Alan’s side, on the other hand, was incredibly excited.

Judging by the news from the ball and the news of Dr. Shavig running naked in the British boulder today, everything is so obvious.

The plot of Thor 2 begins, which means that the aether particle that Alan wants most, the Reality Gem, is born, and of course Alan wants to take it away.

This time, the convergence of celestial bodies from the Nine Star Realms recreates the Reality Gem and awakens the Dark Elf Malakis, the owner of the Reality Gem.

This Reality Gem was obtained by their Dark Elves in ancient times, and then they forged the Reality Gem into a flow weapon ‘-ether particle’.

The Dark Elves are a species that adapted to the survival of darkness when the light had not yet been born in ancient times, and the universe was all dark, and it can be said that it is one of the oldest races.

Later, stars were born, the universe was filled with light, the living space of the dark elves was squeezed, and the energy of the stars prompted the birth of a large number of other races of life, so the dark elves who got the ether particles began to act.

It was planned to use the power of the Reality Gem to fully release the sense of power of the Reality Gem when the celestial bodies converged and the Nine Star Domains were connected, so that the Nine Star Domains and even the universe would all fall into the darkness suitable for their survival.

As a result, Asgard was very chicken and directly used the Rainbow Bridge to teleport the Reality Gem away, frustrating the idea of the Dark Elves.

The Dark Elves without the Reality Gem were clearly not Asgard’s opponents, and under the leadership of Odin’s father, the Dark Elves were almost destroyed, and the Reality Gem was also obtained by Odin’s father.

However, because the Reality Gem cannot be destroyed and absorbs the life force of the person who uses it, it is useless for them to hold it, so they bury the Reality Gem in the ground.

The Dark Elves also fell into a deep sleep after their defeat, waiting for the opportunity for the Reality Gem to reappear in the human world, planning to make a comeback.

The entire dark elf force is nothing to be ashamed of, only two things are more powerful, one is the space grenade, this thing, once it explodes, the space technology contained in it will suck all the things around it, very powerful, and I don’t know how the dark elves made it.

There is also the ‘Cursed Warrior’, a powerful warrior created by infusing his whole body with the energy of a reality gem that can change the reality of matter.

This cursed warrior was infinitely powerful, four times as powerful as Thor’s, and was hard, painless, and not afraid of being penetrated by weapons.

In the movie that Allen watched in a previous life, this cursed warrior hangs Thor up and beats him, and even when Thor summons Thor’s hammer, the cursed warrior directly knocks the hammer away.

It was no joke that it could hit Thor’s hammer, and if it weren’t for Loki’s last trick to kill the cursed warriors with the Dark Elf’s space grenade, it was estimated that Thor would have wanted it.

Of course, Alan would certainly not be afraid, what bird curse in front of Alan is not enough to see, nothing can prevent Alan from getting the Gem of Reality.

But for now, Allen needs to choose whether to snatch the Reality Gem after waiting for the Dark Elves to arrive on Earth, or to take the Reality Gem directly from Jane Foster from Asgard.

Ying country, London

A blue portal opened, the strange costume gradually faded, and the handsome Allen in a proper suit stepped out in the confused eyes of a group of policemen around him.

“You, you, you’re Alan Hammer, the King of War, what are you doing here?” This place has been blocked by our police! ”

A stunned policeman looked at Alan with panic in his eyes but still pulled out his gun and asked Alan.

“It’s about your birds!”

Alan glanced at the policeman faintly, and a momentum was suddenly released, and the young policeman immediately felt that Alan was as terrible as a flood beast, and frightened the young policeman into throwing away the gun in terror.

Not far away, Thor was also with a beautiful woman, the woman Alan had seen, Jane Foster, Thor’s girlfriend, who had been in town when Thor had first arrived, and had spoken to Alan.

The opening of the door of space and the arrival of Alan Sol have seen it, Thor is rejoicing in Alan’s arrival and preparing to come over and say a word to Alan, but he does not expect that something is wrong on Jane’s side, which startles Thor.

“Dr. Jane Foster?” You broke into private territory illegally, it looks like you need to go with me, that’s your intern, right? ”

A policeman asked Jane.

“That’s my intern’s intern, and it’s just an abandoned factory, and those kids are playing here, so don’t you even have to catch the children?”

Jane said in disbelief.

“Calm down, it’s not a big deal, those kids we’ve driven away, it’s just that something happened here and we need to know something!”


The policeman said hurriedly, joking, Thor is here, and he and this Jane have just been kissing passionately, obviously the relationship between the two is not ordinary.

The policeman was going to pull Jane’s shoulder and let Jane get into the car, without even preparing handcuffs, apparently to give face to Thor or Jane, the Doctor.

However, as soon as the policeman touched Jane’s shoulder, a red force instantly erupted from Jane’s body and spread around, directly knocking the policeman and the surrounding police out, and several police cars parked next to it also shattered their windows in an instant, sounding an alarm.

“Jane, you’re all right, Jane!”

Thor saw Jane fall to the ground and rushed over to help Jane up, only to find Jane pale and weak.

“Please, you two put the hammer down and put your hands up behind your heads!”

At this time, the stunned young policeman just now came again, with a wary face, a cold sweat on his forehead, holding a baton and saying to Thor and Jane, seeing the corners of Alan’s eyes twitching, which bear child is this?

“This lady is sick and I’m going to take her for treatment!”

“She’s dangerous!”

After the stunned policeman finished speaking, he began to call for police support on the intercom.

“Me too!”

Thor finished ignoring the stunned policeman and hugged Jane to let Heimdall open the Rainbow Bridge Zero. _

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