“She’s a mortal, illness is a sign she deserves, she doesn’t belong to Asgard, like a goat can’t escape the fate of being sent to the table!”

Odin said unceremoniously, but for their Asgardian analogy, Alan said that the egg hurts, what does this have to do with it?

“What? Thor did you hear what he said? Who do you think you are? ”

Jane is an independent woman in the new age of the earth, and she will naturally be angry at someone who describes her like this, and immediately glared at the one-eyed and white-haired Odin in front of her.

“I am King of Asgard, protector of the Nine Realms, and Odin, Father of God!”

Odin said majestically, and Alan shrugged at the embarrassed Jane, signaling her not to care.

Jane: “Wow,。。。 Forehead….. I am… ”

“I know who you are, Jane Foster!”

Odin said lightly.

“Father, there is a substance in Jane that I have never seen before, and we should…

“They also have healers on Earth who call them ‘doctors’! Let them go to 09 to solve it, Alan, since you said you came for her, then you are responsible for bringing her back to Earth! Guard, help her up! ”

Odin turned to look at Alan and said as Alan frowned as he let the ball scan into Jane’s body, as Alan found that the Reality Gem in Jane’s body was somewhat difficult to control.

At this time, two guards heard Odin’s order to come up and help Jane, but as soon as they touched Jane, during Alan’s investigation, the Reality Gem suddenly emitted a counterattack energy, directly knocking the two guards away, and Jane once again felt a weak lie down.

“Jane, Jane, are you okay?”

Thor rushes up to touch Jane, but to Allen’s doubt, Thor has not been attacked by the Reality Gem, which gives Ellen some thoughts in his mind.

“It’s this thing!! How can it be!! ”

Odin also sensed that something was wrong, and walked up to Jane and urged the divine power to see the red energy flowing inside Jane’s veins, a force that shocked Odin, because he knew what it was.

“The substances in her body are protecting her!”

The elegant paramedic who had just answered Jane’s question came over and said.

“No, the Reality Gem is just protecting, and Thor has no ill will toward Jane, so Thor can touch Jane!”

Alan frowned at this time and said, Alan found himself as if he was in control of the Reality Gem, not to say whether he could direct it out of Jane’s body, or how to manipulate Alan was a bit different.

Alan knew that he still wanted to be simple, and Alan did not have Thanos’ gloves, but Alan was not worried, as long as he got the Reality Gem and went back to study it, it was absolutely controllable.

Didn’t you see that both Tony and Raccoon in Avengers 4 can make Infinity Gauntlets?

“Reality gem? Alan, are you saying it’s the same thing as the Space Gem? ”

Thor looked at Alan in surprise and asked.

“Looks like you’re coming for this thing!”

Odin also looked at Alan uncertainly, and then waved his hand:

“You three come with me!”

Odin takes Alan, Thor, and Jane to a mysterious palace with the trunk of a huge tree with eight wormholes in its branches, and all eight worlds exist on it, which is the World Tree.

“Some matter existed before the universe exploded and took shape! The things in her body should be one of them, the Nine Realms have not always existed, before the light has appeared, the universe is dark, and the dark elves have absolute dominion over the universe… ”

Odin Barabala explained to the three of them about the Dark Elves and the Aether Particles, and after she finished speaking, Jane was a little frightened, she was horrified that she had this kind of thing in her body that could plunge the Nine Realms into darkness.

“Don’t scare her father, this is just a story I heard when I was a kid!”

Thor said in disbelief.

“This is not the story, after the light came, the various races began to rise, and in the Nine Realms, my father led the heroic warriors against the dark elves!”

Odin said with certainty:

“Malakis, the leader of the Dark Elves, infused the power of darkness into the artifact and created a super weapon, the ‘Aether Particle’! The other gods are all stone-shaped, but the etheric particles are changeable fluids, capable of turning any matter into dark matter! It will look for a host and absorb the life force! ”

Odin said this, looked at Jane with pity, and then looked at Alan strangely:

“What do you want this thing for?” Want to create a dark world? You should not be the one who can do this, it is not good for you yourself, because you are human and not used to the dark! “840

“God King Odin, I don’t believe that you don’t know about the Infinity Gem, this is obviously the Gem of Reality, modifying reality, changing matter, with it, many of my research will be able to break through the bottleneck and will no longer be bound by materials!”

Alan let the ball release a revival glow, making Jane’s face look much better, but the Reality Gem was also more active.

“This thing can not only turn light into darkness, but also darkness into light, stone into metal, flame into seawater, and now its state is only to be refined by the dark elves to amplify some power, and temporarily lose other abilities, it can easily break!” 」

After half a day of research, Alan had already studied almost everything, and now the Reality Gem was only used to create darkness by the Dark Elves.

Its flowing appearance is the hand of the Dark Elf, and Alan is confident that he can break it and restore the Reality Gem to its stony form, although Alan does not yet know how to draw it out of Jane’s body.

“The Loki Scepter is on Earth, and inside it are the Mind Gems, and do you know that it is very dangerous for two gems to be placed in the same place, not to mention… _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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