“So what to do? Didn’t you say you could start planning? I’ve already started recruiting people outside to act as subjects, and experimenting directly with living people can speed up the progress! ”

Straker was somewhat dissatisfied.

“Of course there is a way! It can be seen that Alan Hammer’s research report at the time was only a perfunctory S.H.I.E.L.D., he may not be interested in this thing, but he still gave advice, the report suggested that the use of dialysis scanning technology can directly scan the structure of the stones inside, we have tried, this method is feasible! ”

The assistant said.

“Whew! Well, then tomorrow the first batch of experimental subjects will come, your side today to hurry up and prepare, what is needed and the above, they will get it, after all, S.H.I.E.L.D. resources are very considerable! ”

Strand was relieved and then got busy.

The days returned to calm as Susan and Allen explained the company’s affairs and went on their honeymoon.

But there were a lot of things going on with the umbrella company, and the two completed their honeymoon in just two weeks, and then returned to the United States to start their own business.

During this period, the world was also very calm, only the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters was in a state of disappearance because of the disappearance of the Psychic Scepter, but Nick Fury did not find any clues, and it was over.

In the following year, for the first half of the year, Alan has been in the basement of the manor to carry out research and transformation, this time the war has allowed Alan to have a new understanding of his own weapons and guns, etc., and began to make smiling changes for his own use.

Susan was busy rebuilding Manhattan and began selling the bodies of Zita Swiss soldiers to companies such as Osborne, Stark, and Pym Technologies.

Since a large number of corpses and weapons were taken away by the umbrella, which was almost equivalent to a monopoly, the umbrella made money from it, but not as much as imagined.

Because this Manhattan reconstruction work is funded by the umbrella, the investment is huge, selling alien corpses and weapons to earn a lot, but then get rid of manpower, materials, etc., also did not earn much.

But the sale of alien corpses was a long-term deal, with the umbrella company’s inventory sold less than one-fiftieth in six months.

If it is all sold out, it will be a huge amount of money, so this is a long-term transaction, and the upfront investment is too large, in addition to the government, only the umbrella company, Stark Industries’ small number of super large companies have the strength and courage to undertake.

However, due to some funds or development reasons, only Osborne Biotechnology Company ran out to compete, but it was not a rival of the umbrella company at all, and the business umbrella company was contracted.

In this year, Allen’s hand technology has entered the top of the four professions and one awakening, and has fallen into a bottleneck.

After studying for two or three months, Allen did not force it, but instead studied the technology of teleporting people, as long as he put on a new material clothes specially made by Allen.

After he was done, Alan carried out all his guns and so on, and then he was no longer hiding in the laboratory.

After half a year, Alan ended the study, and then happily let Susan drop the job at hand, accompanied Susan to find Tony and Pepper, as well as the single man Banner, Rogers and several people, ran to the ** tour.

Allen also took them to Sichuan, his hometown in the past life, looked at the familiar giant panda, and then went to Jiuzhaigou to enjoy the scenery.

In the end, Alan casually cooperated with the ** government, set up a difficult UNICEF, and then returned to the United States without doing any more unnecessary things.

This trip also made Alan feel a lot, ** is a self-reliant country, ** the government sent officials to receive Alan, even if Allen is now strong and hot, but they are not humble.

And he never took the righteousness that Alan is a ** person and should contribute to ** to suppress Alan, which made Alan feel a long-lost heart touch.

It’s just that Tony has been a little out of state, talking to Alan and others all day about some of the earth is fragile, needs protection and so on, and finally even Alan can’t stand it.

After the tour, Alan accompanied Susan every day to deal with the company’s affairs, so that Susan was very satisfied, Alan even accompanied Susan to visit the street three times, all to go shopping, the combination of the two of them is of course 100% return.

However, in a year’s time, although the topic of superheroes is still endless, it has gradually come out of the shadow of alien invasion.

Recently, a terrorist organization in the world, headed by a Mandarin leader, has caused more than a dozen explosions, but the government obviously does not want superheroes to intervene, so it has not sent a message to the superheroes.

The events in New York are terrified by the horrors of the nations, both the alien hordes and the superheroes, and gradually the superhero group Avengers are beginning to be feared by the government.

In the face of the terrorist threat, there was also a move on the side of the United States, Colonel Roddy and his “go.”

As soon as Roddy came out, he swept away several terrorist (No-Zhao) bases in the Middle East and achieved considerable results, but later found out that these were not the Ten Commandments Gang base.

Or rather, they are just members of some peripheral terrorist organizations of the Ten Commandments, and the whole Ten Commandments Gang is still hidden very deeply, very deeply.

However, in the face of Roddy’s sweep, the Ten Commandments Gang also immediately retaliated and increased the frequency of terrorist activities, and an explosion in a few days caused panic among the people of the United States, and everyone was afraid.

In the face of this situation, there is a high demand for the Avengers to come out of the mountain, but the government has not moved, and Allen and they have also received a warning from Fury not to meddle in these things.

This is the result of the pressure exerted by the government of the United States on the World Security Council, after all, the Government of the United States wants to deal with this matter itself to increase its deterrent power in front of the public. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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