Alan ignored these people and turned into a silver light and came directly to the main building. A scan of the ball found that the building was protected by an invisible energy shield.

But the ball caught a weak spot from where it could go in.

Just when Alan wanted to sneak in in the night, two dark elf warships suddenly flew in the sky under the cover of night.

And when it was still far away, it suddenly and without warning began to frantically fire energy cannons at the foundation.


These energy cannons were blocked by a blue energy shield, and it was obvious that the attack of the two battleships was not enough to break the energy shield, and the two dark elf warships obviously thought the same thing.

Only to see the two warships slowly land directly outside the energy find, a hundred or so Dark Elf soldiers came down from above, led by Malekith, who had been killed by Allen.

And Alan also saw everything in the distance, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but reveal a smile of interest and whispered:

“This Loki can be drilled for any hole!”

This Malekith is Loki’s illusion, and Allen knows very well that this Malekith is Loki’s transformation, because the real Malekith was solved by Allen himself, and at that time he was too dead to die, and there was absolutely no possibility of survival.

At this time, the important base of this Hydra reacted apparently quickly, and a group of soldiers quickly rushed out from inside, and they were actually holding energy guns in their hands, and as soon as they came out, they were trained to start fighting against the dark elves, and they did not look afraid at all.

It seems that this Hydra base has not been white for more than a year, look at this energy shield, look at these energy guns, even Alan can’t help but sigh that it is much stronger than the researchers recruited by the umbrella company.

And the facts did prove that they did not need to be afraid, after the armored vehicles drove out and the fortresses in the shadows were activated, these hundred or so dark elves were not opponents at all, and they were quickly destroyed.

Then the soldiers in the base began to come and go, collecting the bodies of the Dark Elves, and then a team of scientists began to enter the Dark Elf battleship to check it out excitedly.

Just when these people began to get busy, they did not notice a transparent figure quickly skimming towards the main control room inside.

Alan let the ball attach to his body and turned on the ‘mechanical camouflage’ technique, hiding his body, after all, there was nothing to meet with these ordinary soldiers.

In a large laboratory in a long passageway, there are ten inside studying what. The Loki Scepter is placed next to a computer. In front of the scepter, a huge Chitauri ironclad corpse was fixed and constantly analyzed by various instruments around it.

Then in the corner of the laboratory, there were two transparent glass isolated rooms next to each other, and in each room there was a man and a woman, who were about 20 years old, as if they were living now, and did not even look at these studies outside.

The man was lying on the bed watching TV with a bag of potato chips, while the other girl was sleeping on a pillow.

Suddenly, the girl woke up violently, and directly turned her head to look outside, only to see that these busy researchers outside did not know when they had fallen to the ground, but they did not die, but passed out.

Then a young and handsome man in a proper custom suit with a naturally warm temperament was standing there holding the scepter that had been placed there and the girl was very familiar with.

Just when the girl was surprised, a familiar voice of the girl rang out, making the girl stunned there.

“Wanda, Pietro, long time no see!”

Alan felt the girl’s gaze and looked up at Wanda with a gentle grin.

But this action made Wanda react, and she quickly opened the door connecting the two rooms and walked in, holding the arm of the young boy who was watching TV.

“What’s the matter?” This, Alan? How did you end up here? ”

Pietro had just been watching TV in the room, his voice was a little loud, he didn’t hear Alan’s words, and at this time, he followed Wanda’s gaze and immediately looked at Alan outside in shock.

Pietro swallowed his saliva and said a quick word, and moved in an instant, super fast, so that Alan who was watching from the outside raised an eyebrow and murmured:

“Okay isn’t it? Self-preservation in this dangerous world! Can the ball be captured? ”

“I can catch it, but the other party is too fast, and I can’t give you a hint in advance!”

Fairway dragons.

“Really? But with my current physical fitness, my eyes can also catch most of it, and the two of them have not yet received (good) combat training, right? ”

Alan looked at Pietro, who was constantly shuttling through the room, and smiled slightly, and then a ‘momentary kick’ of the right foot appeared and a gas explosion immediately hit the running Pietro, hitting Pietro against the wall.

“You, you…

Pietro looked at Alan in horror and felt that what had worried him had finally happened.

“Loki! Get out! ”

Pietro looked at Alan who had already walked up to him in horror, and tried to say something, but Ellen suddenly turned his head and looked at the place where there was no one in front of him.

This drink startled Pietro and Wanda, who said in surprise:

“Loki? The man who invaded New York? He’s here too? “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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