At Alan’s command, the 3000 interceptor suddenly unconnected the energy connection and began to form a cylindrical shape to empty the middle and rotate around the middle channel.

This is the method of fighting that Allen thought of in the movie “Ender’s Game” in his previous life, and all sacrifices were not concerned, and Allen’s goal was the enemy’s mothership.

“Start reporting on the completion time of the energy condensation of the main gun of the enemy mothership!”

“There are still 10 seconds left before the energy condensation of the main gun of the Chitauri mothership is completed!”

At this point, the quantum bomb has entered the channel reserved by the interceptor, and around the quantum bomb, 3000 drones wrapped in quantum bombs begin to sprint towards the Chitauri mothership.

“The energy condensation of the main gun of the Chitauri mothership is completed, and there are still 8 “one five seven” seconds! ”

The Chitauri obviously understood that this must be a bomb of some kind of incredible thing, and the surrounding Zita Swiss soldiers also became angry, and countless Chitauri troops rushed to shoot around the protective layer of the interceptor surrounded in the shape of a cylinder.

“Boom boom!”

The constant sound of explosions and crashes resounded in people’s minds.

Although the sounds could not be transmitted because of outer space, everyone seemed to hear them, and everyone held their breath and secretly cheered for Allen.

“There are still 8 seconds left before the energy condensation of the main gun of the Chitauri mothership is completed!” Sir, the first layer of interceptors has been completely destroyed! ”

The ball reported competently.

People all over the world have seen this, but they can’t do anything right now.

“Never mind, even if the outer interceptors are destroyed, their wreckage will protect the quantum bombs, calculate the speed, and report the impact time!”

Allen’s face remained unchanged, and he seemed to be unhappy with the drones that were built with high funds.

“The calculation is complete, and the impact time is still 12 seconds!”

“No, in this case, the quantum bomb will be destroyed by the enemy’s main gun before it reaches the Chitauri mothership, and the energy of the main gun will reach the earth along the portal without hindrance, and the whole of Manhattan, and even the whole of New York will be razed to the ground!”

Rogers also heard the ball’s report, and immediately said loudly, and just then, the ball once again began to report the opening time of the enemy main gun.

“There are still 5 seconds left before the energy condensation of the main gun of the Chitauri mothership is completed!”

“We lost!”

Hawkeye said somewhat decadently.

“Then the most important question to consider now is what forces will be organized to fight back against the army of Tarry in the fall of New York!”

Nick Fury said with some disappointment.

“Shut me up!” Don’t disturb my thinking! Ball to give them a ban! ”

Alan let the ball shut down Rogers and the others to lose, and then continued to command unchanged:

“Accelerate the interceptor at the very front of the formation to narrow the circle to form a line stream, and the rest of the innermost drones are ready to make a ‘photothermal energy module’ connection again!”

“Sphere, activate the propulsion modification device of the quantum bomb, ready for the second propulsion!”

Rogers and Fury, who had been banned, saw that Alan had not given up, and a glimmer of hope immediately arose.

But if they could see Alan’s expression at this time, they could see that Alan was holding back his excitement.

This space battle with the mighty alien fleet made Alan completely fascinated, Alan wanted to win, and Alan never wanted to win so much.

With Allen’s command, the interceptor at the front of the protective layer immediately began to accelerate and shrink the circle, forming a long linear passage.

It’s like a syringe, and a quantum bomb is a potion.

The potion was protected by the plastic shell of the syringe, and now Alan’s command caused the tip of the needle to protrude into a smaller pintip pipe from which the quantum bomb would shoot.

“There are still 3 seconds left before the energy condensation of the main gun of the Chitauri mothership is completed!” The impact time is still 8 seconds! ”

The ball reminds again that 0…..

“The rear protective layer interceptor carries out the ‘solar thermal energy module’ connection! And all overloaded to release all the high thermal energy around! ”

At this point, it was the last moment, and even the excited Alan couldn’t help but get nervous.

And the people of the whole world looked at the Chitauri Mothership on the opposite side of the portal that looked like a war fortress, perhaps even larger than New York, and felt a pang of despair.

In particular, the main gun port with a diameter of several kilometers at the front of the mothership has already emitted the brightest light, and perhaps the next moment will emit a powerful firepower that can flatten a state of the United States.

As the outermost interceptor was destroyed, the interceptors that were less than a thousand remaining immediately emitted high thermal energy and instantly connected, and then immediately fired powerful red energy towards the surrounding area to sweep away the surrounding Chitauri army.

“There are still 2 seconds left before the condensation of the main gun energy of the Chitauri mothership is completed!” The impact time is still 7 seconds! ”

Time does not stop because of tension, the countdown to death continues, and all the people of the earth begin to pray silently with the faith in their hearts.

“Perform a secondary thrust of a quantum bomb!”

The front end of the quantum bomb was mechanically modified by Allen like a penetrating bullet to push the quantum bomb a second time. 0.1

Only to see the quantum bomb suddenly burst out twice as fast, instantly entering the ‘needle tip’ formed by the remaining hundred interceptors and rushing towards the Chitauri mothership.

“There is still 1 second left before the energy condensation of the main gun of the Chitauri mothership is completed!” The impact time is still 4 seconds! ”

“The energy condensation of the main gun of the Chitauri mothership is complete!” The impact time is still 1 second! ”


As the huge light flashed through, the quantum bomb was instantly overwhelmed by the huge column of energy fired by the main gun more than ten meters in front of the main gun of the Chitauri mothership.

Just as the whole world closed their eyes and prepared to meet this sad scene, they suddenly found that a brighter light intercepted the entire energy pillar. _

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