But in fact, Allen planned to hold out for another five minutes and then put these things away, and it seems that the plan on the battlefield will never catch up with the changes.

After Allen ordered him to go down, countless mechanical boxes suddenly appeared all over the streets of Manhattan, and as soon as they appeared, they began to disperse around in search of the Zeta Swiss soldiers on the ground.

Once encountered, they immediately pounce on it, or the ‘steel robot’ uses a strong sprint impact, or the ‘red destroyer’ rushes up and explodes itself.

And there are countless ‘EZ-8 self-detonators’ that start timing as soon as they appear, and then under the control of the ball, they lock on to the target and immediately bounce up and jump over hundreds of meters to the designated place to detonate.

For a time, countless explosions resounded throughout Manhattan, and a large number of buildings were constantly falling of rubble glass, making the entire Manhattan filled with a strong danger.

“Stop Alan, you will crush a large number of civilians who are too late to escape!”

Rogers saw the countless explosions suddenly appearing in the distance and immediately shouted in panic.

“Shut up! I’m the commander of this war, and you just have to lead the New York police to seal off the streets! ”

Alan said unceremoniously.

“You!” 740

“Captain, don’t say it!”

Tony said in a deep voice.

“Everything listens to Alan, at this time there is no longer so much to worry about, once this place is lost, we simply do not have time to arrange a blockade line to the expanded battlefield, the earth will be lost!”

Nick Fury’s voice was also very low, but he knew Alan was doing the right thing.


Rogers gritted his teeth, and finally did not say anything more, but vented all his anger at the Zita Swiss soldiers, but in the face of more and more Zita Swiss soldiers surrounded, Rogers also felt a deep weakness.

With the arrival of Allen’s mechanical army, a whole dozen ‘Air Combat Machines and Storms’ also appeared everywhere, and as soon as they appeared, they immediately took off and began to shuttle through the streets to strangle the air troops of the Qi Tari army.

Each Storm’s hands were constantly shooting in flight no slower than the Gatling machine gun, constantly strafing around, and constantly firing powerful tracking missiles in the chest, which immediately reduced the pressure on Tony and Saul’s side.

“So, that’s the destroyer of the Father’s (ajfb)?”

With a chance to catch his breath, Thor glanced down casually.

As a result, I immediately saw a very tall and magical body that seemed to be made up of many moving pieces of metal at an unknown time.

The steel giant was more than three meters tall, made of unknown gold, his arms crawled with spikes, and he looked like a coordinated and vicious beauty.

This is exactly what Alan repaired Odin.

At this moment, the destroyer is walking step by step on the street, as long as the Zita Swiss soldier appears in its field of vision, whether it is the sky or the ground, the destroyer will erect a ray of destruction to kill it.

“Yes, it is the Destroyer! It took me a whole room to fix and control it, and it’s now my war toy! ”

Alan said lightly, not caring about the things that robbed Thor’s father.

At this time, Allen was also a little slow to kill with firearms, and the commissioning of automatic pistols and revolvers was almost complete, and these data had been recorded by the ball.

As a result, Alan began to constantly take out heavy weapons that only Alan himself could skillfully use.

“Ball, summon an upgraded version of Corona’s ‘Predator’ to guard the fifty meter radius around me!”

“Enjoyable and enjoyable”

In a flash of light, a machine identical to Corona, summoned by the Hawkeye’s ball, appeared in front of Alan, but Alan knew that it was the Predator, another modified machine of Corona!

Unlike Corona, which constantly shoots out electromagnetic energy cannonballs, this ‘Predator’ immediately splits into eight cylindrical parts as soon as it appears.


Subsequently, rays composed of blue-white electromagnetic energy were immediately emitted from each of the eight cylinders, and they were bundled into extremely small, fifty meters long, like small and long ‘lightsabers’.

Then the eight cylinders began to rotate around Alan in a specific trajectory, and every inch within Alan’s range would be scanned every second.

That is to say, nothing can get close to Alan now, unless he can resist the cutting of this light like the Hulk who became very powerful in the first place.

“In the opposite building, summon the ‘Viper Battery’ and ‘0-Viper Battery’ to bombard the enemy air forces!” In this way, the opposite side is bound to attract a large number of enemies to destroy the turret, and these are our targets to destroy the turret! ”

Alan who had already landed on the upper floor looked around at the electromagnetic light protecting himself, frowned:

“How do I get my weapon out like this?” Give me a position with a range of four meters! And turn on the electromagnetic protective net again to block the rays in front of me! ”

“Trajectory recalculation! After the calculation, do it now sir! ”

So the rays around Ellen began to slowly spread outwards, leaving a range of four meters, and an invisible force field suddenly appeared in front of Allen, and as soon as the ray hit that side, it would be truncated.

Soon, two turrets suddenly appeared on the building opposite Alan, and then only to see the two turrets begin to shoot out red energy balls one after another to hit the Chitauri pilots in the air.

Among them, the ‘0-Viper Cannon’ will also shoot out red rays from time to time to sweep through the air, instantly destroying more than a dozen Chitauri pilots.

The appearance of these two turrets immediately attracted Loki’s attention, and seeing more and more Chitauri’s army coming from the portal, Loki already had a smile on his face, but also faintly uneasy.

Especially after seeing the Destroyer appear on the ground, Loki became more and more uncomfortable.

“Go get me rid of those two forts!”

Loki saw that these Zita Swiss soldiers had not been able to take down even one of Tony’s ‘Avengers’ for so long, and immediately quietly commanded the army to attack the fort.

But he didn’t know that this was right in Alan’s arms.

Only to see a group of Zita Swiss soldiers swarming from a distance to pounce on the fort, but at this time, Alan on the roof opposite the fort had already made preparations. _

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