So the Umbrella sent a large number of workers to New York, and with the strength of efficient, high-quality, highly professional personnel, and countless cranes, loaders, cranes, and high-tech construction equipment that Allen himself had researched, began to quickly clean up the battlefield and carry out post-war reconstruction.

This time, Susan has also made a bloody effort, mobilizing 10% of the funds equivalent to the current umbrella to do this, but the future income will at least double.

The news also began to repeatedly broadcast the battle between the Avengers and Alan to save the world.

Tony’s frequent appearances have made the public feel less fresh, and he has lost the heroic posture of carrying a nuclear bomb to save the world in the original book. There are not many people who have led to the rise.

And Natasha’s cool and heroic posture during the battle, coupled with the explosive figure set off by the tights, immediately caused the hungry wolves around the world to “scream” and scream. Popularity soared.

And Thor, with his powerful power and exotic dress, he has fascinated thousands of women. Popularity among mature women flourishes.

And Rogers’ iconic combat costume reminds older people of something. After Fury deliberately released the news, the whole country boiled over, and their hero returned. So that Rogers suddenly occupied the market for the elderly, no one can waver.

Unexpectedly, the big Hulk actually occupies 80% of the popularity of children. The rampage of fighting and the destructive power of the violence made the children worship it.

Hawkeye hesitated to shoot arrows on the roof to protect Raywood, so his popularity was relatively low, but it was loved by most young people who liked military culture. This is the quality of a good soldier.

And Allen is with the undoubted Kerry overall situation in this war, becoming the MVP of this war!

Powerful technology to assist teammates, a steady supply of weapons, and the killing gun that explodes the world.

Of course, what is more important is Alan’s strategical strategy and tactics, daring to use 3,000 small drones to rush into space to fight against the alien powerful fleet, and finally win the battle…

Allen’s last calm and calm mentality, that art-like fine war command, made everyone have to admire.

The World Armed Forces Joint Organization immediately sent an invitation to Alan to explain some tactics and experience of space warfare in order to prepare for future human outer space wars.

After all, Alan is now the originator of space wars on Earth.

But that was all later, and on the day of the end of the war, Alan wasn’t really disturbed too much, but had dinner with his teammates.

Arabian kebab shop

At the large table, a group of people ate roast meat. An elderly Arab couple next to them is cleaning glass that has been shattered by war.

After only two bites, everyone regretted a little, not how to bite, and it was not delicious. Except for a little fun eating with Dr. Banner and nodding his head while eating, so that everyone frequently looked sideways, no one spoke.

The scene was awkward for a while, and finally, Tony couldn’t stand it.

“Let’s talk about our respective weapons.!”

Tony said, unable to stand the awkward atmosphere.

“My weapon is my steel armor, cool, not to mention that you know.” None of you can use it except me, because there is a security system managed by Jarvis, and the system can avoid unauthorized use.”

Tony looked very proud.

Hearing this, Rogers smiled and nodded, thinking Stark’s steel was really good.

“My weapon is Myrnir, and you don’t know how powerful it is, and none of you can use it, because you can’t pick it up!”

Sol Yang raised the hammer in his hand very calmly.

Rogers’ smile disappeared, but nothing was said.

“My weapon is my bow, how accurate it is, not to mention that you know it.” And none of you can use it, because you can’t shoot it!” ”

Hawkeye looked at the bow on his back to indicate no pressure.

Rogers frowned.

“My weapon is my flesh, how strong it is, not to mention that you know it.” And none of you can use it, because you don’t have a Hulk! ”

Banner took another bite of meat and was disinterested.

The corners of Rogers’ mouth twitched.

“My weapons are all kinds of weapons I have made!” How comprehensive, I don’t say you know. And none of you can use it, because this not only requires a lot of training, but most importantly, it depends on whether I give it or not! ”

Alan was expressionless.

Rogers’ face turned pale. Busy turned his head to look at Natasha who hadn’t spoken yet.

“I’m a woman!”

Natasha chuckled at Rogers.

Rogers left cold sweat on his forehead and his lips quivered.

“Oh, my, my weapon is my shield, how good it is, not to say that you know… And you guys… Well. You guys……….. What exactly are you trying to say? ”

Finally Rogers roared.

“My girlfriend is Pepper, she is very capable, she handles the big and small things in my company very well, and it is very worrying for me.” Stark continued.

“My girlfriend is Jane, she’s very smart, she’s an astronomer, and she’s teaching at Big [Qian Zhao’s]!”

Thor smiled slightly.

“My girlfriend is Betty, she’s a genius, a physicist, and she teaches at the university!”

Banner was a little shy.

“My girlfriend is Susan, and she, like Pepper, is very capable, handles the big and small things of my company very well, and she is also beautiful!”

Allen’s voice was gentle.

“I have all my children and the family is very warm!”

Hawkeye faced it calmly.

“I am a woman struggling!”

Natasha was indifferent.

“I, I used to have a date, but, but before I could do it, I froze …

Rogers said nervously, but saw that several people around him looked at him with contempt.

“。。。。。。。 Mom sells batches! ”

Rogers flipped the table. _

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