At this point, the effect of the gravity grenade immediately reached the time limit, but there was an explosion at the end, and Alan did not know whether Loki could resist it, so he directly let the ball go up and wrap Loki and ‘whizzed’ out of the explosion range.

The ball is not affected by gravity, so it can easily cut off the chaotic gravity around Loki, and Loki then stands on the ground again, standing next to Odin.

“Loki, come back with me!”

Odin looked at Loki faintly, and then a seven-colored pillar of light descended again, enveloping Loki and Odin and disappearing on the spot, leaving only an uncertain look of Alan and a shocked Pietro, Wanda brothers and sisters.

Meanwhile, Ying Country, London

The huge Dark Elf main ship stands in Greenwich, dozens of spaceships rush out from it to fight with a group of steel robots in the sky, and from time to time a spaceship is shot down, falling to the ground and directly smashing down several buildings, and the robots are constantly being destroyed, falling down and causing countless explosions.

These robots are the Iron Legion that Tony has researched, and they are controlled by Jarvis.

“Tony, you can’t do that, the casualties are too great, and we have to find a way to attack the main ship, just like that time Allen did in New York!”

Rogers took a dark elf soldier with a shield, and a group of soldiers on the main ship rushed out in an instant, one of whom threw a grenade directly at Rogers, causing Rogers’s face to change and jump to the side.


The grenade exploded, creating a compressed space that kept sucking everything around it in, and fortunately Rogers had dodged it, but it also made Rogers afraid for a while, in the communicator – anxiously said.

“We, Alan, don’t have that many disposable interceptors, and his kind of energy linking technology is also unique to him!” It is impossible to solve this main ship directly like him, the other side’s firepower is too fierce, we might as well seek the help of the Ying government, they can’t be indifferent, right? Jarvis, you need to control the Iron Army-Regiment more flexibly! ”

Dressed in steel armor, Tony shot a missile from his shoulder to shoot down a Dark Elf warship, and then watched the fallen battleship smash into a museum causing great damage, and his face became more solemn.

“Hill has already contacted it, the emergency measures on the Ying side of the Ying government are too slow, the procedures are too much, and it will take about an hour to launch an intercontinental missile from a coastal aircraft carrier!” Anyway, Tony, you should equip me with a little more high-precision armor-piercing missiles and buy me some ex-wife from Alan, now I can only deal with those soldiers, and beware of their damn grenades! ”

Roddy kept firing trackers and countless bullets, like a moving fortress of fire, and a swoop down to bring down a dark elven soldier said helplessly.

“Don’t complain, your two missiles hit the alien battleship, and Natasha and I can only keep pestering these soldiers!”

Hawkeye kept shooting his bow and arrow to harvest black life, and said as he fought.

“I don’t agree with that!”

Natasha knocked out a soldier with a hug, then quickly retrieved a space grenade from the soldier and threw it at a low-flying Dark Elf warship


The space grenade exploded, and the Dark Elf Battleship just crashed into it, instantly being sucked into a large piece, and then exploded and fell, causing a large piece of damage again.

“I can’t believe that we have fought this battle like this, and I am counting on our independence in the future!”

Tony said quietly.

“Don’t be discouraged by Tony, at least we tried our best, and we didn’t report to any department this time, and we rushed over at the first time, which shows that your idea is correct, the Avengers independence should be very effective, and we will add up when the time comes!” 」

0········ Ask for flowers…

Rogers said comfortingly as he played, and there was also a faint feeling in his heart.

“Really? That’s great! But damn Allen is actually not there at such a time, such a large main ship, we can only destroy the living force that comes out of it at present! ”

Tony complained.

Just as the Avengers were trying their best to fight the Dark Elves, a sudden lightning bolt in the sky thundered, and a bolt of lightning directly smashed a Dark Elf warship, and Thor took a hammer from the sky and landed not far from a few people and said loudly:

“It looks like you need help, have I come to the evening?”

“No, you’ve come at the right time, and we need some help from the ancients!” But do you know where these aliens came from? Alan said what kind of dark elves did they invade your Asgard? ”

When Rogers saw that it was Thor who had come, he said with great joy.

“Yes, these guys are a kind of dark creature that was born after the explosion of the universe, before a star appeared, when there was no light, and it once ruled the universe!” But after having stars and the universe began to give birth to light, they ushered in the end! Have any of you seen Loki? ”

Thor grabbed the sledgehammer and began to frantically attack the dark elves around him, while speaking.

“Alan went to find Loki, I can’t believe you actually let him run?” And how did he come to Earth to destroy it as soon as he ran? What do we owe him in our lives on earth? ”

Roddy said wordlessly.

“Well, he escaped from his cell while the Dark Elves attacked Asgard, and must have disguised himself as Malakis, the leader of the Dark Elves, because Malekith died at the hands of Alan, and the Dark Elves shouldn’t have been so purposeful!”

Thor said with some embarrassment.

“Well, well, I hope Alan will solve him directly this time, otherwise I’m afraid it will be handed over to you again!”

Natasha said knife. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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