At the same time as Thor exclaimed, the huge mechanical fist above suddenly smashed down with great speed like an Optimus Prime.


The earth trembled violently, the town’s houses collapsed, and the entire ground in front of it split into a deep crack, as if it had experienced an earthquake.

“How could it be, so fast! What a huge amount of power this requires! ”

Tony muttered.

You should know that because of the influence of the earth’s gravitational constraints, inertia, resistance and other factors, the larger the size, the stronger the constraints are subjected, and after a certain extent, even raising the hand will be very laborious.

But just now, Tony saw a huge fist but it seemed to completely violate the knowledge of physics, this rapid punch, not at all clumsy, which made Tony dare not believe.

“Click, click, click!”

After leaving a deep pit with a diameter of fifty meters on the ground, Gaipochi’s fist immediately retracted to the other end of the Space Gate.

With the retraction of Gapoga’s fist, the energy on the other side of the ball finally reached the critical point required by Allen in the rapid consumption, and then the energy connection closed and the portal disappeared.

The four metal orbs merged into one again, turning into a metal orb back to 063 and floating quietly beside the indifferent Alan.

“Although I have opened this space crack many times, every time I scan the results of the alien space Gapoga, I am so shocked!” With my technology, it is impossible to create an exact same unless… Gems of Reality! ”

Alan again received the results of the ball’s scan of Gapoga, and as he had previously experimented with when Alan had just found Gapoga’s alien space, Alan was amazed at the existence of Gaypoga.

In order to prevent the leakage of Gapoga’s energy after opening the space gate, Alan had always opened the space door in his research room, and although each time it was only a short ten seconds, Alan scanned Gapoga’s situation through the ball.

However, after the scanning was completed, Alan found that he could not have copied Gapoga without the blueprint left by the original mechanical seven gods of war.

And Allen is suspicious that even if he gets the drawings, he can’t copy them, and there are many core technologies that Ellen can’t see at all.

Whenever this happens, Allen’s desire for the Gem of Reality becomes incomparably stronger.

“Ay, Alan, what was that just now?”

Looking at the deep hole in the ground, through the message from Jarvis, the energy jump could not be detected below, which showed that the destroyer had been dealt with.

“It’s a secret, we’ll talk about it later, I’m going to collect the fruits of my victory!” Balls! ”

Alan smiled at Tony, didn’t say much, and rushed straight into the bottomless hole, and after a while, the metal ball floated back as if nothing had happened.

Only Alan knew that the remnants of the Destroyer had been teleported to the laboratory of his manor.

“Mortal, you, you actually killed the Destroyer!!!”

Thor asked in disbelief.

“Yes, God’s things have been killed by us mortals in this way, it is really weak, I think you should call us gods, and believe in us!”

Tony fell in front of Thor, opened the mask, and sneered at him with a look of disgust.

“What do you say?”

Thor was furious.

“What, the fragile god wants to do it?”

Alan also stood in front of Thor, turning the revolver in his hand and then said disdainfully.

“Well, I have more important things to do now, but you should not underestimate Asgard, it is we who are guarding you!”

Saul (aiah) snorted coldly and turned his head away from Alan and Tony.

“To your extent, you are still using cold weapons to fight, can you protect us?”

Tony continued the snake’s words.

“Thor, it’s time for us to go, you’ll know what’s going on when you get back, and you must stop Loki’s plot!”

The Warrior Quartet also ran back at this time, looking at Alan with a very jealous look.

“Well, let’s go back right away and go!”

Thor nodded and was about to leave with the Warrior Four. But at this moment, Alan suddenly spoke up:

“Slow! Take me with you! ”


Thor a few people were confused, what is the situation of this Midgard, actually going to Asgard? But then Thor immediately became on guard.

“Mortal, you let go, I have something very important to do now when I return to Asgard, and when I am done, I will tell my father that he will summon you!”

Thor looked at Alan and said with a wary face.

Alan is very powerful, and his intentions to go to Asgard are unknown, but Thor knows that Asgard is now in danger, and Loki seems to have colluded with the Frost Giants and is discovered by Shiv.

Thor doesn’t believe that a prince of Asgard will be bad for Loki, but now he has to go back to deal with it, so Thor won’t take Alan with him anyway.

“Waiting for the gods to be summoned!” It sounds good, but if you find that the strength of the ‘god’ is very weak, even inferior to yourself, then will you still be so afraid of God? ”

Alan nodded his head in a daze, but then the conversation turned sharply and said something that made Thor and the four warriors furious.

But before they could say anything more, Alan suddenly raised his hand and pulled the trigger on Thor and the Four Warriors.

“Bang bang bang!”

Alan was unceremonious, shooting each of them in the shoulder, including Thor.

Asgardians are originally tough, and if it was Thor’s original body, Allen’s bullets should not be able to penetrate.

But now Thor’s body was a mortal body, and the blood of the four warriors was not enough, and under Alan’s bullet, one by one was hit by Alan in the shoulder and bleeding blood.

“Damn mortals!”

The hot-tempered big fat man with the axe immediately endured the pain and slashed at Allen’s axe, looking very powerful. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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