“Switch Feature Bullet, Vibration, Penetration!”

As soon as Alan’s mind moved, a ray of light immediately emanated from the ball and swept the two guns away.

“Light fire rapid fire!”

Alan then violently turned the two guns upside down, and the trigger was pointed upwards at the Destroyer, a strange shot prepared to leave Jane and Shavig and others with shocked faces.

As Alan suddenly pulled the trigger like a phantom, a fierce wind suddenly appeared in front of him, and then the bullets that shot out rapidly fell like a red silk thread on the newly erected destroyer.

“Bells and bells!”

The powerful bullet hit the destroyer, and due to the secondary propulsion device that penetrated the bullet’s head and the vibration force of the characteristic bullet, the destroyer was immediately thrown out, and the wind slowly dissipated.

“Is this your Midgard weapon?” Awesome! But I didn’t expect that you Midgard also have such a strong person! ”

Thor squinted his eyes and said that he couldn’t see the speed at which Alan was pulling the trigger just now, so Thor knew that Alan was very good.

“This is our superhero on Earth! Known as the ‘King of War’! ”

Daisy must have been a big fan of Alan, and at this moment, seeing Allen’s heroic posture in battle, his face turned red with excitement and he said proudly.

“Plasma cutting!”

At this time, Tony also shot two very thin red rays of light at the destroyer with both hands, and Tony’s move could only be used once, and then the radiation device would be damaged due to overheating.

It was in the original book that Tony asked Roddy to lie down, and he got all the moves of the Vanke-controlled robot in one move.

But what Tony did not expect was that these two rays hit the Destroyer, but the Destroyer did not react at all, and after a second, Tony ejected the overheated equipment and dropped it on the ground to discard it, and then flew in the air while dodging the Destroyer’s Destruction Ray and said solemnly:

“This thing doesn’t seem to be afraid of energy strikes at all!” I reckon only physical attacks and quantum weapons will work for him! Take out your ‘quantum compression cannon’, I’ll limit him, and you’ll give him a chance to get closer!” ”

Tony knew the disadvantage of Allen’s ‘quantum compression cannon’, which was that it was slow and easy to dodge, so he wanted to create a chance for Allen.

“Don’t, if you use the ‘quantum compression cannon’ to estimate that this thing will not even have slag left, let’s still use physical strikes!”

It was hard to meet an alien material, of course, Alan would not waste it, Alan wanted to collect the body material of the destroyer for research.

“Physical strike? This guy is so big and lightweight, where do we get such a strong physical strike? By punches and kicks? Your strength is estimated to be about the same as my steel armor! ”

Tony saw that Alan actually had this kind of heart, and said without anger.

“Who said no, you think you’ve seen all my stuff?” I’ll show you something good, you back off, fifty meters away! ”

Alan said without concern, and then as soon as his mind moved, the ball immediately split into four and roared to the top of the destroyer’s head.

Only to see the ball divided into four into four metals gathered together, each ball began to release energy, and the blue energy was connected to each other in an instant.

“Ball ball, release 80% of the power, open the Otherworld Space Rift!”

As Alan’s mind went berserk, the four metal orbs that were closely connected to each other for energy suddenly separated in all directions, forming a square of 70 meters in length and width.

The energies that were originally connected together were torn apart like a pulling surface with the dispersion of the four metal orbs, forming a huge blue energy plane.

“This, this is the door of space?” So big? What the hell is that? ”

Tony watched Alan’s movements in the distance, looking up at the space gate of the sky with a shocked look and murmured.

“Sir, a huge energy leak has been detected, and across the door of space is a machine with a huge energy source!” The energy is too large to calculate! ”

Jarvis immediately sounded the alarm.

Meanwhile, the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters building, as well as energy surveillance in many countries, immediately issued a red alert, and they didn’t know what was going on, only that a huge source of energy had appeared in New Mexico.

“I am the God of Mechanical War!” Have the Celestial Mechanical Command! Gaboga, driven by me… Punch! ”

The moment the Space Gate opened, Alan immediately closed his eyes, felt the special frequency that belonged to the Celestial Machinery, and immediately felt the robot ‘Gaipoga’, which was hundreds of meters high behind the Space Gate and existed like an ancient god.

At the moment when Alan’s consciousness connected to it, Alan heard a tragic word.

“This installation was done with our lives, and it will help our future mechanical god of war find the thing that I and my six brothers and countless construction engineers built with our lives together, and it can lead us to rebel against Bakar’s rule.” Its name is Gaipoga! ”

The last mechanical god of war in the Celestial Realm said before his death.

‘Gaipoga’, built by a number of mechanics and construction engineers in the Celestial Realm, was the final weapon used by the Celestial Mechanics to resist Bakar’s rule.

However, no one knows where ‘Gaipoga’ is, because just as ‘Gaipoga’ was about to be built, the mechanical Fuehrers at that time noticed that someone had defected, so they immediately stopped construction and sealed ‘Gaipoga’ in an alien space.

For many years, only some extremely talented Machine 270 Weapon Gods of War in the Celestial Realm could summon the Space Gate according to some scattered instructions, and at most they could only make Gaipoga punch.

Alan accepted the Four Professions of the Sharpshooter, and of course learned the instructions from the Mechanic’s lineage, so he quickly communicated with ‘Gaipoga’ and sent the instructions.

“Click, click, click!”

A tooth-aching sound exploded in everyone’s ears like thunder, and slowly, in the space gate, a huge mechanical fist about fifty meters long and wide emerged from inside.

The mechanical fist was covered with dust and looked like it had not been used for a long time, but there was no rust at all, and the energy that spread out made ordinary people like Jane and Shavig feel the slightest bit like that.


As if sensing danger, the Destroyer looked up and opened the mask, and a ray of destruction shot up at the mechanical fist, but there was no response.

“It’s impossible!”

Thor exclaimed, he knew very well how deadly the Destroyer’s ray of destruction really was, that it was a split beam that could theoretically destroy any matter.

Of course, Thor knew that this was just a theory, and Thor knew very well that Thor’s hammer Myrnir was absolutely not afraid of that kind of ray.

Thor’s Hammer is forged from an ultra-rare metal called ‘Ulu’ in the Dwarven Kingdom, and only one mountain in the Dwarven Kingdom has this metal vein inside. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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