Pietro seemed to remember something when he heard it, and suddenly ran back to the room to pick up Wanda and appeared outside, about to run away, only to have a white palm on his shoulder, and the huge force made him unable to move at all.

Alan stood beside Pietro so lightly, glanced casually at Wanda, who had been put down by Pietro, and then immediately turned his head to look in the direction just now.

“Look at who this is, I thought I was the only one who would sneak around, but I didn’t expect that a figure like you would actually do these things!”

Only to see the direction of Alan’s past, Loki’s figure slowly emerged, the look of jealousy in his eyes flashed, and he smiled at Alan and said.

“Sneaky? What do you self-righteously know? ”

Alan pressed Pietro with one hand and then asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Isn’t it? It’s been more than a year, this scepter has been placed here, I don’t believe you can’t find it, why are you coming now, is it to push the blame on me? ”

Loki asked rhetorically.

“Charges? I think you misunderstood something, no one in this world can blame me! ”

Alan chuckled.

“Not even the Avengers?” 957 is also right, they don’t necessarily add up to your opponents can’t they? Except for Hulk! But I doubt Hulk will take care of these things! ”

Loki heard Alan’s words and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

“Even when you are in danger, don’t you forget to alienate me from the other powerful people on the earth?” But you’re right, they’re not my opponents at all! Especially now after my return from Asgard! ”

Allen’s words made Loki’s smile grow stronger, but then the smile suddenly froze on his face and slowly turned into a state of panic.

Only to see Alan suddenly throw a grenade at Loki casually.


When the grenade exploded, Loki felt the gravity around him begin to distort, and a powerful gravitational force sucked Loki directly to the center of the explosion.

Under this huge gravitational force, Pietro and Wanda in front of Alan involuntarily wanted to be sucked into it, and the whole laboratory was frantically heading towards the center of the explosion.

“Thor is Odin’s own son and is a little more willful. But Loki, you are just a frost giant adopted by Odin, no one will care about you, you are still arrogant enough to think that the prince of Sgard, it is really sad, lamentable! Do you have a hammer? Did Odin give you an artifact? ”

Alan looked at Loki who was sucked in the air with a frightened face, and the words he said made Loki look fierce, but as a ‘laser cannon’ appeared in Alan’s hand, the huge fear once again overwhelmed Loki.

“Then just kill you like this!”

Alan said he was about to pull the trigger, but Ki, who could not move at all, suddenly burst into a strong desire to survive and said:

“Wait, wait, I’m willing to accept the laws of the earth, I’m willing to pay the price, you can’t kill me, I still have information about a cosmic strong man who covets the Infinity Stones, you can’t kill me!!!!”

“Enough Loki, do you think I’ll be unaware of the universe?” I am much stronger than you, I know far more than you can compare, you are talking about Thanos, I already know this, then you can go with peace of mind! ”

Alan sneered, then ignored the drastic change in his face and revealed a look of despair on Loki, and once again tried to kill Loki.


But when Alan pulled the trigger, after the ‘laser cannon’ condensed, it suddenly erupted and shot a thick laser forward, a seven-colored light pillar fell in front of Alan, and the laser cannon was dead outside.

After the light disappeared, the white-haired Odin appeared in front of Allen and looked at Loki in Alan’s hand and whispered to Alan:

“Let Loki go, he’s my son!”


Alan was stunned, then smirked, and then suddenly raised his hand, and a ‘laser grenade’ was thrown by Alan.


As the laser light flashed, one laser ray after another instantly rotated at a very fast speed and wrapped Odin up, and a series of sharp and incapable laser rays frantically strangled Odin.

“Father King! No! ”

Loki, who was sucked in the air, screamed in anger at the sight.


Suddenly, a powerful energy erupted in the center of the laser light, and this energy was powerful and condensed, directly annihilating the entire laser hand mine, making Allen squint.

“Let Loki go, he’s my son, you’re just trying to test me, or you’ll take the gun out, and Asgard has nothing to be sorry for!”

Odin stood in place lightly, unharmed, but only Alan noticed that Odin’s breathing had become a little short, obviously this energy burst he could not use much, it seemed that Odin was really about to run out of oil.

“God King Odin, you are really old and can’t do enough!” But you’re right, you didn’t bother me twice when I went to Asgard, and it gave me face! I’m also a friend of Thor’s, I just wanted to test how good Odin you are, please forgive me for the disrespect! ”

“Since you asked me for Loki yourself, then I will give you this face too!”

Alan hesitated for a moment and then nodded, this Odin did not feel sorry for Alan, nor because he was trying to trouble Alan for example, the Destroyer, or going to Asgard.

Although Alan is not afraid, but Alan is like this, others respect Alan, then Alan will also respect others.

Don’t look at the fact that Alan doesn’t have much respect for Odin, but Alan admits that Odin is a super strongman. _

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