Alan’s luxurious estate next to the lake

Alan sat leisurely on the shore with a fishing rod fishing for fish, looking enjoyable… Alan was waiting for someone.

Allen, who has his own satellite, has a clear understanding of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s movements under the supervision of the ball, including Coulson, Natasha and others.

“You’re really laid back, Susan has been in Europe all this time, has that left you with nothing to do?”

Natasha did not know when she had come behind Alan, bent down to pick up a stone from the ground and threw it into the lake, causing the fish that had just been hooked to run away.

“You didn’t come to me to deliberately disgust me, did you?” My old friend, you’ve been really busy this year, aren’t you supposed to get intelligence from the Russian military now? ”

Alan said without looking back.

“Something went wrong, so I’m back, and that’s why I came to you this time!”

Natasha handed over a tablet, but her eyes were on the metal orb that had been floating next to Alan.


Alan turned his head to look at the tablet, and the ball immediately turned into flowing mercury to wrap the tablet, and then a 993 projection shot out of the ball.

Like Coulson’s information to Tony, Alan lost interest just by looking at it, and said casually:

“The Avengers Project? I remember I made it clear that I wasn’t interested! And it’s not that I’m not saying that the people here, except for you and Hawkeye, are not bad, everyone else’s personality is problematic, and it is not controllable at all, you yourself feel the same way, right? ”

“As for you and Hawkeye, to be honest, it’s too weak in my opinion! What’s more, you even have to ask Banner, aren’t you afraid? ”

Allen was not at all polite in saying this.

“Alan, this matter is related to the survival of the earth, and we really need any strength!” And Dr. Banner must also join, of course, we don’t have to fight Dr. Banner, you also know that the Cosmic Cube will release weak gamma rays, and the one who knows the most about gamma rays at the moment is undoubtedly Dr. Banner, or do you have a way to find the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube? ”

“I heard that you are also studying radioactive energy this year?”

Nata(aicb) Sado.

“I can’t, I haven’t studied gamma rays, I’ve been working on two other kinds of radioactive energies this year, and they’ve already had results, but unfortunately, they have nothing to do with gamma rays!”

Alan shook his head.

In addition to the scientific and technological research accumulation of the destroyer and the sharpshooter, Allen finally succeeded in researching the special radiation energies of ‘Hercules Rex’ and ‘Leger the Repairer’ in the mechanical army.

“Just yesterday an Asgardian broke into me. In the secret base, he snatched the Cosmic Cube and threatened to rule us! Things are urgent, so I hope to get your help from Alan.”

Natasha said.

“I remember telling Fu that your research on the Cosmic Cube would put the Earth in danger, but it seems that you don’t regret it!”

Alan looked at Natasha sarcastically and said.

“You have a powerful treasure that everyone wants, so will you hide the treasure or use it to protect yourself?”

Natasha didn’t care about Allen’s sarcasm at all, but asked rhetorically.

“Of course, I didn’t say anything wrong with that, I just reminded you of it!”

Alan shrugged, because if he didn’t know the plot, Alan would probably choose to do the same thing as Fury.

“This Asgardian is the brother of Thor who came to Earth last time, powerful, not afraid of bullets, infinitely powerful, armed with a scepter that can send out energy attacks, and able to control the minds of others! Barton is controlled by him, Barton knows a lot of S.H.I.E.L.D. secrets, the Earth is now in danger, we need your help! ”

“And Dr. Banner is already very unruffled, and we feel that he should be able to control his anger!”

Natasha said here for a moment before looking at a leisurely Alan and saying slowly:

“My mission is to persuade Dr. Banner, but I hope you will accompany me!”

Natasha was helpless, and if she could, she didn’t want to find the monster, and the Battle of Broadway made Hulk a monster that anyone in the world feared.

“I refuse!”

Alan shook his head without hesitation.


Natasha thought she had heard wrongly and asked with a confused face.

“I said, I refused, the Hulk didn’t give me a very good impression, I didn’t want to fight it again!”

Alan shook his head.

The last time he fought with Hulk, Alan was really scared, and at that time, Alan had already regretted it, and Alan really didn’t want to fight Hulk again.

Although he knew that Dr. Banner should be able to control some Hulks this time, who knew if he would go straight away when he saw the enemy?

Alan believed that he had not left a good impression on Hulk in the first place.

But that wasn’t Alan’s ultimate goal, he wanted something else.

“Hey, Alan, we’re friends, and when you were a little virgin, you were the little star my sister I helped you find!”

Natasha immediately returned to her senses and said with dissatisfaction that she could be a little relieved if Ellen went with her, after all, Ellen still had some weapons that could deal with the Hulk.

“。。。。。。。。 Can we not mention this? ”

The corners of Alan’s mouth twitched, and wordlessly turned to look at Natasha, and gave Natasha an obscure look.

It was this gaze that made Natasha finally know what Alan wanted, although she did not want this, but now is a critical moment, Natasha gritted her teeth and immediately said to Alan:

“Alan, if you help with this, then the previous things will be written off, you no longer owe S.H.I.E.L.D.D. anything, and we will not ask for anything from this again, but I only hope that you can cooperate with me to bring Dr. Banner this time!”

When Natasha finished speaking, she stared at Alan deadly, trying to see the answer he hoped for in Alan’s eyes. _

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