“What my friend told me, the woman who saved me during the battle with the Hulk, remember? But I also know a lot of things that even she doesn’t know! Hey, didn’t you see the ‘Gaipoga’ fist today? ”

Alan smiled slightly, and said pointedly, for the reason why he knew these things, Alan had already thought about it.

“You didn’t make that thing at all, did you?” I’m even sure that thing isn’t on Earth! ”

Tony skimmed his lips and said.

“In fact, my mechanical, energy technology is another dimension of inheritance! Fury, remember when I told you that my magic energy comes from the multiverse? ”

Alan took a deep breath and slowly said something that shocked both Fury and Tony.

“Not only me, my friend, the bald mage, their mage’s energy also comes from the multiverse, and they are the guardians of the multiverse, guarding the earth from the invasion of the multiverse!”

Alan was going to tell them a few more things today.


Tony keenly grasped the key words.

“Yes, there is more than one mage, they are an organization, the strongest is called ‘Supreme Mage’, this title has been passed down from generation to generation, and my friend is currently the ‘Supreme Mage’ of this generation!”

“As for the ‘Gaipoga’ I summoned, it is an unfinished technology, a mechanically advanced universe made by seven mechanical gods of war, and I can only manipulate it slightly to punch!”

Allen explains.

“So how did you get that cosmic technology?”

Tony asked with glowing eyes.

“Oh, I felt a broken consciousness of that mechanical universe when I was absorbing the dark energy in a dark dimension, and then I merged with that consciousness and accepted the knowledge in it!”

Alan made up excuses on the spot, but Tony and Fury didn’t have the slightest doubt.

“So what is the purpose of the Asgardians coming to Earth this time?” War? But how do I feel as if they are infighting? ”

Tony asked again, aliens come, and the first word that comes to mind in almost everyone’s mind is “war.”

“It was exile, this Thor seems to have made some mistake and been banished, and now his body is only a mortal, but the moment the hammer flew into his hand, he had become a god again!”

“As for sending the destroyers to hunt him down, it was his brother, but he was adopted by his father the god king, and while Odin was dormant, Thor was exiled, and wanted to kill Thor directly to ascend to the throne!”

Alan explained nonchalantly.

“Oh my God, the royal battle of dog blood, but the adopted son also wants to ascend to the throne?” What a whimsical idea! ”

Tony heard half way through and understood what had happened, and immediately taunted without words.

“Well, this incident has taught us a good lesson, we must be prepared for these advanced alien civilizations!” Alan, I want you to record your last research to me, or to disclose your research directly to us! ”

Fury says something that baffles Tony, but Alan knows that Fury is talking about the results of studying the Cosmic Cube.

“Fury, it was you yourself who made me firm not to disclose my research results, and originally my conditions were shared with you, weren’t they?” However, since I have promised you at that time, I can only say sorry for you at this time! ”

Alan shook his head in refusal without hesitation, causing Fury to sigh, say nothing more, and leave directly.

“What dumb are you playing?”

Tony looked at Alan with a confused look.

“Soon you’ll know! Tony, times are about to turn out, be ready… Prepare for battle! I’m leaving! ”

After Alan finished eating the apple pie on the table in two bites, he walked outside the store and broke the air, causing the ordinary people outside to scream and scream.

And Tony sat uncertain for a while and then went home, somehow, Tony felt an invisible pressure, especially Alan’s words, let Tony know that he could not sit idle now.

As soon as Alan’s side got home, he began to prepare, and Alan knew that the big war was coming, which made Alan a little excited.

“After my ammunition expert awakened to become a ‘great general’, my passive skill ‘Field Merit’ needed to be able to break through on the battlefield!”

Field Meritorious — use massive battlefield experience, a large number of battlefield battles, and a large number of battlefield experience to improve their shooting, action, and on-the-spot strain! And improve their ammunition, firearms, power, etc.

This requires a lot of battlefield experience, where did Alan go to find the battlefield before? However, once Fury’s side restarts the study of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, they will definitely be sensed by Thanos if they are not careful, and Loki will come.

Allen was careful when he studied, afraid that the Cosmic Cube would produce energy fluctuations and be discovered by Thanos.

Alan knew, but the others didn’t, so Fury’s side was definitely going to step on the mine.

“Susan, announce that the number of arms sales of the Umbrella Company will be reduced by 10% again, no, 20%, the pressure from the outside world you don’t have to care, I need to free up some factories to make things!” 」

“Ball balls, change the vacated factory equipment, mass production robots and interceptor factories and interceptors, other weapons and heavy weapons and so on, I can build a few spare ones in the laboratory myself!”

“Divide up the computing resources, study the wreckage of the destroyer, and see if you can repair and control it!”

“Starting tomorrow, I’m going to go into research again, the bottleneck has been stuck for too long, it’s time to try again!” Even if you can’t succeed, it’s good to accumulate experience! ”

“Good sir! What about Sokovia? If you don’t guide it yourself, the progress there may be much slower! ”

Ball said.


Alan was stunned, and Wanda’s stubborn face came to mind, and then shook his head:

“Slow down, slow down, don’t care!”

Alan looked out the window at the lake of the manor and murmured:

“Come on, Chitauri Army! I’d like to see how good you are on the real battlefield! ”

After that, Alan entered a state of daily crazy research, especially the data research on the Destroyer, which made Allen intrigued.

Tony also began to work on the construction of the Stark Building in New York, after all, it was his first pilot into the energy industry.

Nick Fury did restart the study of the Cosmic Cube at S.H.I.E.L.D., and invited Dr. Shavig but still the principal investigator.

A year flew by

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