“Commander Fury, the members of the World Security Council have taken their decision by emergency vote!”

A representative said in a low voice.

“I knew what stupid decisions they would make, so I decided not to bird them!”

Fury said quietly.

“Commander, your sky carrier is closest to the battlefield, give the order, you must obey the order!”

“That’s Manhattan Island, gentlemen, unless my team can’t stop them, I won’t use a nuclear bomb!” And don’t you see that the invading enemy has been completely destroyed? ”

“It’s only temporary, and we all know which interceptors are disposable consumables!” They can’t stop it anymore, and judging from the surveillance on the satellite, the number of Zita Swiss soldiers will continue to grow if they don’t block the space gate, and even the most killed Alan in your group has only killed more than 10,000 before, what about the others? Dozens? Hundreds? If you don’t stop it, it’s really too late, and then everything will be over! ”

“Hmm, if you launch a nuclear bomb, it’s really finished!”

Fury laughed and then directly turned off the communication, no longer paying attention to their orders, the general, military orders are not affected, but the management of modern society is so simple?

Even if Fury wasn’t a bird, they could give a direct strike order, and Fury knew this, so he immediately asked Hill to start monitoring the movements of the planes on the Sky carrier.

As a result, Fury’s order to be dismissed came instantaneously from the sky carrier, and two planes took off, one of which was forcibly fired by Fury with a bazooka, and the other disappeared in Fury’s angry eyes.

So Fury can only quickly tell the news to Alan’s side to see if there is anything on Alan’s side.

On the New York side, in the global spotlight, the energy wall linked by 3,000 interceptors is rapidly advancing towards the door of space, and Alan’s side has also moved again.

“Unlock satellite equipment, release quantum bombs, calculate routes, targets… Mothership Chitauri! ”

A device attached to a technologically sophisticated satellite outside the atmosphere began to break away from the satellite, and then the tail erupted flames and rushed into the atmosphere.

“Attacking enemy motherships? But can it be done? What if I get stopped? ”

Hawkeye murmured from the rooftop.

“Let’s all rush to Stark Mansion to find a way to see if we can solve the problem of the portal!” Whether Alan wins or loses, we all need to solve the problem of portals! ”

Rogers stepped on the metal disc and rushed toward the Stark Building, and the others gathered toward the building.

“Hey, can you hear me?” Alan, there’s a nuclear bomb over here, you have to find a way to solve it! ”

Nick Fury’s voice was stunned at this time.

“A nuclear bomb? Damn it! Aaron do you have any way? ”

Rogers asked with an ugly face.

“My side needs to focus, Tony, you go and fix it!” Just throw the bomb out of the atmosphere, or wait until my side succeeds in throwing it directly across the portal! ”

Allen said.

Now that Allen’s quantum bomb has been unlocked, if you don’t throw it on the opposite side, where to throw it? And Allen wants to win the war with his own technology, instead of closing the portal directly.

“But I don’t have enough energy, Alan, you know my Ark reactor autonomously regenerates energy not so fast!” Thor, Thor come and give me a look, my suit can absorb lightning! ”

Tony said hurriedly.

“You’ve fainted Tony, you’re wearing Roddy’s armor, hurry up and contact Roddy to change the armor back!”

Captain Rogers stopped.

“There are so many things, there is no energy used on this side of the ball, the ball, turn on the energy transmission, and send 30% of your energy to Tony!”

Alan said wordlessly.

“Okay sir!”

The ball next to Tony said a word and immediately attached to Tony’s steel armor, and Jarvis immediately detected the energy transmission and immediately said:

“Sir, the reactor energy is starting to grow… 15%。。。 25%。。。。 40%。。。 80%。。。。 140%。。。。 Energy stops growing! ”

0···· Ask for flowers0…

“Nice! Jarvis, step up the thruster power, I’m going to pick up the nuclear bomb! ”

With the energy, Tony immediately burst into the air under his feet.

“Ball, how long until the interceptor reaches its limit?” What about quantum bombs? ”

Alan asked as he looked at the wall of high heat energy formed by the interceptors that had rushed to the portal.

“The interceptor has 25 seconds left to reach the maximum load! Quantum bombs arrive at the portal in five seconds! However, it was detected that the opposite Chitauri mothership began to condense powerful energy, according to calculations, the energy value still has 15 seconds to reach the limit, once it erupts, the ‘Light Reaction Energy Module’ is likely to be unable to resist! ”


As the ball spoke, the Chitauri mothership across the portal began to extend a huge gun port, and Allen estimated that the muzzle alone was several kilometers in diameter and was a true starship-class energy cannon.

At the same time, the quantum bomb in the sky that had just broken through the atmosphere was roaring rapidly, and a few seconds later, it came to the sky over Manhattan and rushed towards the portal.

“Separate the ‘photothermal energy module’ link, form a protective net layer by layer around the quantum bomb, and be sure to protect the quantum bomb from the attack of those Zita Swiss soldiers!”

Alan looked intently at the situation on the opposite side of the portal, at this time countless Chitauri troops had already surrounded the quantum bomb, constantly firing attacks to stop the quantum bomb.

But fortunately, there are ‘light reaction energy modules’ in front of them, but the speed of these interceptors is obviously not as fast as quantum bombs, and if they continue to form an energy wall, they will be hit by quantum bombs first.

This is a weakness of the interceptor, if the formation of a ‘light reaction energy module’, then the forward speed will be slower, if it is a single interceptor, then the speed is not slower than the quantum bomb.

(Rub, something is delayed today!) I didn’t arrive home until 11 o’clock to start making up, everyone can rest assured, I will make up these five chapters, and tomorrow I will try my best to do seven chapters! IX)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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