“Depend, this bullet is powerful, extremely compressed and solidified gasoline bomb, reacts at high temperatures, and the moment it is released, it produces great power and temperature, yes, this can be imagined!”

Tony exclaimed.

At this point Rogers and the three of them were in a bitter battle, and dozens of Zeta Swiss soldiers surrounded them.

Rogers, Natasha and Hawkeye are also good fighters, but they can’t compete with Alan, Thor, and Tony, so they fight very fiercely.


A bolt of lightning fell, and the Zeta Swiss soldiers who surrounded Rogers were directly overwhelmed by a dozen powerful thunderbolts, and Thor fell from the air with some blood on his abdomen.

“Light fire rapid fire!”

Alan held two automatic pistols upside down and Thor fell one after the other, and countless powerful bullets shot out of the pistols rapidly, clearing the remaining thirty or so Zeta Swiss soldiers who had surrounded, leaving this side in a temporary safe state.

“Thor, what’s going on over there with the Cosmic Cube?”

Rogers was relieved and quickly asked Thor.

“Completely unable to penetrate the energy around the Rubik’s Cube!”

Thor shook his head.

“Thor is right, we can’t close the portal for the time being, we have to deal with these guys first, until 930 finds a way!”

Tony’s voice also came over, and then he saw another Chitauri Iron Armor Dragon flying over the portal, and Tony flew to that side:

“I’m going to lure this big guy over, Alan, you’re ready to fix it!”

Just as Tony was leaving, a lady’s motorcycle suddenly drove up next to him, and Banner got off the motorcycle with a dusty look on his face and walked toward Rogers.

“So the situation is already so bad? Alan, thank you for stopping me and not letting me do more damage on the Sky Carrier! ”

Banner said thankfully to Alan.

“Little things, we still need your strength!”

Alan said with a slight smile.

“Dr. Banner, thank you for coming, we need a worse situation now!” Now is the best time for you to get angry! ”

Rogers looked at Tony, who had already brought the Chitauri Iron Dragon over.

“Actually, I can get angry at any time!”

After Banner finished speaking, he actually transformed directly into the Hulk, and directly punched the Iron Armor Dragon on the head, and the powerful force made the Chitauri Iron Armor Dragon directly turn over.

Seeing that the overturned ironclad dragon was about to press on everyone’s body, Alan suddenly crossed his hands, and the guns and bullets improved by the ammunition expert could instantly explode the power of dozens of bullets at the same time in the hands of the ammunition expert, producing a powerful impact on the opponent close to the body.

Because of the fear that the firearm could not withstand it, this impact force – intermittently, but in a very short period of time, several eruptions, showing a multi-stage impact.

As Allen’s ‘cross-shooting’ was played, and then in the shocked eyes of everyone, a multi-segment powerful impact actually directly knocked the huge ironclad guerrilla dragon away, and slid out of the ground for a long distance.

“Is this what two pistols can do?”

Hawkeye said with a confused face.

“You can’t, but I can!”

Alan stood proudly, and the pride in his eyes was obvious to everyone.

After solving the ironclad dragon, several people stood back to back, and those Chitauri who lost an ironclad dragon also roared at them.

The surrounding houses were full of Chita Swiss soldiers, the sky was also densely packed with Chitauri’s flying machines, and the iron-armored dragon that appeared from time to time, and the hearts of the people were full of worries about this battle.

The provoked Hulk immediately yelled around him, but did not show hostility toward Alan and the others.

As can be seen from this, Banner’s will is working, and the Hulk can distinguish between enemy and enemy when there is a foreign enemy.

Several people looked back to back, looking at the war-torn Manhattan area around them, all looking solemn.

Loki in the sky also looked at the Avengers and said lightly:

“The whole army strikes and crushes them”

Then, suddenly, four or five ironclad dragons came out of the portal, and the Zita Swiss soldiers swarmed out like locusts.

“It seems that this is an uphill battle!” Give the order, Captain! ”

Looking at this scene, Tony said firmly.

Apparently at this juncture, Tony was no longer willful, but handed over command to Rogers, the most experienced in the war.

The captain looked at the army above and said:

“Well, folks, first of all we’re going to tie these armies within three blocks of the portal, Hawkeye, and you find a vantage point to observe and report to us on each other’s movements. Stark, you hold your ground, put a fire blockade on these three blocks, and absolutely can’t let the alien army spread out. ”

“Carry Me a Piece of Stark”

Hawkeye Road.

“No more!”

Tony just nodded and prepared to take Hawkeye away, when Alan interrupted the captain’s command.

“Alan, this is a time of crisis for the planet, and we need to unify our strategy!”

Rogers frowned and said disapprovingly.

“Of course there must be a strategic plan, and you have to listen to me this time!” Forgot my nickname? I am the ‘King of War’! ”

Alan said proudly.

“Isn’t it Alan, you’re going to have to take command at this time?” So what do you say about looking at your plans? ”

Tony was speechless at this point, rolled his eyes, and said. Everyone else frowned and looked at Alan, strangely feeling that Alan should not be the kind of person who doesn’t care about the big picture.

The others also frowned and looked at Alan, and Hawkeye said directly:

“Hey, boy, this kind of army battlefield is different from your previous battles, you have no battlefield experience at all!”

“You know a fart, the battlefield is my home field, you just obediently listen to my arrangement!”

Alan glanced at Tony, then immediately became serious, and directly opened his mouth so that the captain and others could hear:

“Ball, start war mode, the area is the entire Manhattan area, calculate the number of buildings, set up the ‘interceptor factory’, connect with the red queen, authorize all computing resources, and turn on super auxiliary mode!”

As Alan’s voice fell, the metal orb suddenly burst open, instantly splitting into countless metal orbs and flying out in all directions, leaving five floating in place.

“Alan, what are your plans?”

Seeing this, Tony and the others immediately knew that Alan was not joking, so they did not refute anything, but asked directly.

(This is the sixth chapter, now there is something to go out to deal with, the night should come back to code two chapters, the time is uncertain!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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