“Then I’ll go and see, I wanted to deal with that Hawkeye, but the most important thing at the moment is to repair the engine, Hawkeye over there Natasha you go!” Ball, go help her! ”

Alan thought for a moment and then made a decision, then flew towards the number three engine on the disc of the ball, and before leaving, the ball split into a metal ball and followed Natasha, which made Natasha feel relieved and nodded towards the Hawkeye.

“I’m going to get this superconducting refrigeration system back up and running now, and now I need you to go over to the chassis and tell me which switches are overloaded!”

Tony said to Captain Rogers while using the hot wire to cut and clean up some of the jammed metal.

“Oh, this looks like some circuit boards, how to see if they are overloaded?” What does it mean to say overload? ”

Rogers opened the chassis, looked at the dense and complex circuit with a confused face, and asked cutely.

“You’re really professional…

Tony rolled his eyes, ready to see for himself, only to hear a voice that relieved Tony:

“The switch is normal, there is no overload, the refrigeration system can still be used after the ball detection, but if you want to recover, it seems that this is not enough!”

Beside Rogers, Alan flew down, took a look at the lines and said directly, and looked at Rogers with an inexplicable look, which made Rogers feel a little embarrassed.

“I make me feel like you look at it this way – I haven’t read a book!”

Rogers said with a twitch in the corner of his mouth.

“Alan, thank goodness you’re here, this man hasn’t read a book!”

Tony’s words darkened Rogers’ face, but he didn’t say anything.

“Now even if you fix these gears, the engine can’t move without boosting!”

Alan looked at the engine and said directly.

“I’m going to push!”

Tony said without hesitation.

“That thing starts to tear you to shreds!” Why don’t you let this orb assistant push you? ”

Although Rogers couldn’t read the circuit, he still knew the speed at which the engine started, and asked in doubt.

“The ball is fast, but it is only because of the material problem, in fact, the ball does not have much power, can not implement the boost, the ball is not used for fighting!”

Allen explains.

Alan also knows that the ball is very versatile, but although the ball has enough energy, it does not have a powerful thruster or anything, and can only assist Alan in battle.

If the power is enough, it only takes one look, and the ball can help Alan defeat everything in front of him, right?

But this is impossible, there is no strong power source, this is the weakness and problem of the ball, the ball of flight is all based on anti-gravity and smooth surface.

Of course, hold up Allen or something, there are still power balls.

“Yes, it can only be me!” The inverting pole that controls the stator, so that I have enough time to get out of it, and then it’s up to you! ”

Tony said.

“Do you speak English?”

Rogers was confused again, what a bird thing, he understood.

“It’s that red switch, you can just pull him down when Tony tells him, and since it’s okay here, I’ll go see what’s going on inside, Loki has grabbed the Kun fighter and evacuated, Thor has been put into that cage and thrown down, and most importantly, Coulson is dead!”

Alan suddenly said out loud that he had seen the situation over there from the ball and that Coulson was dead.

“Gentlemen, Agent Coulson is dead!”

Before Tony and Rogers could react from Alan’s words, Fury’s deep voice reached their ears, leaving both Tony and Rogers stunned.

“Alan, you go, I’ll fix the engine first!”

After half a moment of silence, Tony said somewhat hoarsely.


Alan nodded, then flew directly into the sky carrier, came to the command room and fired with both hands at random, and immediately killed seven or eight intruders and looked at Fury:

“The engine will be repaired right away, and Natasha’s side will be done!”

“Thank you!”

Fury said softly.

“I owe you!”

0······· Ask for flowers…

Alan waved his hand indifferently, and then went straight to a room where Hawkeye Barton was tied to the bed, shaking his head as if driving something away.

“I, I, exhale, I’ve got to kick it out of my brain, you won’t understand, squeeze the real you away, and stuff something else in your head!”

Patton was sweating profusely and desperately resisting the control of the scepter in her mind, and Natasha was concerned to stand by, she had caught Barton in and hit him the head, giving him a chance to get out of control.

“It seems that you are really good, this time I have to thank you Alan, the ball is really good, I am really envious!”

Natasha quickly walked over to Hawkeye’s face and looked closely at Hawkeye’s eyes before confirming.

…… 0…….

“It’s waking up, but it’s a desperate feeling, do you know what it’s like to be destroyed?”

Hawkeye said with fear that he would never want to try to be controlled again.

“I had!”

Natasha looked at the silent Alan and whispered.

“Natasha, how many agents died at my hands!”

Hawkeye suddenly asked nervously.

“Don’t think about it, it’s not your fault, everything is Loki!” They, they’re demons and ghosts, and we’re not trained in that! ”

Natasha hastened to explain.

“Only 25 people died directly at your hands, and now Coulson is dead!”

Alan said responsibly.

“Loki escaped, do you know where he went?”

Natasha glanced at Alan and quickly changed the subject.

“He never told me, and I never asked! But his plan will be implemented right away, just today, and soon, maybe the next second! ”

Hawkeye Road.

At this time, Tony’s voice came from Alan’s headphones, asking Alan to go over, and Alan agreed and left the room directly, waiting for Alan to arrive

Captain Rogers and Tony both stood silently in the place that had been a cage but was now empty, and this was also the place where Coulson died. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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