In the air, the cameras of those media also filmed this scene, and it was immediately broadcast as if it had caught the big news.

“This is the Global Daily, and as you can see, four U.S. military planes flew in to bomb Tony Stark’s home!”

“This obviously cannot be an order from the military, so we have reason to believe that there are traitors at the top of the government who can mobilize four military helicopters at the same time, which is simply inconceivable!”

“But fortunately, in the Battle of New York, I single-handedly destroyed the alien mothership, and the world’s most outstanding human being, ‘King of War’ Alan Hammer, was also here, and easily solved the enemy’s attack!”

“Earlier there was news that the Avengers were not disbanded, and it seems that this is not a rumor! But for now, it seems that the terrorist Mandarin has declared war on the Avengers, so how will the Avengers respond? We’ll see! ”

It was Kelly, a female journalist, who was loudly broadcasting 09 on a helicopter.

“Tony, I know some intelligence, come, join forces with me to catch them, this kind of thing you are better at, I let the red queen, ball together to help you and Jarvis!”

Alan glanced at Maya Hansen and dragged Tony straight to his lab downstairs, but was stopped by a panicked Maya Hansen:

“Won’t you leave?” It’s not safe here! ”

“Security? Does the other side have any means other than conventional weapons and missiles? Balls, patrol outside, empty the field, summon the interceptor factory to let the interceptor interceptor intercept it as soon as an unknown object approaches, Pepper, you call the Department of Defense to ask for authorization! ”

Alan said lightly.

Pepper and the others knew Allen’s strength on these strategic plans, so they did not dare to slack off and rushed to call the Department of Defense.

Tony asked curiously:

“You’re still building interceptors, how much did you spend on the New York War?” Didn’t Fury say he would pay for it? ”

“Nearly three billion, Fury didn’t lie, it was all reimbursed to me!” This year I made a lot of it, bring this woman along, she is useful! ”

Alan said and went downstairs to Tony’s lab, while Tony watched Maya Hansen look at her and finally took her out of the lab.

“Alan, what do you really know?”

Upon arriving at the lab, Tony couldn’t wait to ask.

“A.I.M, a private think tank!” Collect talents in the field and realize their ideas through the efforts of many people! In general, it is a bit like a technology investment company, and they are all researching themselves! ”

Alan had heard about this company a few years ago, when he was working with the umbrella company, and they had a technology that required a major breakthrough in the quantum field, but Allen was not interested.

This company is like if you’re a scientist and you have a good research idea, then you go to A.I.M, and then they will help you find some top talent and resources and technology in that area, and then help you do it together.

Of course, after completion, most of the benefits go to A.I.M

This idea is actually good, but if such a large stall wants to be laid, then it needs a lot of financial and technical resources, so this is why Aldrezi Kirian, the founder of A.I.M. ten years ago, wanted to work with Tony.

Stark Industries’ vast technical resources and vast amounts of money can help Alderez Killian through the toughest of starts.

However, Aldrezi Killian was deceived by Tony, waited for Tony on the roof for a night, and finally left in anger.

This Maya Hansen, originally a biogeneticist, had a one-night stand with Tony ten years ago, and Tony heard Maya Hansen’s idea and left an algorithm before he left the next day, almost figuring out what Maya had tried so hard to get.

Later, Maya Hansen joined A.I.M., and Aldrezi Killian valued the results of Maya Hansen’s plan called ‘Desperate Virus’, and brought in a lot of money and talent to help Maya Hansen work together.

Fourteen years later, and now that the Desperate Virus has succeeded, unstable, but ready to be used, Aldrezi Killian is finally beginning to show his fangs.

“Aldrezi Kirian? I have the impression that if I’m not mistaken, he must hate me, right? So what do you do now? ”

Tony immediately thought that Happi had told Tony before he was injured that Pepper had an old classmate who had gone to Stark Industries to talk about business, but Pepper eventually refused.

Tony also quickly remembered the night fourteen years ago, and suddenly felt some toothache and asked.

“It’s simple, get out, kill it!”

Alan grinned.

“No, no, Tony, you know it’s something that can benefit the world, you know! It’s almost like 447 in the past fourteen years, and I’ve never been able to make the ‘desperate virus’ perfect! But fourteen years ago Tony you left the formula on the note you gave me, and you almost figured it out! ”

Maya Hansen looked at Tony expectantly.

“So you came here to take advantage of me?” You came here in seclusion from your boss, right? Don’t want me to die? Want you to help you through your research? ”

Tony understood everything at once and asked angrily.

“Tony, help me, you’ll figure it out, right?” After so many years, I am about to succeed, and the desperate virus has basically stabilized! ”

Maya Hansen said.

“Steady hair, people are killed in the street, my friend Happi is still lying in the hospital!” Blood stained the walls red, Maya, are you still deceiving yourself? ”

Tony saw that Maya didn’t know how to repent and said angrily.

“Then help me fix it, do you know how many people this can benefit?”

Maya looked at Tony hopefully and said.

“I can’t change it, this thing is just like the super soldier serum, perfect only the old man who has been frozen for 70 years!”

Tony hadn’t bothered to say anything more. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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