“Okay, don’t say I don’t contribute, I open all the inventory of these grenades to you, balls, report grenade inventory!” I’ll give you a 50% discount! ”

Alan said directly.

“Look at your petty look, still the richest man!” My armor and the newly built Stark Mansion won’t have to be reimbursed! ”

Tony said with disdain.

“Factory warehouse scanned! At present, the inventory of grenades is: G-14 grenades 130,000! 5,000 frozen grenades! 300 laser grenades! Gravity grenades 32! There are also 11 electric grenades that were put into production just before the completion of the study! ”

Ball reported carefully.

“I do know that the new weapon product released by your umbrella company last week is a high-explosive grenade, which does not use explosives, but uses special electromagnetic energy, and the instantaneous explosion produces a power that is not inferior to that of ordinary high-explosive grenades, and it also comes with a more powerful upward impact!”

Speaking of this, Tony continued with a curious look:

“But what is this ‘electric grenade’?”

“‘Electrically sensitive grenade’ is an advanced version of ‘G-14 thunder’, is also an energy bomb, and like G-14 are the use of photothermal electromagnetic energy, but and G-14 cluster explosion release is not the same, ‘electric detector’ after the explosion of the energy is in a scattered form of amplitude, the formation of a large number of current shock waves and electromagnetic pulses, the resulting positive and negative ions will stay on the affected person for a certain period of time, as long as there is a slight external impact will cause the chaos of positive and negative ions again!”

Allen explains.

“Speak the language!”

Rogers interjected helplessly.

“That is to say, after the explosion of the ‘electric grenade’, it will produce a diffusion current shock wave, that is, it will cause electric shocks that are two or three times stronger than the electric baton to the people around them!” And for a short time to come, any attack will keep the person subjected to electric shocks..! ”

“Simply put, this grenade is discharged!”

Alan said bluntly.

“Hey, this stuff is very useful, especially against this Chitauri army, they belong to the semi-mechanical central control, then the electromagnetic pulse against them is not next to each other to extinguish the fire?”

Tony hated that iron was not steel, and continued:

“But how did you produce such a point?” And is it just starting production? This thing has a lot of uses, why don’t you make more points and sell it? Have a technical difficulty? Speaking of this nemesis of the East Steel Armor, I have to guard against it! ”

“No, this thing can be manufactured in my ‘photothermal reaction’ technology breakthrough, but at that time I didn’t care too much about this thing, busy studying laser weapons or something, and forgot later.”

“It wasn’t until last week that I remembered that I was ready to make it and give Susan a full count the next time she releases a new product!”

Alan was also helpless at this time, because the 4 thunderbolts and the electric grenade were indeed forgotten by Alan, and Alan had been completely focused on studying those powerful weapons all these years.

It was only a few days ago that I remembered that I was going to use it to make money for the company.

Allen, who is also a sharpshooter of four professions, has too many options, so he does not care about these two things.

“Okay! But your metal orbs are already in place, what about your army of interceptors? Now the pressure is starting to get bigger! The army on the opposite side of the portal is endless and endless, and it is not a way to go on like this! ”

Tony saw that the interceptor army on Allen’s side had not moved for half a day, and he was already feeling the pressure on him a little anxious.

“Tony, you should know that my interceptors are disposable consumables!” Now that the Chitauri army has not broken through our firepower blockade to expand the battlefield, we can hold out for a while! In short, I am now the commander of the battlefield, you just need to believe in me unconditionally! ”

“Ball, summon Natasha the ‘Hercules Robot’, this thing can release a special kind of radiation to restore physical strength, spirit!” There is also the ‘Legger the Repairer’ who can unleash a healing ray to heal the wound, and you can watch it yourself, at least give me another twenty minutes, or we can’t block the battlefield, and my army of interceptors will come out!” That way we have as much time as possible to solve the portal thing! ”

Alan explained a sentence and then said no more, which worried Rogers and Natasha and others, but in the end chose to believe Alan.

In fact, no one knew that Alan knew how to solve the portal from the beginning.

But for his ‘battlefield feats’, in order to accumulate battlefield experience, improve his shooting habits in continuous high-intensity battles, and feel the lack of guns, Allen coldly pretended that he did not know anything.

In Alan’s mind, only getting stronger is something that no one is allowed to stop.

Of course, Alan couldn’t watch the earth fall, and Alan knew very well that even if he went all out, he wouldn’t be able to defend this Chitauri army.

As for Thor and Hulk, at this time, the two men were on a rampage on the battlefield with their physical strength, and Thor began to block the portal, but his discharge was not infinite, and he withdrew after a minute or so.

The Hulk relied on his powerful bounce to move through the tall buildings, punching and smashing at will.

These two men seemed to be fierce, but in fact, the speed of destroying the Zita Swiss soldiers was not very good, not even as fast as the Hawkeye with the help of the ball.

As the fighting continued, the three large neighborhoods of Manhattan were in complete ruins, full of flames and rubble, and ordinary people were hiding in the building’s emergency basement under police rescue.

Of course, there are still many people who are too late to hide and are buried in this sea of fire.

In less than half an hour, the army could not reach the battlefield at all, and only a few people in the battlefield at this time were trying to control the situation.

“I can’t block the battlefield!”

Hawkeye looked at the current situation condescendingly and couldn’t help but say something eager.

“Ten minutes to go, you hold on a little longer, keep holding on a little longer!” Alan, think of a way! ”

Fury was also very helpless at this moment, he had just sent a team of fighters from the aircraft carrier to support, and as soon as he arrived, he was bombarded by the flying troops of Chitauri’s army.

“The ball is released, and the ten ‘storms’ are all pulled over!” Also, release the ‘Destroyer’! Let them try the weapons of Asgard! ”

Alan also felt that the situation was almost out of control at this moment, gritted his teeth and commanded the ball. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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