
In the brand new two-bedroom, two-room apartment, Wanda is on the living room couch watching the news reports about Allen’s marriage today, over and over again.

Wanda watched repeatedly, not knowing why, until the door to the next bedroom opened, and Pietro looked worried and walked over to Wanda and sat down, quietly not saying anything.

“It says that Alan is very bad at managing company chores… No, it shouldn’t be said that he’s not good at it, it’s just that he’s tired of managing companies! ”

I don’t know how long later, Wanda suddenly whispered.

“Since the New York War a month and a half ago, we can see news about Allen every day, and many things about him are also known!”

Pietro sighed and answered the question.

“Yeah, I also learned that there is another woman who has been with him for six years, who has been with him for six years, who has quietly paid for him, and who has managed the world’s largest weapons technology company in 09 in an orderly manner, and her relationship with Alan!”

Wanda smiled bitterly.

“Okay Wanda, don’t think about it! Now that Sokovia’s life is much better, we should think for ourselves, or should we study in Europe or Asia and see this wonderful world? ”

Pietro said tentatively that this was what he had wanted to say to Wanda for a long time.

“Is this the life you want?” I will always support you! ”

Wanda turned to Pietro with an encouraging smile.

“You, aren’t you with me?”

Pietro heard Wanda’s implication and was immediately shocked and asked.

“Outside the apartments and supermarkets built by the Umbrella Company, the fighting is still going on, and we can still hear the sound of shells, can’t we?” Although we are safe, there are 300,000 people in Sokovia, and now there are less than 60,000 people living in new apartments, and there are too many people who need help! ”

Wanda shook her head.

“But we can’t help at all!” We don’t have the power of Alan Hammer to repel the alien fleet and make the current U.S. government and the world Security Council afraid to say a word! And there are some equally powerful comrades behind him! ”

The look of powerlessness in Pietro’s eyes flashed and he looked at Wanda and said seriously:

“We are just ordinary people, we have no power to change the status quo in Sokovia! If you look at the people who don’t dare attack the apartment buildings and supermarkets built by the Umbrella Company, they are all afraid of the strength of Alan Hammer and the team behind him! ”

“Yeah, Strength, what you said is the same as what Alan said to me in the end!”

Wanda went to the window and watched the night, the night Len had left.

When Alan enters through the bedroom window of Wanda’s previously dilapidated home, she pulls out a picture of the three of them… When Alan unleashed the momentum that belonged to the strong…

“That’s strength! If you don’t have the strength, I advise you to give up revenge! ”

On the silver throne, Alan sat on it, and there was infinite confidence and majesty in his eyes, which set off a monstrous wave in Wanda’s heart at that time.

Thinking of this, Wanda couldn’t help but take out a photo that she had with her.

In the photo, on the shabby couch in this somewhat shabby home, Pietro excitedly reaches out to the TV to compare something.

Wanda was lazily half lying on the couch, with a gentle look on Alan’s body.

Alan smiled in response to Wanda’s eyes.

Wanda looked at the photo in a daze, and Pietro also walked over and looked at the photo and whispered:

“Don’t think about it, we are not people of the world, and we are powerless for our hometown of Sokovia!”

“No, remember that leaflet I got back yesterday?” That’s our chance… No, it’s my chance, Pietro, you still go live the life you want! ”

Wanda said suddenly with a determined face.

“You mean, the World Security Council research base above the South Mountain?”

Pietro was stunned.

“That’s it! It said they were about to start a renovation program, and although there is no guarantee of success, it is our only chance, and I will sign up tomorrow! ”

Wanda had obviously already made a decision.

“Got it, then I hope the two of us can survive!”

Pietro looked at Wanda with a spoiled smile.

“Pietro you…

Wanda was horrified and was about to say something when Pietro laughed and interrupted:

“Needless to say, I was born 12 minutes before you, remember?”

At this time, there is no need to say anything, the two twins who have been dependent on each other since childhood, brothers and sisters hug each other tightly, feeling the cold of this world and the warmth of each other.

Both Wanda and Pietro were afraid in their hearts, but the more 590 were determined.

South Mountain of Sokovia, Hydra Research Base

“How did this thing detect?” I remember Alan Hammer had studied this thing on the sky carrier, and had you gotten his research materials? ”

Dressed in a trench coat and nicknamed ‘Baron’, Straker asked an assistant.

In the very center of this special underground laboratory, a scepter studded with a yellow gem and protected by a blue crystal structure on the outside is lying quietly.

“Got it! According to Alan Hammer’s research report to S.H.I.E.L.D., ordinary spectral scans cannot penetrate the protection of blue crystals! ”

The assistant said.

“Is this blue crystal hard?” What is important is obviously the yellow gem inside, can it break the blue crystal on the outside? ”

Straker frowned.

“Yes, as long as it is cut with thermal rays, it is easy to break!” But this blue crystal not only protects the gem from spectral scanning, but also inhibits the energy radiation emitted by the gemstone! If the blue crystal is broken, then it is easy to be detected by the outside world abnormal energy radiation fluctuations! Just like the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, it will cause great disaster! ”

The assistant shook his head and said. _

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