Of course Natasha wanted to leave, but her feet were pressed against her and she couldn’t pull them out, so cold sweat kept running down her pale face in horror.

“Floating Bomb!”

Alan pulled out his pistol and fired a shot at the tin can that was pressing Natasha, which immediately floated eerily after being hit, reached a certain height and began to fall again.

When Natasha saw this, she immediately and decisively pulled her foot back and then rolled over to Alan, leaving the tin can empty.

“My little man, you came really in time, can you handle it?”

Natasha was finally relieved, stood up in surprise and thanked Alan, and then hesitated to stay here to help Alan, after all, she didn’t think she could help with Hulk.

“He can’t threaten me in this state yet, I’m just afraid he’ll get stronger!”

Alan shook his head, “Fortunately, I have no intention of fighting with him, Ball, what is the situation of the Sky Carrier now!” Take over the Sky Carrier system now and report back at any time! ”

As soon as Allen’s mind moved, a huge ‘plasma radiator’ appeared on his back that was nearly three meters long, and he casually looked at the Hulk who had completed his transformation in front of him.

At this time, the Hulk, who was nearly three meters tall, appeared in front of Allen and roared angrily directly at Allen 543 as if he knew Allen.

“I’ve seen you this thing, you used it the last time you fought with the Hulk, although it can easily break through the Hulk’s skin, but it can’t cause fatal damage, which will only make the Hulk more and more angry!”

Natasha said worriedly.

“Sir, there was an explosion outside the Sky Carrier, and Engine Three has stopped running, but the turbine is not damaged and can be repaired!”

Qiu Qiu said at this time.

“Hear that? Fury, hurry up and send someone to repair Engine Three, this is Hawkeye’s action, he will definitely continue to destroy, lose one more and it will be finished, at least before he destroys the next one we fall! ”

“Hawkeye also needs someone to stop it, as for Hulk’s side, I’ll take care of it, and, Coulson, you immediately take Thor to guard the prison gate where Loki is being held, if the prison has been invaded and opened, then don’t rush in, Loki just wants to leave now, don’t do senseless fighting!”

Alan looked at the Hulk who had rushed towards him in front of him, calmly commanded, and immediately became the backbone of everyone. (aibe)

“But as long as we’re still flying, we can’t send someone out to fix the engine!”

Hill’s voice came.


By this time, Hulk had rushed to Alan’s face and punched at Alan, scaring Natasha into retreating.

“Heavy weapon pull!”

Just as the Hulk was about to attack Alan, Alan suddenly pulled out a long ‘plasma radiator’, and the gun head immediately smashed into the Hulk’s brain and the Hulk flew backwards to the ground.

“Tony, you go fix the engine, and the captain goes to help!”

As Alan spoke, he pulled the trigger of the ‘shooter’ and grinned at the angry Hulk:

“Goodbye Hulk!”

“Nourishing and nourishing!”

As Alan pulled the trigger, a red electric light with a diameter of half a meter suddenly erupted from the muzzle, forming a poly-beam plasma current of up to four or five meters and immediately emitted.


As Alan suddenly drew a circle, the entire half of the sky carrier where Allen was located was instantly separated, the incision was smooth as a mirror, with the fiery red of the metal being smelted, slowly falling from the air.

Along with the fall, there is the Hulk who is constantly struggling and roaring.

“You, what do you do?”

Natasha was already stunned by this time, she couldn’t understand what Alan was doing, why did she suddenly attack the sky carrier?

“Although the Hulk has super bounce power, if there is no focus point, then he can only fall if he can’t fly, right?” We don’t have that much time to play with him right now! Rest assured, he will not die! ”

In the howling wind, Alan explained with a smile.


Just after Natasha nodded her head in understanding, two intruders suddenly appeared next to her, and it was a strafing shot at the two.


The ‘plasma launcher’ in Alan’s hand disappeared, two pistols appeared in his hand, and two random shots made the two intruders fall to the ground in an instant.


At this time, another explosion came.

“Sir, losing engine number four, the engine on the side of the entire sky carrier has striked, and the spacecraft has begun to fall, unable to control the steering very well!”

Qiu Qiu reported the situation conscientiously.

“Sure enough, another engine was lost, Stark, aren’t you okay over there?” What’s that, ‘ball’, right? How many intruders are currently on the sky carrier? Can I display an indicator screen? ”

Fury’s voice came.

“The situation is finished, and forty-two intruders have come in, plus Agent Patton, a total of forty-three, and have now destroyed two engines, navigation systems, and rescued Loki!” Mr. Thor is imprisoned in the original Loki’s special prison and thrown off the Sky Carrier! Agent Coulson has been seriously injured and has contacted medical staff to come to the rescue! ”

The ball cast a projection in front of Fury in the command room, showing the entire Sky carrier.

“Oh, didn’t I say that if Loki had been released, let him go?” What did Thor do, and how Coulson didn’t know to stop him! ”

Alan has been speechless, this Loki is worthy of a professional brother, Thor is also worthy of being a brother, so it is actually still a trick?

“Agent Barton knows us too well, there is a plan to come, the Sky Carrier has a total of four engines, now two are scrapped, and if Stark fixes one, we will have three to keep flying!” Stark, aren’t you okay with that? ”

Fury said with an ugly face, especially after hearing that Coulson had been seriously injured.

“No, I was disturbed, the wind pressure outside the spacecraft was strong, the captain could not stand well, could not help too much, I needed time and support!”

Tony said loudly, and he could hear gunshots coming from his side.

(Yesterday our town stopped nearly 20 hours of electricity, really sorry, I will make up yesterday’s five chapters, but it is possible that today a day can not be made up, if not, it will be divided into two days, such as today’s eight chapters, tomorrow’s seven chapters and so on!) Say sorry to all of you again! )_

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