Banner’s leisureliness made Alan frown, knowing that this was the fearless psychology that could only be achieved with invincible strength.

“It’s all right here, you guys back off!”

It took Natasha half a day to react, and seeing that Banner really had no intention of transforming, she said to the agents in the headphones who had already gathered around.

“Or are there only three of us?”

Banner teased again before suddenly asking Alan with a serious face:

“Who banished me into space that time?”

“My friend, does the Doctor want to experience it again?”

Allen said.

“It doesn’t have to be, but you’re always going to have to tell me what’s going on, right?”

Banner asked.

Natasha then explained in a loud voice:

“Dr. Banner, you can see all this information when the time comes, so can you help us now?”

“Well, it looks like something really big has happened, and I should do something for the sins I have done before, I just hope you can understand my situation and don’t do anything superfluous!”

When Banner heard Natasha’s words, he hesitated for a moment and finally nodded his head in agreement, and then got on a plane with Alan and Natasha and left the place.

Along the way, Alan had been on guard, Banner sitting next to him, and such a close distance was really stressful for Alan, and Alan could not maintain a calm mindset.

Alan sat between Natasha and Banner, his gun-wielding hands lying flat on Alan’s legs, silent so that Banner, who had tried to talk several times, did not find a chance.

“Alan, your two guns seem to give people a very different feeling, especially this revolver, which can be seen in the battle with the Hulk, and the bullets fired are very powerful!”

After a while, Natasha finally couldn’t help but ask Alan curiously.

“This is what I made from the three materials I synthesized from ‘Red Chalcedony’, ‘Blood Drop Stone’ and ‘Carbon Crystal’, which are very tough!”

“And I used special rifling, magazines, magazines and other modification techniques, plus my lot of contact and understanding, to achieve that effect!”

Alan explained softly, to the surprise of Banner on the side, admiring that Alan could make an ordinary gun so extraordinary, and also possessed such powerful gun skills.

Everyone who has seen Alan fight will be deeply shocked by Alan’s powerful marksmanship.

“Can you teach me?” You should know that I also have certain qualifications, although it may not be able to reach your level, but it is also good to have promotion! ”

Natasha said with her eyes shining.

“Oh, no!”

Alan glanced at Natasha wordlessly and turned to look at Banner, who had already begun to look at the incident and some information about the people he was going to work with.

Among them, Allen’s data Banner is the focus of attention, in which Allen’s scientific and technological achievements, especially the above actually said that Alan has developed a quantum weapon, which makes Banner even more admired.

In a secret command room of the Sky Carrier, Fury was talking to several people.

These are the representatives of the five permanent members, that is, the superior of S.H.I.E.L.D., members of the World Security Council.

“Director Fury, you have never mentioned to us the plan to restart the Cosmic Cube, and now you have entered the second stage!”

A representative asked with dissatisfaction.

The World Security Council gave S.H.I.E.L.D. a great deal of autonomy, but it was not unlimited, and I did not expect that Fury had actually done such a big thing on his own this time.

“Have you fought a war, sir?” When it’s a real war, do you like to be controlled? Didn’t the arrival of those Asgardians ever make you afraid? ”

Fury asked directly.

“You mean Asgard declared war on us?”

“According to my intelligence, this possibility is very small!”

“Will Loki be alone?” What about his brother? ”

“Thor should have no ill will, but Thor is now far away, we can’t count on it, we can only rely on ourselves!”

Fury said quietly.

“Then why don’t you just start the second phase?” There are already a lot of prototypes, and since the second phase is there to deal with this, you should focus more on it! ”

Another representative said.

“Our second stage is immature, but the enemy is different! I need an emergency team! ”

Fury said.

“Don’t think about it, the Avengers program has been terminated! The presence of the Hulk alone is not something you can control! ”

“I didn’t emphasize being an Avenger!”

Fury argues.

“You control the world’s most elite secret agent organization, but you want to put the survival of mankind in the hands of a bunch of freaks?”

“I’m not going to give anything to anyone, I just need an emergency response team!” They may go their separate ways and may get out of control, but when used properly, I believe they are the ones we need right now! ”

“Believe? Fighting is not about intuition, Commander! ”

“Yes, it is the soldiers who fight the war!”

Fury had turned off the communications directly, he had been given full command of the battle, and he knew he was not wrong.

A Loki only, as long as Dr. Banner helps to find it, the others do not say, Alan will definitely come up to catch it, after all, last time Alan was a person who beat Asgard!

Then everything will go in a good direction. That’s what Fury thinks now.

On the west coast of the United States, on a huge aircraft carrier, the sexy slim Natasha dressed in casual clothes led a somewhat hesitant-looking Sven man in a cheap suit out of the Kun fighter.

Behind the two people, wearing custom suits, slender figures with handsome appearances, immediately attracted the attention of many soldiers.

These three people, of course, are Banner, Natasha and Alan, and Natasha comes down and lets Banner and Alan take a casual look at them, and then they go into the aircraft carrier to report on the situation.

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