Meanwhile, in Stark’s mansion, Tony had returned to the top floor that belonged to him, looking at Loki in front of him with a leisurely face, only the depths of his eyes revealing caution.

“I’m here to threaten you, do you want a drink?”

Tony calmly walked to the restaurant in front of Loki, where Tony’s newly developed control bracelet of Mark 7 armor could be worn remotely.

“Oh, delaying me won’t help at all, my army will arrive soon!”

Loki smiled.

“No, no, it’s not procrastination, it’s threatening you!”

Tony poured himself a glass of wine, and when Loki wasn’t paying attention, he put on the control bracelet and continued:

“The Avengers”

Seeing that Loki was puzzled, Tony rolled his eyes and explained:

“That’s what we call ourselves, the strongest superhero team in the world.”

“Oh, yes, I’ve seen it!”

Loki sneered.

Tony didn’t care and continued:

“Let me give you an inventory of the number of people, your half-man, half-god brother.”

Tony saw that Loki heard Thor get angry and continued:

“There is also a super soldier, which can be said to be a living legend, a big 08 head with a bad temper attack and a pair of elite killers”

“Then there’s a weapons merchant who points a gun at your head and makes you kneel!”

“I have an army, a strong army”

Loki has a good chance of winning.

“We have Hulk, and you must have seen it through the information Barton gave him!”

Tony approached Loki with a drink:

“You don’t understand the situation yet, maybe we’ll lose, maybe the earth will be occupied, but we’ll all come to you for revenge.” You will be killed by us before you lay down the earth and are ready to enjoy the feeling of an emperor. So what is the use of you laying down the earth? ”

Loki’s face changed drastically, and then he thought about it and smiled evilly and walked over to Tony:

“If you turn against your friends, they’ll have to face you first!”

When he finished, he nodded the tip of the scepter against Tony’s chest. But Tony didn’t react at all, and his eyes didn’t change color!

Faced with an unresponsive Tony, Loki nodded doubtfully, carefully observed Tony’s eyes, and said to himself:

“This trick has always worked, huh?”

Tony, who was afraid to die, saw that this was not working for him, and began to taunt again:

“Men, there is always a dysfunction, it is said that every five men have …

As a result, before Tony could finish speaking, he was thrown down by an angry Loki.

“Jarvis, what are you waiting for?” Moving”

Suddenly, a cabinet opened and a cylindrical metal chased Tony away. Flying over Tony, he began to turn into a suit suit and put it on. Dressed when Tony was about to fall to his death.

Then Tony flew back to the window in front of a bit of Loki:

“In the end you got angry with one person, Phil Coulson!”

Then Tony raised his hand to shoot Loki into the wall, at this time, the roof of the Stark Building suddenly shot out a blue pillar of energy directly into the sky, and the sky slowly opened a space door under the continuous energy.

As soon as the portal opened, countless alien armies began to rush out from inside, like locusts, and Fury, who was watching here, understood that the real war had begun.

Tony looked up at the portal in the sky, and the flight interface in the steel armor immediately switched to the battle interface, murmuring:

“Come on, army!”

Tony rushed straight up, and the small tracking bullet stored in his shoulder was released in one fell swoop, and suddenly an explosion appeared in the air.

Tony wanted to block the opposing army at the portal, but only a few shots, and when he flew up, he saw the speed of the portal’s troops and gave up, so he flew down while hitting, and shouted in the communicator:

“Alan, where are you, hurry up and help!”

“Oh my God, what’s that?” Run. Aliens, aliens…! ”

Just when people still wanted to refute it, the sky seemed to have been pierced by a hole. There are cyborgs like locusts swooping down into the area in their own flying machines.

By this time, these alien armies had rushed down, like locusts to launch a carpet bombardment on the ground, and the ordinary people on the ground finally knew that something was wrong, screaming like crazy to escape from here.

A large number of Chitauri troops flew out of the portal and hit the Manhattan area below with cover strikes.

The technology implemented by Chitauri is semi-mechanical control, turning the people of the army into semi-mechanical to facilitate central control. The troops that flew out were all attacking with energy.

Energy attacks on people may not be as powerful as some sniper rifles at times, but if they cover buildings and cars on the ground, they are much more powerful.

“Ball, how many revolvers do I have?”

“Ten handfuls, sir!”

“Well, it’s up to you next, calculate the rate of fire load limit of the revolver for me, I’m going to overload the gun to use, the ball you have to do seamless connection know?” Your computing speed is the best in the world, don’t let me down! ”

“I understand sir, but your hand speed is very amazing, I can only do my best, there may be a deviation of 0.003 seconds, sir you need to control the rhythm yourself!” 」

Just when Tony released all the fiercest first wave of tracking bullets on his armor, and then only the energy cannon attack, and a few key missiles, making Tony a little helpless, the sound of Alan and the ball finally came out of the communicator, making Tony breathe a sigh of relief.

“Alan, I knew that I would listen to your opinion, accept your overload and transformation, look at my armor weapon, and bottom it at once!”

Tony said helplessly.

“Hmm, who makes you proud, it takes time to load and transform the Super Negative 293 Lotus, it’s simply too late now, but now is not the time for a total war, wait for people to assemble!”

In the far air, Alan stepped on the metal disc and came into the air, and then saw Alan rush to the bottom of the portal, and the pistols of the left and right hands turned into dark red revolvers.


Alan let out a loud roar, and then his hands began to shoot at a super fast speed at the swarming army of Chitauri from across the portal.

“Bang bang bang!”

The ultimate speed that completely exceeded the limit caused a strong wind to appear in front of Allen’s shooting, and the rapid bullet made Alan feel that the revolver in his hand was about to disintegrate.

Even after Allen’s super modification of the revolver, it is still made of composite materials synthesized by Allen’s special synthetic three materials, ‘Red Chalcedony’, ‘Blood Drop Stone’ and ‘Carbon Crystal’.

But in the face of Allen’s speed of fire exceeding the limit too much, the revolver still could not last long, and if it continued, the revolver would be scrapped.

This move, “Stormy”, is an advanced skill of the “sharpshooter” and needs to be used by changing guns, which is why Allen made ten identical revolvers for himself.


Just when Alan felt that the revolver was getting hotter and hotter, as if it could not hold up for the next instant, the disc of the ball under his feet flashed, and the two revolvers in Alan’s hand had been replaced with new ones. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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