Soon Natasha came out again, and from another landed Kun fighter, she led a very handsome and sunny looking soldier with a strong temperament.

“Dr. Banner, Mr. Allen!”

This man is the captain of the United States, Stephen Rogers, it has been a year or so since the thaw, and it has been recovering very well, at this time it is very atmospheric to think of Banner and Allen holding out their hands.

“Happy meeting!”

Alan did not reach out to shake Rogers’ hand, but just casually said two words, which made Rogers slightly stunned.

Immediately after thinking about the personality of Alan who did not like to communicate with strangers in the information, he did not care, but shook hands with Banner and said:

“Dr. Banner, I heard you were able to find the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube?”

“Have you only heard so much?”

Banner is like a persecution paranoia, seeing that everyone thinks they are afraid of the Hulk in their body.

“I only care so much!”

Rogers’s answer made Banner a little awe-struck, and Rogers smiled indifferently, then turned to Alan and said:

“Mr. Alan Hammer, thank you very much for coming, I see in you the same tough and excellent qualities as a soldier!”

“I’m just trying to get back the favor, and I love war!”

Alan said with a prickly look on his lips.

Originally, Alan was going to help Natasha to go back after inviting Banner together, but then she thought about it, anyway, she also wanted to join this plot, so why not simply return this person to the end, so as not to let others say more, so she followed.

“You’re not just that, you just don’t know it yet!”

Rogers didn’t say much, looked at Alan appreciatively and didn’t talk to him again. The captain saw the change in the Umbrella Company during the year, which is why he said this.

After a few more conversations, the Sky Carrier began a shocking takeoff, and then the crowd, led by Natasha, went to the command room of the Sky Carrier and began to discuss with Fury about finding the Rubik’s Cube.

Dr. Banner said he could immediately devise an algorithm that could trace the faint gamma rays emitted by the Cosmic Cube at its source. Then he asked for a laboratory and went away under Natasha’s leadership. Fury also went to the command room.

Alan sat bored listening to Coulson ask Rogers questions with a little adoration, and wanted Rogers to sign his collector’s card.

“Alan, do you have anything to add to Dr. Banner’s approach?” After all, in terms of familiarity with the cosmic cube, you should be the one who has the most say here! ”

Fury turned to look at Alan.

“According to Dr. Banner’s method, it will probably take half a day to find the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, which is about the same when the sun rises tomorrow morning!”

Allen’s words made Fury breathe a sigh of relief, as long as he found the Cosmic Cube, he had a strong combat power to deal with.

“Clues were found, and the facial recognition contrast against Loki reached 67%, and so on after the side cross-contrast reached 79%”

Then a bald man with glasses turned to Coulson.

Alan knew that the bald head was the Hydra member of Captain America 2, but Alan had no intention of being nosy. After all, Alan couldn’t explain how he knew, and Fury wouldn’t believe it.

Besides, what does this Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. fight have to do with Allen?

“The location is great.

Coulson asked.

“dé country of Stuttgart, 28 Kuning Street. He had no intention of hiding at all! ”

“Captain, Alan, look at you, he probably didn’t take the Cosmic Cube with him, and he won’t tell us where the Cosmic Cube is, just grab him and we’ll just find it ourselves!”

Fury appeared behind everyone and looked at Alan and said slowly.

“I said I’d give my all this time, Fury, and after this time, we’ll both be clear!” But one yard to one yard, fighting is fighting money, this matter is not so simple, if there is a large-scale war, my losses need you to pay! ”

Alan said suddenly and very seriously.

“Of course! If there really is a battle or a war you say, then please do not leave your hand, all the war consumption will be paid for by our side! ”

Fury immediately acceded to Alan’s request.

In any case, it is not Fury who pays for it himself, and the world security council is funded by the five permanent members and many members of the United Nations.

“Well, I’ll go and bring Loki now!”

After Allen finished speaking, in the eyes of everyone’s amazement, the ball immediately wrapped Alan up, forming a silver-white egg-like thing and breaking away.

Natasha then went to drive the Kun fighter jet and took Captain Rogers with her to Dé Country.

On the dé side, Loki had appeared on the street dressed as an Asgardian prince, and a group of upper-class people were forced to kneel on the ground by him, listening to Loki expound on the servility of mankind and his own greatness:

“Isn’t that right? Aren’t you born to be like this? This is a truth that no one among you human beings has broken! ”

“You long to be enslaved! You are desperately seeking power and status, but in fact your bones are full of servility, and you will soon succumb to your rulers! ”

“But it won’t be someone like you!”

At this time, an old man stood up with a determined face and looked at Loki calmly.

“I’m unique!”

Loki said with a twinkle in his eye.

“I’ve seen a lot of people like you who don’t have a face!”

The old man didn’t seem to care about his own life and death, and said without hesitation.

“Shit, Loki, you really don’t want a face!” There are hundreds of thousands of Asgardians, of course, you are of Frost Giant blood, but there are also hundreds of thousands, and you actually tell me that you are unique? Isn’t every human being unique? ”

Suddenly, next to Loki, a voice with a sarcastic tone faintly came into his ears, and the proximity made Loki directly startled, and he immediately turned around and stabbed the scepter in his hand to Alan who was standing behind Loki in a suit.


Loki’s hand was easily grabbed by Alan, and then Alan’s other hand grabbed Loki’s shoulder and kicked it in the crook of Loki’s leg with a lightning kick, causing Loki to kneel down directly in front of Alan, smashing the cement road out of the crack.

Then a dark red revolver with a dangerous aura of danger was directly on the door of Loki’s head.

“Isn’t that right? Aren’t you born to be like this? In fact, you are full of servility in your bones, and sooner or later you will succumb to the strong! ”

Alan grinned, bent down and looked at Loki playfully, learning the tone Loki had just said.

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