“Coulson is so stupid!”

Tony spoke up after a while.

“Are you saying he’s too stupid to sacrifice for his faith?”

Rogers frowned and looked at Tony with some dissatisfaction.

“No, I mean after Thor was tricked, he actually ran alone against Loki!”

Tony’s words made Alan nod, and although Alan knew that Tony was angry at Coulson’s death, Tony’s words also made a lot of sense.

Coulson himself is just an ordinary person, seeing that Thor has been tricked, and he has to run to deal with Loki, isn’t it looking for death?

“That’s his duty!”

Rogers Road.

“Oh, that’s beyond his ability, he should wait for support, or seek Alan’s help, knowing that Alan let the ball go and give Coulson a weapon or something, maybe he can knock back Loki!” ”

Tony said that there was something wrong with the mood, and Rogers saw that Tony was sad, so he said in a soft tone:

“The first time you’ve seen a soldier killed?”

“We are not soldiers!”

Tony suddenly said loudly, looking a little sinister.

It is true that Tony has killed people and terrorists since he began fighting, but he has not seen friendly forces killed, let alone lost badly this time.

It was also from this time that Tony began to really grow up, because of the pain, he would grow into a charismatic leader who did not lose Rogers.

“In short, I will not be at the mercy of Fury, I have my own ideas, I want to take matters into my own hands!”

Tony walked over to Alan and said firmly.

“Me too, but now we have to focus on the big picture, Loki needs an energy source, and we don’t know where he’s going to start!”

Rogers also said that he is not the kind of person who knows that the order is wrong but will carry it out, and he feels that Fury is also wrong this time.

“Stark Building, just at the last minute, Dr. Banner’s algorithm located the location of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, the location is the Stark Building, and the Ark Reactor of the Building can also be used as an energy source to start the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube!”

Alan said suddenly.

“What, what? Good, good, this guy has a big personality and knows the only way to win is to beat us up, and he wants someone else to witness that moment, flowers, applause, cheers, that’s all he needs, he’s a bitch, I’m going to go back! ”

Tony said directly.

“I’ll join you, now that you’re damaged, it’s hard to fight, it’s too dangerous to meet Loki!”

Allen said.

“No, Alan, I have my way, I’ll get there first, I know you’ve been preparing all year, you should deal with your business before the portal opens, we have to prepare to resist the first wave of attacks, this is not an ordinary battlefield, Alan, we need you to go all out!”

Tony refused without thinking.

“Well, I need to go home too, and Susan actually came home at this time!”

After Alan finished speaking, he was immediately wrapped in a silver egg shape and broke away, and the full wrapping of the egg shape could reach the fastest speed of the ball Mach ten.

And if he turned into a silver throne, Alan could only withstand the speed of three to four Mach and feel the sting.

“In that case, I’ll go find someone too, and this time I’m not going to go through Fury’s, we’ll do it ourselves!”

Rogers also said, after which the three began to move separately.

Tony went to fix up his armor casually, while Rogers found Natasha and Hawkeye, and grabbed a Kun fighter.

A few minutes later, a warplane, and a steel armor, flew from the deck of the Sky carrier toward New York.

At the same time, on a suburban farm lawn, Thor, who had some nosebleeds, raised his hammer, and huge lightning bolts and fierce winds wrapped him up.

In an abandoned factory, Banner crawled out of it in a disgraced manner, met an old man, and gave him a dress and a pair of pants.

“Someone started the Kun fighter plane without permission to fly away from the sixth ping!”

“BOSS, just let them move freely?” Stark cuts off our communication with him, and Alan’s assistant disappears! ”

Hill and Fury looked out the window at the warplanes, youth and armor, and said with some concern 0……..

“They are inherently uncontrollable, I knew it when I was going to set up the Avengers!” Give me all my strength to repair the communication that was cut off by Stark, and I’ll keep the situation on hand in order to support them, and they’ll definitely find Loki! ”

Fury didn’t think about controlling the Avengers in the first place, but wanted to achieve a relationship of mutual trust and dependence.


Back at home, Alan saw Susan sitting on the couch, kneading her sore calves from her high heels.

“Alan, you came back, and after hearing Bai say that you were in a hurry this time, and that Natasha herself invited you, what happened?”

Susan stood up and gently gave Alan a hug and asked worriedly.

“Yes, I’ll let the ball take you to the industrial park of the umbrella!”

Alan nodded.

“The security there has now been replaced by your mechanical army, and you asked me to go there to keep me safe?” What the hell is going on? Is it the military that is going to do something to us? Or S.H.I.E.L.D.? ”

Susan was shocked and asked.

“No, this is an alien invasion in the Manhattan area of New York!”

“Oh my God! Alien invasion? ”


“You, are you going?”

Susan had a prayer in her eyes.

“Susan, you 0.1 want to understand that if the earth is lost, will there still be a place for us to live?” Rest assured, I’ve been preparing for a long time, and the invaders are doomed to fail! ”

Alan caressed Susan’s cheek and soothed her warmly.

“I know, you must pay attention to safety!” Let the ball take me to the European side, so that you don’t have to worry about me and can fight with peace of mind! ”

Susan also gently touched Alan at this time, and the affection in her eyes was too strong to dissolve, but in the end she took the initiative to let go of Alan, showed Alan a smile of encouragement, and then broke away under the wrapping of the ball.

“Come on, Chitauri army, I can’t wait!”

After Alan stood in place and pulled out a smile from the corner of his mouth, he also broke through the air under the wrapping of the ball and flew towards New York. _

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