“The location is great.”

Alan nodded satisfactorily, and then spat out two words directly and softly, which made Natasha breathe a sigh of relief, and took out a headset and handed it to Alan:

“There is a small town in Nam Tri, India, I have arranged it, if you want to go immediately, I will arrange the plane immediately!”

“You go first, when you get to inform me, it will be about ten minutes away for me!” But I have one more request, which is just a small thing for you S.H.I.E.L.D! ”

Allen said.


Natasha asked doubtfully.

“My brother has been a year and taught him enough lessons!” Now that Hammer Industries has long since merged with my umbrella, I want you to release him immediately! ”

Speaking of this, Alan sighed and said:

“After this year of prison life, he should be happy to be a rich man for the rest of his life, right?” Anyway, the company doesn’t have any job – the position can be given to him! ”

“It’s no problem, when I came, I got the highest authorization from the boss side, and I have the right to act cheaply, and I can let him be released immediately!”

Natasha was stunned and then couldn’t wait to say that this was not a problem for her at all, in fact, even if it was Alan herself, it was easy to find some parliamentarian activities to get Hammer out.

Natasha knew that this was just an excuse for Alan to give herself, so she asked:

“Do you know something?”

“Yes, I know something! Then you let people go over there, I’ll go see my brother, and when you get there, I’ll leave immediately!” ”

Alan nodded.

“Contact in those two hours!”

Natasha said that she would leave without hesitation, and when she left Alan’s manor, Natasha immediately contacted Fury and informed her of the situation, and Natasha knew that Fury would take care of the matter.

“Alan Hammer! What was his purpose? ”

On the Sky Carrier, Fury hung up Natasha’s phone and looked at the clouds ahead and muttered to himself.

Fury was silent for a moment before starting to call contacts:

“I want you to let the NYPD jail release Justin Hammer, immediately, right now…

In a prison outside New York, Justin Hammer, wearing a suit that he had fallen out of the year, walked out of the prison gate at a slow pace, somewhat confused.

Justin Hammer doesn’t know what he’s going to do next, and the company doesn’t know what to do, so usually the company will be taken over by his brother.

Justin Hammer’s heavy steps suddenly became brisk when he saw the big man, and he took a few steps to come to this person, and only after half a day did he look complicated and slowly open:

“It’s been a year, and I thought you wouldn’t care about me at all!”

“Brother, I know you have a grudge, but haven’t you figured it out this year?” You simply don’t have the ability to be the one who stands out for all! ”

Alan looked at Justin Hammer, who no longer had the confidence he had before, and couldn’t bear it for no reason.

“Yeah, you’re a genius, Stark is a genius, and I’m actually against you, damn it, isn’t it?”

Justin said with a wry laugh and self-deprecating.

“You go, I merged the new umbrella company after Hammer Industries has 10% of your shares, you are still a super rich man who wants the wind to blow and the rain to rain!” Go enjoy your life, the company’s things won’t let you touch the slightest bit! Really boring, I give you a few patented technologies to play with, so that I can also be worthy of my father, worthy of the Hammer family! ”

Alan sighed, pointed to the limousine parked in front of the two men, and then broke through the air under the wrapping of the ball.

Justin was stunned for half a day before getting into the car decadently, and then the driver started the car to drive Justin towards Justin’s own estate.

In a small town in southern India, Alan gently fell from the silver throne from the night and came to Natasha, who was dressed in a long black dress, as if she were going to a ball, but with a nervous face, and said in surprise:

0······· Ask for flowers…

“What are you dressed up for?”

“Thank goodness you’re here, it’s that big guy inside, and you know his strength, I just don’t want to anger him!”

Alan’s arrival startled Natasha, but she was finally relieved, looking at the handsome and handsome Alan in a suit, Natasha naturally reached out and took Alan’s arm and said:

“It was a perfect match! Huh, go, go meet the big guy, I don’t know if he will appear directly when he sees you, in that case, I want you to come this time but it will have the opposite effect! ”

“If I didn’t owe you S.H.I.E.L.D., I really wouldn’t want to come, after all, the impression I left on that battle was not good!”

…………….. 0

Alan said helplessly, and walked into a cabin with Natasha, who had already observed that all the agents around him were ambushed with nervous guards.

After Alan and Natasha entered the house, neither of them spoke, and Natasha kept taking deep breaths, which showed the great pressure that Hulk had brought to her.

After all, that battle between Alan and the Hulk had spread the Hulk’s prestige around the world.

Alan didn’t move, just stood there faintly, and soon saw a little girl with Dr. Banner in a cheap suit and a first aid kit.

“Oh, I should have taken his money first!”

When Dr. Banner saw the little girl jump straight out of the back window, he knew something in an instant with one of the smartest brains in humans, laughing self-deprecatingly.

“For someone who needs to escape stress, you’ve picked a good place!”

At this time, Natasha finally calmed down, although Alan could feel Natasha holding her wrist full of sweat, but Natasha’s expression was very natural to hold Alan and walk over, and her voice said softly.

Just this hand, let Alan admire Natasha’s acting skills and guts, facing the Hulk is not everyone can do, not to mention the gap between Natasha and Hulk’s strength is so large. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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