“Thanos! When I was a child, I heard my father tell me! Thanos is a crazy Titan who embarks on an interstellar journey alone after the destruction of his home Saturn moon, and unleashes countless killings in the universe! ”

“He often went to slaughter those civilized planets, but did not exterminate them, it seems that he only killed for the sake of killing, and was a terrible madman!”

Thor said solemnly, then frowned:

“But now Thanos seems to be out of the galaxy anymore and doesn’t know what to do!” But what is certain is that once he returns, the universe will flow into a river of blood! ”


Everyone listened to Thor’s description and inhaled a cold breath, how could there be such a strong character in the universe?

“Alan, why did Thanos set his sights on Earth?” Is it really because of this cosmic cube? Did that Thanos want the Cosmic Cube to make it easier to kill other planets? What was the purpose of his killing? ”

Fury asked with an ugly face.

Not only Fury, Tony, Natasha and the others all felt a huge pressure after hearing about this Thanos, they were really 08 a little scared to pee.

“Or else? Didn’t Thor make the deal between Loki and Chitauri’s army very clear? As for the purpose of Thanos’ killing, I don’t know! ”

Allen, they were all so nervous that they were not ready to tell them the news that Thanos would come later, lest they be more stressed.

“Well, I think we should still solve the immediate crisis before we say, Dr. Banner, let’s go to the lab together, Alan, you too, track down the Cosmic Cube with you faster, and I have something to ask you!”

Tony said, pull up Alan and Banner to go to the lab, as soon as they leave, Alan will find a programmer through the ball to open the game and play…

When Alan entered the lab, he chatted with Tony and Banner.

All three were top scientists, and Banner immediately had a sense of seeing each other and hating each other.

Chatting about Tony’s vague thoughts of wanting Banner to come to him:

“Dr. Banner, your wisdom should be used in better places, not to hide!”

“What are you trying to say?”

Banner looked at Tony unexpectedly, he kind of understood Tony’s meaning, but Banner did not think that Tony actually dared to invite himself, did not know the instability of the Hulk in his body?

“It’s not time yet, but I have an idea, you know me and Alan, we don’t waste time every day, we have grand ideals!”

Tony said with a glint in his eye.

Alan skimmed his lips, not knowing when he and Tony shared a common ideal.

Tony wants to keep the world at peace and security, while Alan just wants to keep strengthening himself.

Of course, if the earth doesn’t have Alan and still plays an egg, so to protect things Ellen has to do it if he doesn’t do it.

“I think I kind of understand what you mean, and I feel that you are sincerely inviting me, but do you think I can?” Can you afford it? ”

Banner could see the sincerity in Tony’s eyes, and Na was also very fond of Tony, which may be the mutual appreciation of scientists, but Banner was still very worried.

“Rest assured, I won’t let you get stimulated or stressed!”

Tony took the barrel of the pen and gave Banner a look, making Banner cry out “Ah.” Then he looked into Banner’s eyes and said strangely:

“Why didn’t it react? Good control! ”

Tony’s heart was big, but this move directly caused Alan to bounce off the chair, his whole body muscles tensed, and two dark red guns appeared in his hands, staring at Banner with dead eyes.

“Hey, are you crazy? If you do this, you will threaten the lives of the entire ship! ”

Rogers, who had just walked outside the door and witnessed it, came over to Tony and said angrily, and then said to Banner:

“No offense, Doctor!”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter, if I can’t stand this stimulus, I won’t come here, but it seems that the Hulk still can’t be waved in Alan’s heart!”

Banner smiled helplessly.

“Don’t be nervous Alan, you have to have the style of a general, you know?”

Tony patted Alan indifferently, causing Alan to slowly relax. It’s not that Alan instigated, it’s that Alan really doesn’t want to put himself in danger anymore.

The Broadway incident made Alan remember Hulk vividly, and Alan didn’t want to face this guy again, or he would have to kill Hulk.

Tony and the captain said something about doubting S.H.I.E.L.D.’s intentions, and Banner was also confused that S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to study infinite energy without inviting Stark to be the energy benchmark of this world. Took Rogers away.

“My father would actually praise him!”

Tony looks down on Rogers, but Banner feels that Rogers is right about Loki. The two of them talked for a while and then told Banner about the reactor in Tony’s chest and told him that the reactor saved his life.

Then he said to Banner seriously:

“Doctor, I know all about you, so powerful that the gamma rays are enough for 957 to kill you!”

Banner felt a little new when he heard it:

“So you mean that it was the Hulk who saved my life?” That’s a good idea, but why did he save me? ”

“Do you know that every minute and every second, there are tiny shrapnel pieces that want to burrow into my heart, and it is this thing in my chest that protects me!”

“I don’t get it too much!”

Banner glanced at the silent Alan and said.

“It’s a terrible gift, and I, Alan, and you, we’re all the same, I was almost killed by this thing in my chest, and I’ve learned to understand, to discover this terrible gift, and so should you!”

Tony said.

“But you can control it completely!”

Banner shook his head and sighed:

“Do you think I would dare to let Hulk go after seeing his strength?” And you don’t understand what it’s like when that angry onslaught, I really can’t do it! ”

Banner said disappointedly.

“Not being able to do now does not mean that we will not be able to do it in the future, as long as we work together, with me, Allen, and you, gathering our wisdom and perseverance, there is nothing we can’t do!” 」

Tony patted Banner on the shoulder expectantly, and without saying anything more, he just came to say hello now and let Banner know in his heart, because it was not yet time and Tony was waiting for his chance. _

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