intoxicating wine, the two were not polite at all, and soon the atmosphere became warm again.

“This fried veal steak is really good, and this French foie gras!”

Pietro sipped champagne from his glass while eating his delicacies, lamenting the luxury of Allen’s days.

Wanda, on the other hand, is crimson because of drinking some wine, and her rosy little mouth is constantly eating exquisite desserts on the table.

“Wanda, Pietro! Did you two ever think about leaving Sokovia? ”

Alan flashed and suddenly asked.

“Well, I guess I didn’t think about it?”

Pietro asked uncertainly.

“What are you trying to say?”

Wanda was stunned, and then the puzzled Lun, his face was a little heavy.

“What am I trying to say? No, I just want to know how you are and what you want to do! ”

Alan shook her head and looked at Wanda

“We want revenge, we want to protect our homeland, and we want peace!”

Pietro saw Wanda’s appearance, knew the idea, and immediately stood up after a slight struggle.

“Protecting your home? Revenge? Peace? Does it matter if these are life-threatening? Wanda, you tell me, would you regret it if Pietro died in the process? ”

Alan said softly to Wanda and turned to Pietro:

“What about you? If Wanda dies in the process of revenge, will you regret it? Do you think I don’t know what you want to do with Tony? ”

Pietro and Wanda were silent when they heard this, they didn’t think about it.

Now think about it, the Alan in front of him is so powerful, and Tony Stark is also a very famous Iron Man, strong and strong. And the relationship between Alan and Tony Stark is still very close.

Wanda and Pietro don’t care about their own lives, but they care about each other.

Wanda said in a low voice after half a day of silence:

“You see? So what can be done? Did you just watch Sokovia’s compatriots suffer? And we have nowhere to go! ”

Seeing that they no longer firmly wanted revenge, Alan said with relief:

“Do you choose a peaceful country where no one is in trouble to live a good life?” It’s a very simple thing for me! ”

“Going to school, graduating, working, getting married, having children.” Don’t you want to live these days? I can help you, choose the country, I will help you get it! ”

Alan followed the path of seduction.

Pietro looked at Wanda, who was slightly moved, and then said to Alan:

“You’re good friends with Tony Stark, aren’t you?” Since you know we’re going to get revenge on him, are you still on his side? And why do you want to help us? ”

Wanda couldn’t help but look at Alan, something hidden in her big beautiful eyes.

Alan looked at Wanda and then silently lowered her head. In fact, even Alan himself didn’t know why he wanted to help them, but Alan did it anyway.

“It’s targeting Tony, but I don’t understand what he has to do with you!”

Alan shifted the subject, wanting to start with their conflict with Tony.

“Alan, do you know that Wanda and I have a picture of us when we were kids, and we take it out every day to look at it, day after day!”

Pietro said in a low voice.

“As far as I know, your parents were killed by shells!”

Alan flashed.

“Those documents don’t tell us anything, we were only ten years old at the time, sitting around eating with Mom and Dad! When the first shell flew in, it blew a hole in the floor, a big, big hole! ”

“Mom and Dad fell in and then the house started to collapse! I grabbed Wanda and rolled under the bed! You know, we Sokobyans have been teaching these methods of emergency evacuation since childhood! ”

Alan felt that Pietro was trying to suppress his sadness and anger, and Alan did not speak, but listened quietly.

“The second shell flew in and landed in front of us, but it didn’t explode, just a meter away from us!” And on that shell, there is a name that we will never forget in our lifetime… ”


Wanda took over the conversation, just stared into Alan’s eyes and said the name, and then saw that Alan did not react at all, and a glimmer of disappointment flashed in her eyes and then continued:

“We were stuck for two days and every movement we did I was thinking ‘this will make it explode’, two whole days! Tony Stark will kill us at any time! So we know what kind of man he is! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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