“No, we cannot compromise with terrorists!”

The think tank man said immediately.

“I’m going to do the right thing!”

The president didn’t care, he just called it, and the mobile phones of the adults on the TV immediately rang, which made all Americans breathe a sigh of relief.


However, without warning, Mandarin’s sudden wordless shot solved Thomas, making everyone look stunned in disbelief, and the image of the scared **** person in their minds was more in line with Mandarin this time.

“Contact Colonel Roddy for me and ask him to find this madman at once, and his location traced?”

The president said angrily.

“The amount, according to the source of the signal, is in Pakistan! Colonel Roddy has been contacted and the ‘Iron Patriot’ is ready! ”

The technician said.

“Let him go immediately!”

The president looked at the adults on TV with a somewhat shaky tone.

“There is one last lesson left, Mr. President! Go hide and say goodbye to your children! Because whether it’s ‘Iron Patriot’, ‘Iron Man’, or ‘King of War’, or ‘Captain America’! Not even the entire Avengers can save you! ”

Mandarin was threatened with extreme self-confidence. 980

“I’m sorry, can I interject?”

Suddenly, Alan’s voice came from the live television, and all the people watching the live broadcast heard this reassuring voice and immediately cheered with joy, their most powerful and wise ‘King of War’ came, and he must be able to deal with Mandarin.

“Who are you?”

Mandarin was originally an actor who was pushed out by Kirian to play a terrorist, and was immediately stunned by such a question.

However, the Mandarin then began to play freely with excitement and immediately asked in a deep voice.

“I’m the ‘King of War’ in your mouth, listen, I know who you are and I know who’s behind you, Jean A. I.M’s Kirian washes his neck and waits, don’t the reformers of the ‘desperate virus’ like to blow themselves up? I have a whole self-detonating legion, and we should meet and then explode each other to compare the power! ”

Allen said.

“You’ll get what you want, the young ‘King of War,’ and all that’s left between us is … War! ”

Mandarin’s performance was perfect, and after saying that, the call was cut off directly.

“Well, the address has been found, and I need to prepare for it, but Roddy seems to have gone to the wrong place, how did he go to Pakistan?” Misled? Government these wastes! ”

Tony looked at the situation and said wordlessly.

“Now that you’re ready and no longer black, then I’ll go, I’ll leave the ball to you, and Roddy has already left one over there, and I should be able to help him get out of the way.” It’s time for you two to figure out how to get this Killian! ”

Alan said something to Tony and then let the ball open the portal and leave.

Roddy’s side, on the other hand, also arrived at the target location after twenty minutes, and after landing on the ground, he crashed through the wall like a mechanical beast and plunged into it.

“Don’t move!”

Roddy’s armor stretched out his weapon against a group of workshop sewing women in front of him, causing these women to immediately panic and exclaim.

The women were all Arabs and covered their appearance with turbans and masks, leaving only their eyes exposed.

“Oh, support group! I think you’re getting it wrong again, unless Mandarin wants to attack the U.S. country with sweatshirts! Hi, I’m the ‘Iron Patriot’, you’re rescued, you must have been forced to work here, right? Let’s go, let’s go! ”

Roddy immediately put away his weapon, then spoke softly as he watched the women leave his side.

However, when Roddy did not pay attention, the last woman suddenly grasped Roddy’s mechanical arm, and then the (ajbg) woman’s arm became red, and the powerful heat immediately confused the circuit of the armor, temporarily forcing the shutdown.

“Huh, Chavin? The weakness you said worked, and I got the steel armor! ”

The woman took off her face scarf and headscarf, took out her phone and started calling.

“Want steel armor? Then you have to kill me!” ”

Roddy’s firm voice came from the armor.

“I just wanted to do this!”

The woman said without any concern.

“But you can’t!” Ball, help me restart the steel armor, I have to teach this vile woman a lesson! ”

Roddy said, the layer of material that had been attached to the steel armor immediately began to change, forming a metal ball, flashing at Roddy, immediately finding the damaged location, and then deforming again to wrap the position of the steel armor arm that had just been damaged.


With the movement of the ball, the steel armor immediately restarted, and Roddy stood up at once, and an energy cannon hit the woman’s body.

“Damn, Chauvin has touched this armor so many times in the military that he didn’t find anything hidden inside!”

The woman got up in the distance, scolded and grinned, and finally suddenly burst into a red light, and pounced on a shocked Roddy.

“Grass, this thing, this monster!”

Roddy was startled and immediately stuck out a cannon hole in his arm, “Bang bang bang! The direct three-shot howitzer hit the past.


The violent explosion made Roddy’s heart jump, because according to the display, a powerful energy appeared in front of him, which soon reached its peak, apparently about to have a big explosion.


Roddy flew out before the explosion, but was still affected by the power of the explosion, and was hit by a high heat impact and fell into the desert.

“Huh, it’s good to run fast, ball thank you, you are such a good boy!”

Roddy said happily as he looked at the ball floating next to him.

“Thank you sir for the compliment, Mr. Stark called you and has been connected!”

Ball said.

“Hey, Roddy, how are you doing over there?” I already have information about the enemy on my side! ”

Tony’s voice came.

“Oh, I almost planted it, but fortunately there are balls!”

Roddy said hurriedly.

“Then you come back quickly, we plan it, this time things are related to your military collaborator A.I.M., you let the military side act, but be careful… Anyway you come back first! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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