Tony flew over the blocks in this suit of armor, shuttling between buildings, and more than a dozen openings in the armor revealed weapons of various calibers and fired wildly at Chitauri’s flying class.

These weapons include machine guns, heavy machine guns, armor-piercing shells, howitzers, extremely fast Gatling machine guns, and various tracking bullets, making Tony a veritable ‘war machine’ that kills second only to Allen.

“Ball, just give me ammunition all the time!” This kills so cool! Jarvis, randomly call me what great music! ”

Tony was completely immersed in the battle, and even began to enjoy the battle, and felt that Roddy’s armor had been modified by Allen very well.

“It looks like it’s time to work with Allen to exchange some technology!”

Tony thought to himself.

Regardless of technology, at least Alan can help revamp his steel armor.

“Tony, it’s too intense to hear from your side, but unfortunately I can’t come back!” You try not to get hit, don’t scratch the paint on it, but I wash my ‘Iron Patriot’ myself every day! ”

Roddy was full of regret.

“Huh? Steel patriots? Wow, ‘I’m a steel patriot’! ”

Tony was stunned, and then an exaggerated expression teased in a low tone.

08 “Hey, listen, ‘War Machine’ sounds so belligerent that the president’s think tank doesn’t feel fit for the title in its current form, so it changes!” ”

Roddy quickly explained that in fact, Roddy himself liked the nickname of the previous ‘war machine’, but then Roddy thought of something, and continued:

“By the way, I have a secret weapon in this armor, ‘ex-wife’!” It’s an amazing rattlesnake enrichment missile, I saw the picture on your side, just the kind of steel fish that swims in the sky, I promise that one can be done! ”

“‘Ex-wife’? What stupid name? I remember Roddy, you haven’t been married yet! ”

Tony said in surprise.

“The name was given by Justin Hammer, and he developed it when he was in Hammer’s industry!”

“Justin? Are you sure this thing works? Have you used? ”

When Tony heard that it was Justin Hammer’s, he immediately asked with a suspicious face.

“Oh, it really can’t be used, but fortunately, when I got the armor from you and prepared to add weapons, I called Allen to come, and Alan changed the ‘ex-wife’, this thing is really easy to use, especially against the big guys!”

Roddy acts like an insurance salesman to Tony Amway’s ‘ex-wife’.

“Knowing that, since it was Alan who changed it, of course I am assured that this time you did not come to regret Roddy!” Jarvis, Jarvis My music isn’t good yet? ”

“Sir, I suggest you listen to the ‘Fighting Spirit Song’ sung by a specially made ‘fighting spirit robot’!”

Jarvis didn’t answer, but instead spoke with the ball that Tony had been asking to stick to the armor.

“Chanting? Could it be that robot? It’s not all burned, just play! ”

Tony skimmed his lips.

“No, the ‘Fighting Spirit Robot’ was developed by Sheng, with dozens of blows, frictions, vibrations, etc. inside, absolutely live chanting rather than burning and playing, and the ‘Fighting Spirit Song’ was also invented and specified by Mr. Allen, which can emit a special frequency to make the human brain accelerate the secretion of dopamine, which can make people more excited, happier, and more hopeful!”

Ball explains.

“。。。。。。。 Hey, Alan! You robot is bragging.”

Tony was stunned for half a day and then the corners of his mouth twitched.

“Tony, listen to it, that’s the song I told you about the world I got when I accepted the mechanical technology heritage of another multiverse, it’s really useful!” Ball, sing to him! ”

Alan, who was killing profusely, said with a smile.

“Bang bang bang! Bells and bells! Woohoo! ”

With a strange rhythm of vibration and blowing, a quaint, vast, full of emotions such as tragedy, hope, courage and so on slowly lingered in Tony’s ears.

It’s a song from the continent of Arad belonging to another world, a piece of music that represents hope in this world full of magic, elements, technology, and different races.

It is a song that gives the power to the mechanics of the Celestial Realm when they fight against the Dragon King’s rule.

As the music played, Tony felt that the whole world was full of hope, and as long as he had the courage to face it, no matter what it was, he couldn’t defeat himself.

At this time, Tony’s eyes were firmer, and the movements of his hands were faster, constantly shuttling through the streets to make a powerful fire blockade against Tarry’s air troops.

The other side

“Whew, team… Forehead! ”

Natasha, who had just cleared a dozen Zita Swiss soldiers, hunched down breathlessly and leaned against a car panting, almost raising her head to shout at the captain, only to find a number of Zita Swiss soldiers in the distance, one of which shot Natasha in the chest.

Fortunately, the ball that had been following Natasha at the critical moment split into soft armor covering Natasha’s chest to block the shot for Natasha, but the huge impact still knocked Natasha out and fell to the ground.

“Danger, the ball comes with a gravity grenade and turns on the anti-gravity magnetic field on Natasha!” This stuff is so good to use! ”

Rogers rushed to support, and with the help of the ball, a ‘gravity grenade’ was thrown at the dozen or so Zita Swiss soldiers who had just arrived over there.


A strange sound sounded, and the gravitational magnetic field formed by the grenades that the dozen or so Zita Swiss soldiers with the rubble, vehicles, etc. around them burst out.


Then there was an explosion, and the final explosion of the gravity grenade wiped out the Zita Swiss soldiers.

“This gun technique is too exhausting, I’m just an ordinary person!”

It took Natasha half a day to get up on her own and say breathlessly to 910 Rogers.

“More grenades, there are frozen grenades, laser grenades, and gravity grenades here, these are very good to use!”

Rogers said.

“Hey, Captain, it’s really not heart-wrenching with someone else!” Do you know how expensive these grenades are? I’ll give you the cost price, frozen grenades for $1,000 a piece! Laser grenades cost $100,000 a piece, and gravity grenades cost nearly one million dollars! ”

Alan’s voice came and startled Rogers, shocked:

“So expensive?”

“, the poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology!” My steel armor is worth nearly ten million dollars, and that’s not counting the weapons inside! ”

Tony also interjected.

“Captain, you don’t need to have any scruples, everything will be paid for by my side this time!” You can just build it! Mainly to see how much inventory of such expensive things on Allen’s side has! ”

I don’t know when, Fury’s side finally connected to the communication cut off by Tony, said the rich man.

(Sorry sorry, after writing on the night yesterday, I went out to skewer with others, and I haven’t been out to relax for a long time!) Yesterday was not a holiday! It’s up to the clock today! Now I have to go to Dad’s for dinner, and come back to update after eating! Rest assured, today’s five chapters will not run! As for the five chapters owed, because yesterday there were more eight chapters, that is, only two chapters were owed! The little author will take a day or more seven chapters tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so it will be completed! )_

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