“Benefit? You don’t even know about Kirian’s plans, these bombings, whether the benefits are fake, whether it is true to get rich by war, right? You should know this about creating supply and demand, right? The funniest thing is that Kirian’s A.I.M. is military-funded, am I right? ”

Alan smirked.

“The military is working with him? No wonder they were able to call up gunships to attack me! ”

Tony was stunned.

Alan then said:

“There has been a time when the whole United States is closed and controlled by the invasion, this time we will ambush them first, and when they act, we will be able to find them along the way, Tony, this kind of thing you are better than me!” 」

Allen said.

“Grass! Yeah, how I didn’t think of that! God, anger made me lose my judgment, yes, let’s leave a trap first, as soon as they come, I can find them! ”

Tony was stunned, then said with a look of regret, and then immediately threw himself into action and began to get busy in the laboratory.

“Maya Hansen, you can’t go, you have a locator on you, I’d like to see if this guy dares to come!”

Alan glanced at Maya Hansen and said directly and coldly.

Alan’s words made Maya Hansen smack her lips, and finally sat down in a chair weakly, and Alan’s revelation of Kirian’s plan made Maya Hansen know that she had been completely deceived.

Malibu Coast

The ball doppelganger spies the surrounding situation outside the airspace, and Tony and Allen begin to lay traps on the closed network with the help of the ball, the red and Jarvis’s three super-intelligent programs.

On the night, people who had eaten a slate meal were at home watching the peak news on the TV, and suddenly, all the TVs began to flash, and the picture quickly became a pattern surrounded by ten rings, which was the second time people had seen this pattern.

“Here it comes, it’s finally here!” Together, it only takes ten seconds to find them, but before that, it’s better to scare Killian and let him mess up, and then it will be much easier to deal with.~! ”

Tony had now regained his former wisdom, and looked at Alan with a twinkle in his face:

“Wait a minute, you will scare him, after all, your name as ‘King of War’ is much more useful than mine, who let you destroy an alien fleet?”

“Okay, but then the action is up to you, and people are coming for you to give others a fair chance to fight!” Don’t let people say we’re just fooling more than less! ”

Alan nodded, then a message from the ball in his mind came from a distant place, and he immediately raised an eyebrow and smiled at Tony.

“Oh? Don’t you participate? But it makes sense, this matter is still my own way to solve! But it looks like you have something to do! ”

Tony looked at Alan with some curiosity

“I’m going to Asgard, Tony, you’d better go to Dr. Shavig after this, the Nine Stars have already begun, and space will become chaotic because of the overlap!”

Alan didn’t say anything more after saying something that made Tony in the clouds, but quietly watched the situation on TV with Tony.

At the same time, riots broke out throughout the United States, and on a passenger plane, a large group of government officials surrounded the president and watched television.

“The President, like the last time, is an unauthorized insertion, every signal base is hacked, the satellites on the east coast are useless, and it is obvious that the main target of the other side is the east of our country!”

“What do technicians eat?” Didn’t they say after the last incident that this would never happen again? ”

The president said angrily.

“Mr. President, I suggest seeking the help of the Avengers, and in this regard, Alan Hammer and Tony Stark are more professional than we are all in this regard!”

A military officer said.

“Fart, after the Battle of New York, our credibility with the public has been greatly lost, and if we still seek the help of the Avengers at this moment, it will make us laugh!” 」

The people in the presidential think tank immediately denied it.

“Don’t argue, let’s see!”

The president suppressed the quarrel between the two sides, and then began to watch quietly the “full man” sitting on a seat with an oriental dragon-shaped carving that slowly appeared on television.

At the feet of the Mandarin was a man, a fat man in a suit looking at the camera in horror.

The Manchus’ voice was low and powerful, entirely in accordance with the image of the Americans who were most afraid of the ‘Fu Manchus’ on the eastern side.

Speaking of ‘Fu Manchu’, this is actually a fictional character, the protagonist of a European novel “The Mystery of Dr. Fu Manchu”.

In this book, he describes a scientist who does nothing wrong, who is said to have many degrees and has a lamentable life: his father is British, and his mother is a **** person. His image is impressive: extra-long cheeks, stiff eyebrows, evil breath in his eyes, and wearing the most classic Jifu crown often worn by Qing Dynasty people.

In fact, the main thing is what Fu Manzhou did in the novel, that is, he often persecuted Europeans. After reading this novel, many Europeans were both afraid and hateful of Asians, especially the **** people, and even regarded Fu Manzhou (Wang Mozhao) as the most evil person. The author of the novel, Lomor, thus made a large amount of money, and also provided future generations of literary creators with an image of the evil countrymen.

The way this Mandarin looks already speaks is exactly what this image is.

“The man at my feet is Thomas Richard!” A well-known and important person, the accountant of ‘Sanger Oil’, who posts hundreds of billions of dollars every year! I’m sure he’s a good guy, but sadly I’m going to execute him anyway, on this live TV, unless the president calls me within 30! ”

“As for the number, it’s in the president’s phone caller ID!”

When Mandarin finished speaking, the president’s cell phone immediately rang, showing the number of an unknown area.

“How did he hack into my phone?” Forget it, I’ll call it first! ”

The president looked at his phone and said. _

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