Back at home, Susan was already waiting for Alan in the living room, and as soon as the war was over, Susan returned by car from the industrial park of the umbrella.

The fighting didn’t spread over there, so everything was normal in the industrial park.


As soon as she saw Alan return, Susan immediately hugged Alan with a proud face, and her slightly trembling body showed that this beautiful and strong woman was very uneasy inside.

“You are awesome Alan! You saved the world, you saved humanity, you saved the earth! ”

Originally Allen thought that he would be scolded by Susan like in the bitter love drama, saying that he would never be able to participate in such a dangerous thing again…

As a result, Susan’s proud and happy tone made Alan a little stunned.

“Alan? What’s wrong? ”

After not hearing Alan’s answer for half a day, Susan let go of Alan’s doubtful look and saw Alan’s somewhat depressed expression.

“Oh, no, it’s just that you’re not worried about me?”

Alan scratched his head.

“Of course I’m worried about you!” You don’t know that when you see those desperately huge monster machines swimming out of the portal, I’m really worried that you won’t be able to cope with it! ”

Susan glanced at Alan, then showed a look of fear, but then 900 happily hugged Alan and said:

“But thanks to you, you are so powerful and perfect!” In the end, you can use three thousand interceptors and a quantum-level weapon to win the alien fleet is the art of war! ”

“Because of you, the earth survived!” I can’t imagine what would happen if New York were to fall and an alien army would continue to invade Earth! ”

Susan worries about Alan, but Susan also knows that if Alan doesn’t stand up, the consequences will be devastating.

Humans, the Earth, will be slaughtered and enslaved, after all, these aliens will start crazy destruction as soon as they appear, right?

“It turned out to be so, I was too careful! Yes, where are there so many bitter dramas? ”

Alan suddenly realized this, which showed a gentle smile and hugged Susan tightly, and after a while the two separated.

“Hungry, huh?” I’ve had someone make a late meal, and I’ll eat it with you! ”

Susan looked at Alan tenderly.

“Well, hungry! I should have come back earlier, but I was pulled to eat Arabic roast meat, and that thing, tbh, couldn’t bite at all! I don’t know why Banner eats so much! ”

Alan nodded, remembering the hard, stone-like Arabic roast meat he had just had, and suspected that Hulk’s reason had made Banner’s teeth very good.

“That’s right, today’s dinner is very hearty!”

Susan said she was going to pull Alan along

“Susan, let’s get engaged!” Choose a date, or just get married! ”

Alan’s words stunned Susan, her face came together, and then some incredulous words followed:

“Knot, get married?”

“Yes, get married!”

Alan nodded without hesitation.

“But, but, Alan, do you really think about it?” You are so good! There are so many girls in this world, and you are the richest man in the world, are you really willing to marry me at such a young age? I’m three years older than you!” ”

Susan lowered her head, feeling Alan’s strong love, and some unconfident words.

“**There is a saying, female junior, hold the gold brick! It’s been almost six years since you started as an assistant, right? Susan, you’re going to be 28 soon! I can wait until I’m 25, what about you? ”

Alan slowly turned Susan’s face around, kissed her lightly on Susan’s rosy and cold little lips, and then said softly:

“I won’t make you wait any longer, this war has touched me so much, and I (afbb) want to marry you as my wife!”

Alan took Susan’s hand and knelt down, and the ball around him flashed, and a ring box appeared in Alan’s hand and was opened, revealing a ring with a snow-white gemstone inside.

Alan looked up at Susan and said loudly:

“Susan Stone! You ask you to marry me! ”

“Me, I do!”

Susan said with tears.

Seeing that Susan agreed, Alan put the ring on Susan’s middle finger, indicating that the two were engaged and could wear the ring on the ring finger after marriage.

The ring of the ring is made up of the doppelganger of a ball with a snow-white gemstone polished by Allen’s synthetic ‘superior elemental crystals’.

The main thing is that the ‘superior element crystal’ is very good-looking, just like this is not a special use, as for the ball doppelganger, it is for Susan just in case.

After Alan put Susan on the ring, the two embraced each other directly, and then returned to the room after a warm meal together.

The next day, unaffected by the overwhelming outside reports, the Avengers all show up in a park where they are coming to take Thor back.

Thor stood there with the locked Loki in his hand with the Cosmic Cube in his hand.

Natasha, Captain, Hawkeye, Alan, Tony, and Banner stood by, looking at Thor with some reluctance.

“The Space Gem can help Asgard repair the Rainbow Bridge, and if the Earth has difficulties in the future, I will definitely help you!”

Thor said.

“Even if it’s okay, you can come to get together, of course, you may have to inherit the throne when you go back, unlike some people, bastards still want to take the throne!”

Tony said with a venomous mouth, making Loki’s face darken next to him.

“It should be impossible in the near future, the Rainbow Bridge is destroyed, the Nine Realms will be chaotic, and after the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, I will have to go to quell the war first!”

Thor smiled slightly, and then used the power of the Space Gem to return to Asgard with Loki.

Allen, who had been watching, showed a playful smile, looked up at the sky and murmured:

“There’s still a year or two left… Next should be the desperate virus plot, and then … Gems of Reality… You can’t escape the palm of my hand!” ”

(Finally the code is finished!) Now go to sleep first, and when you wake up, it is estimated that you will have to be in the afternoon or in the evening! )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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