“Wait, Thor, I…

Ellen saw the situation and hurriedly walked over, but before the words were finished, a seven-colored pillar of light fell directly on Thor’s body, and Thor and Jane disappeared in the same place, leaving behind the mysterious magic marks on the ground and the stunned Alan.

“I QNMLGB! Ignoring me? ”

Alan said in disbelief.

“Oh, first, sir, please come with us, you just showed me a dangerous look!”

The stunned policeman reacted that Thor and Jane were no longer there, so he spoke to Alan again.

“。。。。。 SB! ”

Alan stupidly turned his head to look at this stunned young policeman, dumbfounded, and then his mind moved, the ball next to Alan flashed against the stunned green policeman, and Alan’s hand appeared in the police uniform, shirt, pants, panties and other “eight six three” was thrown to the ground by Alan.

The stunned policeman was stunned at first, and then suddenly woke up, screaming and covering his crotch and running to the back of the car to hide, seeing Alan’s black line.

How can the police in the United States know how to treat Alan and Tony with special privileges, how can the police of this Ying country be TMD brain dead?

“Heimdall, Heimdall, I’m going to Asgard!”

Alan was stunned for a while and then suddenly looked up at the sky and shouted, Allen felt that the last time he and Heimdall said two words, he should be considered an acquaintance, right?

And Allen was also a comrade-in-arms of their prince Thor, and together they resisted the Chitauri army, and perhaps Heimdall would be able to open the Rainbow Bridge to allow him to go to Asgard.

But what Alan didn’t expect was that nothing happened with full of expectations, making Alan’s forehead bulge as he looked at Jane’s intern Daisy, who was looking at him like a fool.

“I can go to Asgard myself!”

Alan explained awkwardly, and Daisy nodded with a smile.

“Grass, I can really go on my own… Never mind! ”

Alan saw that Daisy did not believe it, said it again, and then suddenly reacted, explained a hair to her, and then with a wave of his hand, the ball immediately opened a space door, and Alan’s strange isolation suit appeared on his body again, and he stepped inside, leaving Daisy with a dull face and murmured:

“Can Alan really go on his own?” So if Jane thinks Thor is going to come to him later, can he come to him? ”


“Heimdall, why don’t you respond to me, Thor?” He actually ignored me! ”

At the end of the Rainbow Bridge, a space gate appeared, and Alan walked in from inside, looking black at Heimdall, who was motionless there wearing a golden armor pestle like a piece of wood.

“I know you put something in the Immortal Palace and can open the portal, so why bother me?” Thor had already taken Jane to the Immortal Palace for treatment, and I couldn’t see Jane just now! ”

Heimdall said casually.

“Oh? Are there also places you can’t see? ”

Alan asked unexpectedly.

“No, my eyes were in the direction of the earth at that time, and Jane suddenly did not, that is to say, not on the earth anymore!”

Heimdall explains.

“You don’t seem to reject people coming here?” Aren’t you afraid that I don’t have a purpose? ”

Alan asked strangely.

“You’re Thor’s comrade-in-arms, and he came back and told me how he felt about you, and he was convinced that you were his friend, and I believed him!”

Heimdall answered Allen’s words and continued:

“Well, I’m going to continue to guard here, and you go to the Immortal Palace, and Odin is almost going to find out that Thor has secretly gone to Earth!” Remember, when you see the god king Odin, keep respectful, you are Thor’s friend, you are also very powerful, he will not embarrass you! ”

Heimdall said.

Alan nodded, and then turned into a silver light under the wrapping of the ball and shot at the huge golden palace in the distance, this was the second time that Alan had come to Asgard, and for how to enter the Immortal Palace, Alan had already known the information sent through the ball, or it was familiar with the road.

All the Asgardians saw this silver light, but Heimdall did not warn him, so no one cared.

“God King Odin, long look up to the name, I am Alan Hammer!”

In the Immortal Palace, Odin received the following information, Thor went to Earth, and brought a mortal woman, which made Odin a little angry.

The life span of Asgardians is 5,000 years, and although Thor has lived for 1,500 years, he still has a long life span of 3,500 years.

Odin certainly doesn’t want Thor to fall in love with a mortal so that Thor will suffer the pain of loss0…

And this will also pollute the royal bloodline of Asgard, after all, Thor is the future king of Asgard, and Odin also wants to quickly hold his grandson, right?

It’s just that Thor and the goddess Shiv just don’t call, and Shiv likes Thor very much, but Thor only has Jane in his eyes, which makes Odin not like Jane.

Odin was just about to go to find Thor when suddenly a silver light flashed and Ellen appeared in front of Odin with a smile.

“Alan Hammer! I know you, you came to Asgard last time and went back with the help of the Supreme Mage of Earth and said the purpose of your coming! ”

Odin looked at Alan lightly and said.

“I’m here for Jane Foster!”

Alan said directly.

“The mortal woman that Thor brought?” It seems that this time things are not so simple! What the hell are you doing? Come with me first! ”

Odin was stunned, and then looked at Alan thoughtfully, and sure enough, he didn’t mean to embarrass Alan.

Odin then takes Alan to the place in the Immortal Palace where the royal family and the heroic Asgard warriors are treated, which is a magical room.

Jane is placed on a bare bed, and a group of elegant women call up molecular images of the energy in her body and begin to analyze and manipulate. Both Alan and Odin heard Jane’s exclamation inside at the door:

“Is this a quantum motor?”

“No, this is the Soul Forger!”

“Really? So this 5.3 soul forge can transform molecular energy from one place to another, right? ”

“Yes, yes!”

“Then this is still a quantum motor, it turns out that Thor, you are right, magic and science are one thing!”

Jane said excitedly.

“Thor, are you farting with my words?”

At this time, Odin and Alan walked in, and as soon as they came in, Odin said to Thor with dissatisfaction.

“She’s sick!”

Thor said, and then when he saw Alan, he came over and gave him a hug and said:

“Sorry not to say hello to you on Earth, mainly because I’m worried about Jane’s situation!”

“Oh, forget it!”

Alan was already about to complain, but when he saw Saul’s worried look, he glanced at his mouth and didn’t say anything more, but walked over to Jane’s side and looked closely. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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