“Sir, there’s not much I can do now, after all, you’ve announced your address to the whole world!”

Jarvis’s tone was actually a little helpless.

Tony put on his armor and let Jarvis open the door, and the woman walked in and Tony said to her:

“Madam, please stand there please”

Then Tony just stood there and looked at the woman for half a day and then opened the mask and said, “You’re not a full adult, are you?” Answer me, Miss, are you a full adult? ”

The woman smiled and said:

“Don’t you remember? How could I not be surprised at all? ”

“Don’t mind, I don’t even remember what I ate in the morning,” Tony habitually clawed.

The woman looked at Chen Yu on the couch before saying to Tony again:

“Listen, I have to talk to you alone, there’s something important”

“If it was before, I would have loved it, but now I have a girlfriend”

Tony was a little helpless, and then Pepper’s voice also came over:

“Tony, is that you?” Have any guests come to “283”? I hear the doorbell ringing.”

Tony answered aloud:

“It’s Maya Hansen, an old friend of a botanist, and I don’t know her very well.”

Then Hansen, who looked at this ‘turns out you remember me’ expression, said:

“It’s her, she’s my girlfriend”

Tony slowly walked to the side and said to Hansen, who was following him:

“Don’t tell me there’s a 12-year-old kid in the car outside who belongs to me”

“In fact he’s thirteen,” Hansen continued, looking at a frightened Tony:

“Just kidding, I need your help. I watched the news and thought you had no chance of winning, so I was going to join forces with you.”

At this time, Pepper also came down and said to Hansen:

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know there was a guest coming and it was Tony’s old lover”

Then he turned to Tony and said:

“We have to go now”

“We’re not going anywhere, I can’t protect you when we get out, and Alan’s side will arrive soon, and when he gets here, it’s safest!”

Tony said loudly.

“Is it the safest? Not necessarily, oh, I think the safest place is my estate! There’s a web of defenses you can’t even imagine! ”

Suddenly, a space door opened in a square shape, and Tony, Maya Hansen, and Pepper watched in amazement as Alan walked over from the lawn opposite the portal in a strange metallic suit and hood and sat down on the couch next to them.

Alan was right in saying that since the last time Susan had taken refuge in the industrial park, Alan had gone back to transform the manor and place a large mechanical army, which was now an indestructible steel fortress.

“Alan, you’re here, Pepper’s side is making me anxious!” But are you finally realizing the delivery of organic matter? ”

Tony was relieved to see Alan coming, and even Pepper on the side was not so nervous, but the Maya Hansen, who looked at Alan in surprise, and then fell silent.

“It seems that you are indeed a bit anxious, and you should usually see it at a glance!” I still can’t teleport living bodies, but my clothes can isolate the amount of radiation that has been changed by the amount of radiation that has changed! ”

Alan nodded.

“Oh, yes, yes, I should have thought of it!” But what about balls? You came to help me without your universal assistant? ”

Tony was shocked when he found out that the ball was not in Alan’s body, what kind of plane is this kid doing, don’t you want such a powerful assistant? When the time comes to really be in danger, what to do now to prepare two guns for this boy?

“What are you panicking about, this dress is a ball change!”

After Alan glanced at Tony wordlessly, the strange clothes on his body changed, and he shed from Alan’s body like a molt, revealing a speechless face in a suit inside.

Then the garment began to shrink and merge, and soon turned into a mercury-like metal orb floating around Alan again.

This scene made Maya Hansen, who was next to Tony, look uncertain, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Huh, I’m relieved to see the ball!”

Tony was relieved.

But then Maya Hansen suddenly caught a glimpse of something playing on the TV next to her, which made her pupils dilate.

Hansen pointed to the live broadcast on the TV next to him and said:

“I’m sorry, but I want to ask if I need to worry about this?”

In the live news, four military helicopter gunships flew towards Tony’s house. And one of them fired a missile directly.


Tony yelled, then reached out and pointed at Pepper, and the armor on Tony’s body split into parts by parts, and then put on Pepper one by one.

“Don’t worry! Balls? ”

Alan said calmly, the ball immediately split into eight, four of which broke through the window glass appeared outside and gathered together in front of the missile, and then the four flashing energy connections immediately separated, and a portal appeared in front of the missile.

At the same time, four metal balls were also opened in front of Alan.


Only two seconds later, the seated Alan gently shook his hand in front of him, and a missile thicker than his arm was grabbed by Allen in his hand, and Tony was so angry that he quickly retreated and shouted:

“Lean, don’t create an impact, or this thing will explode!”

As a weapons dealer, Tony certainly knows the trigger mechanism of this thing, and quickly reminds 0…

“Can I still not know? This missile is still well built, but the thruster technology needs to be changed, and it seems to be a very hard company! ”

Alan glanced at Tony with disdain, and then threw the missile in his hand directly at the portal in Tony’s horrified gaze.

At the same time, the four metal orbs outside also came to a helicopter gunship and opened a space door again.


There was an explosion outside, and an helicopter gunship exploded directly in the air, apparently the bomb that Alan had thrown hit the helicopter gunship.

“And three, Alan, you can’t do it, no, you protect Pepper and they go, I’ll go!”

Tony didn’t have time to pay attention to Allen’s increasingly skilled use of space technology, but asked directly.

“No need, our support has arrived!”

At this time, Alan sensed the outside world with the Yuanshen and comforted Tony with a relaxed face.

Tony, Pepper, and Maya Hansen immediately turned to watch the real-time broadcast of the media on TV.

Only to see that the space gate had not disappeared, from inside the space gate suddenly pounced on three ‘EZ-8 self-detonators’ who had all seen in the New York Wars and could jump very far.


The three ‘EZ-8 self-detonators’ suddenly jumped out of the portal, pounced directly on the three helicopter gunships, and then exploded violently, killing the three helicopter gunships in an instant.

“By the way, this is a multi-party spatial connection?”

Tony looked at the space gate in front of Allen with wide eyes, and across the door he could clearly see what the three helicopter gunships were exploding and feel the heat of 3.5.

But Tony knew full well that the three ‘EZ-8 self-detonators’ that had emerged from the outer space gate were not thrown from this side by Allen at all.

That said, there’s also a space gate that connects to the outside space gate, a technique that even Tony feels magical.

“Yes, in fact, as long as you have enough research and accumulation on space technology, this multi-party space connection technology is very easy to do!”

Alan smiled slightly and said very calmly.

“Nice job Alan!”

Tony didn’t ask anything further, but happily praised Allen, then turned to the stunned Pepper and said:

“I said I couldn’t stay here, just pack up and go!”

Alan: “… ”

Pepper: “… ”

Maya: “… ”

(Chapter 7, finally made up!) Tomorrow I’ll try to get up early and update the five chapters before 12 o’clock in the evening, so that the daily update is back on track! )_

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