“You just need to listen to my command, except for Thor and Hulk, I sent an assistant for each of you, because there is a lot to do this ball, so I specially let it and the red queen connect to enjoy the computing resources first!”

Allen said.

When the ball was first made, only a small piece of sky crystal was fused, although because of the special nature of the sky crystal, the ball far exceeded the speed of all other computers in the world, but now it is obviously not enough to require so many independent operations.

If some mishandling or delay of the ball is caused by the lack of computing resources, it will become a fatal mistake on the battlefield.

So this time Alan let the ball connect to the red back connection of the mainframe using the largest ‘Sky Crystal’ operation host, so that the ball’s computing resources are completely sufficient -.

“With balls on your side, you can share my arsenal, but many of the heavy firepower weapons you can’t use without training, I’ve shielded them, and then the balls will give you a list of weapons you can use!”

After Alan finished explaining, he looked at the Zita Swiss soldiers who were slowly surrounding him and immediately began to give battle orders:

“First of all, as the captain said, we need to tie these troops within three blocks around the portal, Hawkeye, you find a commanding height to observe, report to us on the movements of the other side, your arrows I have prepared a lot, you can use it as much as you want!”

“This is too good! What’s that. Balls? Come, take me up! ”

Hawkeye agreed, and said a word to the floating metal ball in front of him, which immediately turned into a disc and flew with Hawkeye after jumping on it.

“Tony, you hold your ground, put a fire blockade in these three neighborhoods, and absolutely can’t let the alien army spread out!”

Alan looked at Tony again.

“But I’m grossly short of ammunition right now!”

Tony said weakly.

“I had already thought that when I knew that Loki had an alien army, I had already let the ball doppelgänger find Roddy, who was on a mission in the Middle East, and I would let him exchange armor with you, and his armor was all weapons after my transformation, and it was a real ‘war machine’!”

Allen said.

“Then why don’t you just let Roddy come?” That way we can also have multiple helpers! Can’t you teleport? ”

Rogers asked with a twinkle in his eye.

“Oh, Captain, it’s a little different!”

Tony glanced at Rogers wordlessly.

“At present, my technology cannot transmit the machine, but your idea is good, and it is not impossible, it seems that after the completion of this incident, I should study it well.”

Alan explained thoughtfully.

Alan’s current teleportation technology is indeed unable to do the ball to teleport the living people, but at this moment Alan inexplicably thought of the ‘Ant-Man Armor’s ‘Ant-Man Armor’.

The disciples of the original Ant-Man Dr. Pym copied Dr. Pym’s particles, and in fact they have copied them, and successfully reduced the inorganic matter, but they did not know that it could not be used on living things.

The process of ‘Pym particles’ shrinking objects is slightly unstable, which will affect the chemical reaction of the human brain, so it needs a special helmet protection.

This is the same as Allen’s teleportation technology, in the process of teleportation, the object scanning transmission will have a very small impact on the microparticles.

Once the organic matter is delivered, this effect is amplified.

So what if Alan wore a special outfit wrapped around his whole body? Will it be possible to successfully teleport people? Allen thought it was funny, but it needed to be studied again.

But Allen knew that science was generally subject to ideas, and now that the key points had been thought of, success was inevitable with a little research.

“Ball, let Tony and Roddy talk, change the armor and Tony will start immediately!”

Alan finished speaking and then looked at Sol and said:

0······· Ask for flowers…

“Thor, your god body is strong, you have to find a way to drag them, summon lightning to block the portal, don’t let them come too fast, of course, after finding that you can’t block it, you can act at will!”


Thor also went directly with the hammer, and now only Rogers, Natasha and Hulk were left.

“Hulk, you go first, just smash it at will!”

Allen didn’t ask too much of the Hulk and didn’t even bother to let the ball assist, because Alan wasn’t sure if Hulk could understand it.

“Captain, you have strong organizational skills, now we need every bit of strength, you and Natasha on the ground to help the police together to organize a defensive line to control the ground battlefield, do not let them break through!”


“Natasha, with the gun skills I taught you, as long as they are not covered by fire, they should not hit you!”

Alan threw out two dark red 500-shot automatic pistols, and Natasha quickly and excitedly took them, and then heard Alan say:

“This is a 500 automatic continuous fire pistol, plus the ball helps you change bullets, which is equivalent to you having unlimited bullets, the only fundamental thing is your physical strength, I have successfully developed two kinds of radiation energy, you will see it yourself in the ball when the time comes!”

When Allen had finished speaking, two more pistols appeared in his hands, a revolver and an automatic pistol, and then looked up at the Zita Swiss soldiers flying around in the sky.

“What about you?”

Rogers asked.

“I will wander three blocks to play at will, help Tony control the spread of the army, and focus on solving the ‘Chitauri Iron Armor Dragon’, if you need support, call me, I will help you!” 」

Allen explains.

“Alan, you have to see if any aliens are slaughtering civilians and help them evacuate, they are innocent!”

Rogers said hurriedly.

“Innocent? No one is innocent, their weakness is sin, and it is all up to luck to survive or not to survive! ”

Alan said coldly. _

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