“This is a quantum bomb, an antimatter weapon, with the power of annihilation, can these energies still penetrate the center of the explosion and run out?” At such a close distance, can your Chitauri mothership be spared? ”

When the whole world was confused, Alan’s voice came into the ears of Rogers and Fury, and Alan’s confident tone immediately made them all breathe a sigh of relief.

The silent explosion immediately spread to the Chitauri mothership, and as the explosions were annihilated everywhere, the Chitauri mothership immediately had a chain reaction under the powerful power of this quantum bomb, and began to explode inch by inch.

As if watching a huge firework, the people of the earth watched as the powerful, god-like giant Chitauri Mothership was slowly covered in exploding flames.

A few seconds later, the Zeta Swiss soldiers who were far away from the mothership in outer space did not know why they were all floating motionless in outer space.

Everybody knows that Alan won, they won, and Earth won!!!!!!!

They fended off the attack of the mighty 05 alien army and annihilated the other side!

“This… This.. At this moment, I, I don’t know what to say… But this moment is destined to be recorded in the annals of history, everyone cheers to the fullest! ”

Kelly, the female journalist, looked adoringly at Allen, who was sitting on a silver throne overlooking Manhattan, and was so excited that she didn’t know what words to use to describe this moment.

“, this kid!”

Rogers also relaxed completely, looking at Alan on the silver throne with a slight smile.

“Well, I think I missed the thrilling wonderful space war, go back and I’ll watch the replay!” But do you still remember that there is still a nuclear bomb here that has not been solved? ”

Tony rushed over with a nuclear bomb.

“Oh my God, it’s not hard to guess from Tony Stark’s movements that he’s carrying a nuclear bomb!”

“We are angry at what the government is doing, but sometimes things are so ruthless! Of course, I mean tens of seconds ago, but at the moment I think they already have a way, after all, such a large portal is still there, isn’t it? ”

The female journalist Kelly obviously also noticed Tony, and with her intelligence in combination with the situation in Manhattan before, it was not difficult to analyze that Tony was carrying a nuclear bomb.

“Guys, Dr. Shavig is awake, I know how to close the portal, now wait for Tony to send the bomb over!”

Natasha also had good news from her side, which made Rogers’ smile even brighter.

“Well, well, now it’s up to my Jarvis to pay attention to the energy output of the steering injector!”

At this time, Tony was sweating nervously, and finally flew to the side of the star, just when the nuclear bomb was about to crash into the Stark Building, Stark shouted in the communicator, and then the inlet at the foot of the steel armor suddenly exerted force, instantly changing the trajectory of the nuclear bomb, flying towards the sky and soon coming to the front of the pass and throwing the nuclear bomb over.

“Close the portal!”

Rogers said that Natasha had decisively closed the whole of New York, and that everything was now gone except for the corpses and ruins of the Chitauri army on the ground.

“Win, we win!”

Stark returned to the ground, immediately opened the mask of the steel armor, and said excitedly.

People all over the world boiled up, and people who were hiding in underground shelters also ran out, bathed in the sunshine of rebirth.

At this time, the Hulk also jumped from a distance, along with the eagle eye stepping on the metal disk!

Seeing that Hulk actually had a faint smile on his face, it was obvious that after Hulk’s war, his simple heart had also developed a good feeling for them.

“Hey, nice guys who did a good job, I don’t think we’ll go to work tomorrow.” Do you know about Arabic kebab? I haven’t eaten but want to try it, I know there’s a restaurant about two streets away! ”

Tony sat down on the ground, let out a long sigh and smiled.

“Yeah, we won, the alien invasion was finally stopped, and now it’s time to find Loki to settle the account!”

Rogers said and looked at Thor, and seeing that Thor was also angry, he immediately beckoned everyone to go to the Stark Mansion together.

Stark Building

Loki, who was struggling to crawl, climbed up two steps and sat up slowly. As soon as he took a breath and turned his head, he saw Alan and the seven of them standing in front of them looking at themselves playfully.

After swallowing his saliva, Loki reluctantly smiled and said:

“If I can, I want to drink that glass of wine”

When the matter finally came to an end, Fury took over the command and began to arrange for agents and troops to clean up the battlefield and take away all the alien bodies.

But at this time, the umbrella company jumped out, found Nick Fury with the president’s approval, and took care of the cleaning of the battlefield.

Of course, these are what Alan told Susan to do, the purpose is to see if these Zita 177 Rui technology can give themselves some inspiration, if not, this is actually a money-making business.

This time, the government gave two conditions, choose one of the two.

First, the umbrella company sends professionals to clean up the battlefield, and the government pays for it, which is equivalent to employment, but the booty is distributed by the government.

The second is that the umbrella company unconditionally cleans the battlefield and carries out post-war reconstruction work, but the corpses and weapons of the cleaning out of the Zita Swiss soldiers only need to be handed over to the government and organizations such as S.H.I.E.L.D., and the others can be planned, sold, researched by themselves, and the umbrella company is its own decision.

Susan did not hesitate to choose the second at that time, because it was clearly a money-making thing, and the reason why the government prescribed the second condition was also because of the shortage of funds, and the funds had to be allocated through the major consortiums, which was very inefficient.

But the reconstruction of Manhattan is imminent, and it will be outsourced anyway, the umbrella company now has its own construction team, and the construction of Sokovia has proved the reliability of the umbrella company.

That’s why the government came up with this idea, letting the umbrella company advance its own funds, and then the government didn’t have to pay a penny. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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