“Lancer launcher!”

Alan pulls out something similar to a grenade launcher! In fact, it is not the same, the two are the same thing, but the things that are launched are different.

Seeing that Alan didn’t aim at all, and casually pulled the trigger on the opposite side of the head, everyone thought that Alan had fainted and made a mistake, even Chitauri’s soldiers thought so.

A stinger about a meter long was fired by Allen and came to the heads of the swarming Chitauri pilots and immediately split in the astonished eyes of others who saw it.

After splitting, just like Tony’s Jericho missiles before, it became a lot of small tracking bombs scattered directly and then all of them plunged into these nearly a hundred Zita Swiss soldiers who had come to the battery not far away.

“Boom boom!”

A chain reaction explosion was formed, and all the Zeta Swiss pilots in front of them were wiped out.

However, more Zita Swiss soldiers came up and wanted to continue destroying the fort.

“It seems true that the Zeta Swiss soldiers are not afraid of death!” No, they’re just being controlled! ”

Alan muttered, and in the face of more Chita-Swiss soldiers pounced, Alan immediately took out the ‘plasma radiator’ and casually crossed it against the sky, and immediately wiped out these Chitauri-soldiers.

Alan then used all his heavy weapons, laser cannons, focused flamethrowers, grenade launchers, M-137 Grimm machine guns, and more.

This is Alan’s attempt to find some of the shortcomings of these heavy weapons in the use of the battlefield so that they can be improved very well.

No, it should not be said that it is a disadvantage, these technologies are handed down after thousands of hammers and hammers of the Celestial Sharpshooter’s Gate, and they are very perfect in themselves.

It’s just that Alan, who is a great general and proficient in transformation, knows that every sharpshooter has every sharpshooter’s habits, such as the most comfortable gun holding position that everyone thinks is the most comfortable.

The sharpshooters of the Celestial Realm, especially those who have reached the level of great generals, will slowly make minor changes to their weapons through brutal killing on the battlefield, so that they are more in line with their own use, and completely turn their weapons into their own.

Alan is doing the same now.

Of course, there were many Zita Swiss soldiers who wanted to attack Alan, but they were all wiped out by the rays around Alan.

While repelling the Chitauri pilots who wanted to destroy the constantly killing turrets, Allen would occasionally use heavy weapons to help his teammates at a distance.

“As you can see, New York’s Manhattan Island has become a battlefield, and the army has not yet arrived and only a few superheroes are trying to control the situation!”

A female reporter in the middle of the ruins said in disbelief to the soldiers in the sky and some nearby battle scenes:

“I have to say I’ve never seen a scene like this in my career, it’s full of screams, blood, ruins and despair!”

“We know very little about the group that tried to lead the crowd to resistance, and we were able to recognize the billionaire, Iron Man Tony Stark!”

“Industrial magnate, umbrella company owner, the world’s youngest richest man Alan Hammer!”

“Alan Hammer has made the greatest contribution to this battle, his amazing intelligent assistant is helping everyone, and we used to be very critical of the umbrella companies that specialize in arms trafficking, but now I just want to say that it is good to have these weapons!”

“But while Alan Hammer doesn’t look tired now, he is clearly outnumbered and his weapons are always useful, and he can only support his teammates as much as possible, but there are more and more enemies!”

Or the female anchor named Kelly who took a huge risk on the battlefield and took a photographer to do live broadcasts for the world.

Loki sweated coldly in the sky, and he hurried back to Stark Mansion, afraid of being seen by Alan, while at the same time a force made Loki slowly close his eyes, and his spirit connected to a desolate planet.

0···· Ask for flowers0…

“Is that what you’re talking about a little bit of resistance?”

In the darkness, a hunched figure roared angrily at Loki.

“Your army lacks high-end combat power!!!”

Loki roared angrily.

“Our soldiers were fearless and heroically accepted to be killed in battle! Aren’t you a king? Then you lead them, you have the scepter in your hands, you are the prince of Asgard, to solve the boy who constantly uses technology to kill my soldiers! ”

The figure said.


Loki retreated directly from this state, hiding in the Stark Mansion and looking at Allen, who had appeared under the portal, like the god of war, and scolded in his heart:


“I’ll go to your MB, you say how awesome your army is, how powerful Thanos is, and you let him fight this boy!” Depend on! ”

At this time, Loki’s face was extremely ugly, he felt that this time he was afraid that if he lost, what was this Allen, how could the firepower be so fierce?

However, as the battlefield continued, Loki slowly relaxed, only to become a little ugly when he saw that the battle was getting braver, like a killing machine.

The others, on the other hand, had begun to get tired, and in the face of the endless, like locusts constantly flying out of the wormhole, the overwhelming army of Chitauri, they could not help but feel deeply powerless.

“No, if we go on like this, even with Alan and the ball, we won’t be able to hold out for long!”

Hawkeye turned his head on the roof to see that the fourth ‘Corona’ that had been replaced had also been destroyed by several Zita Swiss fire covers, and sighed involuntarily.

“I’m also about to die, this radiation growth of physical strength and spirit can not keep up with the consumption of this high-intensity battle!”

Natasha said worriedly after a somewhat breathless shot that would headshot a Zita Swiss soldier.

But even so, a few more Zita Swiss soldiers rushed up immediately, leaving Natasha with no time to even breathe. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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