“Damn, what the hell are you thinking, we in Asgard are in turmoil right now, are you here to wreak havoc?”

On the Rainbow Bridge, Thor and Heimdall both looked at Alan warily.

“No, I’m not here to wreak havoc, I’m just here in Asgard to have something to do, so I’ll go first!” Mechanical camouflage! ”

Alan looked at the uncertain Heimdall and smiled softly, then slowly disappeared with the ball, and then quickly broke through the air towards the golden palace outside the Rainbow Bridge wrapped in the ball.

“Invisibility, Heimdall, look and follow me to chase that guy!”

Thor was shocked and quickly said to Heimdall, who was dressed in golden armor.

Heimdall’s eyes can see through space and see through everything.

“Thor, leave that man alone, Loki is taking the Frost Giant to Odin’s resting place, you go!” I’ll have someone come and heal them!” ”

Heimdall sat weakly on the ground and said.

Heimdall had previously been frozen by Loki using the Frost Giant’s artifact ‘Winter Coffin’, and in order to break the ‘Winter Coffin’, Heimdall used all his strength, and at this moment he was a little out of strength.

“What? All right! But you still have to monitor the boy so that nothing happens to you! ”

Thor was horrified, and after a quick command, he swung his hammer and flew towards the Golden Palace as well.

“Wow, I thought it was a special metal, but I didn’t think it was really gold!” When Odin conquered the Nine Realms, he was afraid that he had dug up all the gold from other planets? ”

In front of a golden pillar, Alan let the ball scan the ball for analysis and then thought wordlessly that there were more than a dozen soldiers lying horizontally next to Alan, all of whom were killed by Allen’s relentless headshots.

“Ball, just this one!”

The ball slowly separated into parts, and then slowly attached to the golden pillar, and soon merged with the golden pillar, at this time, the footsteps of the soldiers in a hurry were heard in the distance.

“Sigh, as soon as Odin fell, even the guards of this palace reacted so slowly!” But I hope Gu Yi you didn’t lie to me, otherwise I am afraid that it will be too late to go to the Rainbow Bridge now! ”

Alan listened to the voice getting closer and closer to say a word to himself, and then the suspension ring given by Gu Yi appeared in his hand and put it on his thumb.


At the moment when Alan took the suspension ring, a spark portal slowly appeared in front of Alan, and Alan looked up to see a gentle smiling Gu Yi waiting for him at the other end of the portal.

When the guards of Asgard arrived, they saw that Alan had raised his legs and entered the portal, and then the portal slowly disappeared into the air.

“Thank you, Gu Yi, I owe you again!”

On a mountain platform with a heavenly dynasty style, Alan watched a group of mages training there to fight, and said sincerely to Gu Yi.

“Don’t thank me, I just don’t like to break my word!” So what’s next for you? ”

Gu Yi smiled slightly, looking at Alan not knowing what he was thinking.

“Prepare for battle!”

Alan gently spat out two words, making Gu Yi raise an eyebrow, and asked with some curiosity:

“Prepare for battle! Who is the other person? ”

“I don’t know, but it must be from outside the sky, and if I’m not mistaken, Fury should restart his research on that thing this time after meeting the ‘gods’ of Asgard!”

Alan looked flashing and pretended not to know.

“That thing! This is just the beginning of the times, and the future depends on you! ”

Gu Yi nodded slightly.

“Then I’ll go!” Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D. are definitely still waiting for me, I’m going to go, if Guyi needs help on your side, feel free to find me! ”

When Alan finished speaking, the ball once again turned into a silver throne and broke through the air in the amazement of the other mages.

“Tony, I’m back, where did we meet?”

“There’s a ‘too tasty’ burger shop here in the fifth block of New York, where Fury and I are eating, come on!”

“Come in three minutes, order me an apple pie!”

Three minutes later, surrounded by a crowd of people on the street, Alan descended to the burger shop sitting leisurely on the silver throne.

The store had been emptied, but there were still many people outside the store holding up their phones to photograph Tony and Fury eating and drinking inside, but the two did not seem to care at all.

“Ask, what do you want to know?”

Alan walked over and sat down next to Tony and squeezed Tony inside, causing Tony to give Alan a middle finger in disgust.

“Then Alan, what do you know about Asgard?”

Fury finished asking, and then he and Tonici brushed at Alan.

“Originating from Norwegian Viking Norse mythology, haven’t you seen it?”

Alan asked rhetorically.

“Of course we have seen it, but is it hard to believe that all the Norse mythology is true?”

Fury asked again.

“Obviously they are an alien race, but obviously they are not the first time to come to Earth, otherwise how can there be a record of them?”

Tony analyzed.

“Yes, in fact, they are just a powerful race, and the technology is very well developed, coming to Norway thousands of years ago to help the earth expel the Frost Giant race!”

“At that time, there were Vikings living there, and they couldn’t understand the existence of Asgard and other races, so they called them gods, but in fact, they were just an alien race, and we should understand it very well now!”

“Of course, the physical toughness of the Asgardians is known in the universe, and many races in the universe think that the Asgardians can’t fight and die, and they are not even afraid of cosmic radiation and can be exposed to space!”

Alan thought for a moment and then said.

“So what’s going on with that hammer?”

Fury had already believed most of it, and they needed to believe this, and the Cosmic Cube was also found in the Norwegian Red Skull, and some intelligence records after the fall of the Dé Kingdom belonged to Asgard.

“Thor’s Hammer Myrnir, Thor’s weapon, was created by the dwarf king Etti in a dying star and possesses great power!”

“Alan, how do you know this?”

Tony suddenly narrowed his eyes at Alan, his eyes full of doubt.

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