Subsequently, the conversation between Loki and Fury came from the screen in front of everyone again, shifting the topic to the Cosmic Cube, and Loki’s words revealed that Nick Fury wanted not unlimited energy, but a powerful weapon.

Seeing this, Fury did not want to talk any more, threw down a sentence of “want a magazine to find me”, and turned and left the prison.

“This guy is really wordy!”

Seeing that everyone was looking at themselves, consciously or unconsciously, Banner said with a smile.

“Thor, what do you think Loki wants to do?”

Rogers looked at Thor.

“Loki has an army of Chitauri, who are not people of the 9 galaxies and do not belong to any of the known planets. They will help Loki conquer the earth, and I guess the condition is the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.”

Thor said.

Alan looked at Sol with some surprise, “This guy is inexplicably a little good at these things!” Allen thought, “Four Zeros.”

“An army, but also from outer space!”

Rogers’s face was dignified.

“So Loki must have wanted to open the portal, so he took Dr. Shavig with him.”

Banner said.

“Shavig? He’s an astronomer and a friend of mine! ”

Thor interjected.

“Why did Loki surrender so easily?”

Rogers is still struggling with the issue.

“I don’t think we should focus on Loki, that’s a lunatic!”

Banner was a little bitter about what Loki had just called himself a beast.

“Be careful what you say, Loki is unreasonable, but he’s an Asgardian and it’s my brother.”

Thor is a brother.

“Loki killed eighty people in two days!”

Natasha said softly.

“。。。。。。。。。。 He is not biological.”

Thor was a little embarrassed.

“I think Loki’s plan has something to do with metal iridium, what does he want iridium to do?”

As soon as Banner finished speaking, a flirtatious voice came out next to him:

“That can be used as a stabilizer!”

Taking off his suit, Tony and Coulson walked in together. And Coulson whispered two words before saying:

“That way, the portal wouldn’t collapse like the one at S.H.I.E.L.D.!”

“Don’t fight, don’t know!”

Tony walked up to Thor and patted Thor on the shoulder with his hand, and said in a gesture that I didn’t see as much as you:

“Big star, your hammer is very giving.

This made the corners of Thor’s eyes twitch. Maria Hill next to her turned sideways with a blank eye.

“That way the portal can be big enough and last long enough.” Amount··· Raise the main sail and get ready to go… There was a guy over there playing a game and he thought no one was seeing it, but I found out.”

Alan saw Rogers turn his head to see who was playing the game.

Tony walked over and commanded. Then secretly pressed a hacker element up, and then pretended to cover half of his face strangely and asked:

“What does the one-eyed dragon think of this side?”

Tony’s little movements were all in Alan’s eyes.

“Just turn around”

Hill couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Other things Hawkeye is easy to get, and now they should need a high-density energy source!”

Tony said dashingly while randomly clicking on the computer next to him, seeing that no one interacted with him and helplessly shouted:

“Am I the only one doing my homework?”

“He needs to heat the Rubik’s Cube to 100 million degrees to reach the theoretical standard!”

Banner does the thinking form.

“Look, there are still knowledgeables!”

Seeing a response to Tony’s delight. And the captain, who did not understand a word, whispered to the equally confused Thor on the side:

“What just happened?”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Banner, and your accomplishments in the field of positron collisions are unparalleled. I appreciate that you become a big green monster when you get angry! ”

Tony went over and shook hands with Banner. Banner took a moment to squeeze out the word “thank you.”

“Alan, is it really good that you don’t make a sound like this?”

Tony suddenly looked at Allen and then said to everyone:

“Then why don’t you ask Alan?” I think he has the most say in the issue of the Cosmic Cube, right? ”

Hearing Tony’s words, everyone turned to look at Alan, who was speechless, and Alan straightened his clothes and said:

“Metal iridium… The metallic elements that come with the meteorite can form antimatter energy! Due to its rarity, only a very small number of astrophysics researchers know its use, and Shavig should be one of them, I am afraid that even you S.H.I.E.L.D. do not know! ”

As soon as Alan said something, and everyone was listening intently, Fury walked in:

“Dr. Banner is here to help track down the Rubik’s Cube energy, Stark, and I hope you can help Banner with you, and better study Loki’s Scepter 0….. I need to know how Loki used it to turn my most trusted henchmen into obedient monkeys! ”


Thor didn’t understand. Rogers understood this time and shouted:

“I know, I know this, The Wizard of Oz!”

This caused Tony to roll his eyes, and even Alan couldn’t help but smile to the side.

Only Fury still maintained a serious expression and said to Allen:

“Since Shavig knows about iridium metal, why didn’t he say it when S.H.I.E.L.D. was studying the Cosmic Cube for us?” And you should know something we don’t know! ”

“Hey, Fury, this metal iridium formed antimatter is used to stabilize the portal, which means that this is the study of opening the portal, but what you asked Shavig to study is how to use the Rubik’s Cube to open the portal, right?” I’ve seen the transcript of Shavig’s research you gave! ”

In the face of Fury’s questioning, Alan showed a playful smile, and the words made both Tony and Banner frown.

“But even if it is the study of opening the portal, Shavig must have been carried out under Loki’s guidance!”

Alan said surely.

“Alan, it turns out that the six months you disappeared were to study the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, and your space technology is the result of studying the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, right?” I also read Shavig’s research notes, there is no cosmic cube as a medium, and you have not acquired the metal iridium, how did you do it? ”

Tony asked in a loud voice, and Thor and Rogers 4.1 were the same as listening to the Book of Heaven.

“I didn’t know about Iridium Metal at the time, and the amount of Iridium Metal on Earth wasn’t enough for me to study!” But for me who broke through quantum technology, it wasn’t too difficult to synthesize a material that could form antimatter energy! ”

Alan smiled, then looked at Fury:

“I also know that Loki’s current Chitauri army is cannon fodder for Thanos, but it’s a disaster for Earth!”

Alan looked at Thor as he spoke, and sure enough, when Thor heard Thanos’ name, he was shocked:

“You mean Thanos?”

“Who is this Thanos?”

The crowd is a little confused, but seeing Thor’s look and Allen’s statement that the alien army is just cannon fodder in his hands, which makes everyone know that this is a key figure. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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